Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 271 Xu Chunhua’s Thoughts

"It's not difficult to confirm..." Fu Manhai replied with certainty first, and then said worriedly: "But after it is confirmed, if your mother's family is really interested, won't they worry about you?"

"Why are they anxious?" Xu Chunhua thought it through, but she was very disapproving: "My nieces and nephews are young. I graduated first, but my mother gave the job to my brother."

"Now those who should be going to the countryside are doing so, and they are all getting married in the countryside!"

"She can't leave her husband's family behind and come back alone, and she doesn't have the ability to get into college."

"Then who else in my family can take over?"

Of course, it’s not true that there aren’t any, such as her sister-in-law, or her mother who gave up her job!

Recently, when they asked her to go back, they often mentioned the matter of her mother-in-law taking over her daughter's class.

But what to do?

Her daughter is incompetent, and even with the supervision of her husband's family, she can't get into college. Naturally, there is no way for her mother-in-law to take over.

Anyway, she is not the only one in their family who is incompetent!

Compared with her husband's family, the children are basically all-rounded to take the college entrance examination. Their family has not only those who have passed the examination age, but also those who have not passed the examination age. Not to mention taking the examination, they don't even have the courage to register.

That being the case, what else is there to say?

Fu Manhai never liked to think too much. Since his wife was so sure, he simply said: "Then I will tell my parents about this tomorrow!"

"The job position in Manhe has been decided. My uncle's cousin is going to take over. It just so happens that I can give them my job!"

"I'm still going to work now. When my uncle's cousins ​​come after the Chinese New Year, I can have someone take over."

After saying that, Fu Manhai waited specially. He also wanted to see if his wife would change her tune since he was planning to let his uncle's cousin take over.

But the amazing thing is that Xu Chunhua actually has no objection at all.

Fu Manhai couldn't let go, he said, "You...really decided like this?"

"I'm going to school next year, but it's not close to home! You will be the only one at home then. Your parents will remember this and cause trouble for you. I can't help you!"

Xu Chunhua covered her head with the quilt and responded muffledly.

When Fu Manhai heard her voice, he secretly thought, "Sure enough!" Just as he was about to say something else, Xu Chunhua directly pulled down the quilt and added: "Yes, that's it!"

That firmness scared Fu Manhai away from his sleeping room.

He swallowed secretly and nodded honestly.

Anyway, she wasn't afraid, so what else could he be afraid of?

The next day, Fu Manhai told Liu Xiumei about the incident early in the morning.

Just like Fu Manhai didn't believe in his wife's determination yesterday, Liu Xiumei also looked at her second child strangely, as if she didn't believe that this decision would be negotiated between the couple.

Fu Manhai quickly defended himself: "I have checked with Chunhua several times. She told her to do this herself."

Even if the couple had discussed it, Liu Xiumei had no objection.

It’s just that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and she needs to discuss with her mother-in-law’s family who will be sent over, and she will have to go out and send a telegram later.

Just as she was thinking about it, Liu Xiumei saw someone else poking their head outside.

She couldn't help but frown, and subconsciously looked back at her daughter's room. She was relieved when she saw that the door had not been opened.

When Fu Manhai saw this scene, he couldn't help but twitch his lips slightly.

Who says their family doesn't have any bias?

It's because other people's families prefer sons, but their families prefer daughters, okay?

Seeing that he was also the one being annoyed and was still in front of her, his mother was most worried about her sister who didn't even leave the house. Liu Xiumei didn't know what her son was complaining about in her heart. She waved her hand and asked him to go back to his room first. She turned her head and looked at the figure with a sullen face.

But I didn't expect that the other party not only didn't feel embarrassed at all, but actually walked out openly.

However, when Liu Xiumei saw clearly who this person was, her face became even more ugly.

After finally getting rid of the people, Liu Xiumei simply sat on the verandah and started thinking.

After a long time, Liu Xiumei seemed to have made up her mind and stepped into the home.

In Fu Yunlai's room, she was concentrating on the embroidery work she was doing on the large embroidery frame. Grandma Fu next to her occasionally looked up at her, with a smile on her face.

Seeing Liu Xiumei push the door open and come in, she immediately raised her finger and said softly, signaling her daughter to move more slowly.

Liu Xiumei felt helpless and wanted to roll her eyes. Her mother was really... When she was learning embroidery at home, her mother would ask her to do some work from time to time!

It turned out to be her daughter's turn, and she couldn't even speak out loud.

Grandma Fu didn't know what her daughter was complaining about. If she really knew, she would probably really roll her eyes at her daughter.

I don’t know who it was at the time. It’s just that she was not as talented as her little Guai Guai. She didn’t even have the concentration and efforts of Xiao Zhong’s granddaughter.

If she didn't want her to be rejected by her husband's family if she got married, she wouldn't have bothered to teach her at that time.

However, Liu Xiumei was complaining in her heart, and she actually paid special attention to it. Just like when she opened the door just now, she deliberately relaxed her strength.

And like now, when she gets close to her daughter's embroidery, she also deliberately chooses the direction of the backlight.

So as not to block the light coming in from the outside and affect my daughter's work.

At this time, the blessing came, and I was really immersed in it.

Just when she was sitting in front of the embroidery stand that could be adjusted in height, which was slightly wider than her body, most of the embroidery had already come out.

And with the cooperation of her upper and lower hands, not only every stitch was extremely precise, but it was also so fast that afterimages almost appeared on her hands.

In the short time Liu Xiumei came in, she saw that a small piece of pattern had been completed on her embroidery frame.

Obviously, her arrival not only did not surprise her daughter at all, it did not even affect the speed of her work.

This is so true that Liu Xiumei doesn't know whether she should be lucky or not.

But no matter how hard she concentrated when good luck came, she would naturally have to stop as the thread on the embroidery needle was used up little by little.

After cutting off the thread, Fu Yunlai picked up the new embroidery thread and was about to thread the needle when he noticed an extra figure in the room.

She did not stop threading the needle in her hand, but she did not forget to greet her mother:

"Mom, why are you here?"

As she said that, she subconsciously looked out the window and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that the sky had not changed much.

She was just thinking about why she only embroidered so little, and her mother came in and told her to rest!

But as soon as this thought came to an end, luck came and I realized it.

Since he didn't come in because he asked her to rest, according to her mother's character, there is nothing important, so she shouldn't come in so deliberately to disturb them!

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