Rebirth of a chartered wife

Chapter 272 Liu Xiumei’s proposal

Seeing her daughter directly inserting the threaded embroidery needle into the embroidery cloth and asking her solemnly, Liu Xiumei actually felt that her next words were not so difficult to say:

"Come on, I'm going to let you accompany your grandma and go back to her house to celebrate the New Year!"

"Your second brother... just came over to tell me that he will not keep his job and is waiting for the Xu family's reaction!"

"Originally, I was thinking that I could just send a telegram directly to your uncle and them."

"But if you and grandma go back to her house to celebrate the New Year, you don't have to go out of your way to send a telegram."

Fu Yunlai was slightly stunned. It could be said that she had never thought about her mother's suggestion.

Maybe her thoughts are still more in the future.

Therefore, she feels that after entering college, the opportunities to spend the New Year at home will become less and less, and can even be said to be extremely rare.

Therefore, no matter how troublesome and irritating the people who came to her from time to time in recent days were, she never had any other thoughts.

But when she thought about the good fortune, she subconsciously raised her head and looked at Grandma Fu.

I saw Grandma Fu with rare nervousness, paying attention to the blessing that she was thinking about.

Seeing her looking up, Grandma Fu was still smiling kindly as before, without even revealing the expectation and complexity in her eyes just now.

Fu Yunlai's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help but seriously began to think about the possibility of this matter.

First of all, her sister is missing from the family this year. If she is not at home, the family will definitely be as sad as they were without their little brother in the past few years.

Especially next year, the second brother will have to go to school for several months, and the three of them will live in the school for a week and only come back once.

However, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and everyone will have a holiday by then.

According to the anxious state of these people, their families may not even have peace during the Chinese New Year holiday.

And her grandmother left the family for two years in order to teach her the art of embroidery and making clothes.

If she really goes back with her this time, not only will her family be reunited.

Next year, I can take my cousins ​​directly into the city. Not only will I save money on a telegraph trip, but I won’t need anyone else to accompany me.

In the end, Fu Yunlai agreed to Fu’s mother’s proposal.

But before implementation, the consent of everyone in the family must be obtained.

However, after the Fu family heard about this, everyone was silent for the first time.

Lucky Mother and daughter didn't rush her, giving them enough time to think.

After an unknown amount of time, Fumanhe suddenly suggested: "In that case, I'll go with Lailai and grandma!"

The Fu family members were stunned and looked at him subconsciously.

Fumanhe shrugged slightly and said with a smile: "After all, I have been going to the countryside there for a while, so I just took the opportunity to go and have a look this time."

Of course, this is certainly not the main reason.

Fu Yunlai and Grandma Fu, one was young and the other was too old. Even though they were in good health, he still felt uneasy about letting them go out alone.

Moreover, the time he can work before he goes to school next year is actually limited.

As long as the factory allows it, he doesn't really think it's a problem to find someone to replace him temporarily.

And Fu Manhe also believed that based on his passing the college entrance examination, the factory would not have any objections.

After all, he only works as an apprentice for a short period of time.

Especially when many people in their factory signed up for the college entrance examination this time, but he was the only one who was admitted.

As soon as Fu Manhe said this, several people in the Fu family who were still thinking about it all breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition to being distracted by the unexpected news, they were also as uneasy as Fu Manhe.

Now with Fumanhe's words, at least they no longer have to consider safety issues.

The next thing to consider is how to spend this year without three people in the family.

However, before the family had finished their discussion and someone shouted outside the door, the Fu family immediately made up their minds.

So, in the afternoon, Fu Yunlai and his sister went out to write letters of introduction respectively, and Fu Manhe also took the opportunity to visit the factory. When fortune comes, not only do I have to go to my friend Lin Lan to say goodbye, but I also have to prepare some things in advance for my master and my family to keep for the New Year.

Even buying tickets was done after Fumanhe came out of the factory.

Nowadays, the population movement is not that big. Although it is approaching the New Year, the tickets purchased are only one day apart.

Early the next morning, Fumanhe took the friend he found yesterday to the factory before returning to pack his things.

That afternoon, the three of them boarded the car leading to Liujiawan.

The next morning, under the leadership of Grandma Fu, who was familiar with the family, the brother and sister set foot on the land of Liujiawan.

Not to mention Grandpa Fu's whole family, seeing the double surprise of Grandma Fu and Fu Yun, even Fu Manhe really didn't lie in front of his family.

Although he was an educated youth in Liujiawan, he did not gain much friendship from most of the educated youths.

But there are indeed some who are a little bit more passable.

And one or two people who can also say a few intimate words.

In addition, in the minds of local people in Liujiawan, as the child of one of the best-married girls in Liujiawan, he can be regarded as half of his own family.

During his time in the countryside, Fu Manhe didn't make any particularly close friends among the educated youth, but he had one or two close friends in the local area.

It's a pity that the two people who haven't even finished elementary school will definitely miss out on this year's college entrance examination.

As for the people in the educated youth spot, they heard about Fuyunlai the day after they arrived. Many of them took the college entrance examination, but none of them got the admission notice.

After arriving in Liujiawan, Fu Yunlai discovered that compared with the admission rates in major factories in the city, the admission rates among educated youths who went to the countryside were actually lower.

First, more of these educated youths take the college entrance examination.

In fact, there are really not many people with stable jobs in the city, like Fuyunlai's family, who have several families, or those who have jobs themselves and take the college entrance examination.

Secondly... in the city, not to mention other things, it would be easier to at least find textbooks.

Because the time between the announcement of the news and the exam was too short.

Even if these educated youths who went to the countryside were interested, they might not even be able to send books from home.

After all, no matter which educated youth goes to the countryside, they feel that the place they want to go in the future feels strange and far away.

No matter how much you love studying, it would be great if you can bring two books with you. How can you think of bringing all the textbooks with you?

This time for the college entrance examination, if my family responds quickly and takes the initiative to send textbooks and materials without sending a letter back, I can still study for a period of time with complete materials.

Anyone who reacts slowly or doesn’t cherish books that much.

That's really...

As for Grandpa Fu’s family…

This time the registration fee was mostly in vain.

Combined, there were more than a dozen people from the two families, but they only received one admission notice.

Even Liu Mingzhu, who has been loved by her whole family, will have to fight again next year.

But when Fu Yunlai saw the notice from her grandpa's cousin, she felt both surprised and not surprised.

Liu Xiangan was particularly proud and showed off to Fu Yunlai: "Cousin, my brother told my cousin that if you want to follow your uncle and the others to the city to see more, you have to queue up!"

"So I thought, if I get admitted to your university, wouldn't I have to wait in line?"

Fu Yunlai was really speechless and could only warn: "Then you'd better not let your parents know what you think!"

Otherwise, a sixteen-year-old young man would still be at risk of being chased and beaten by his parents. How bad it would be!

"They agreed!" Liu Xiang'an smiled even more proudly: "My parents also said that the reason why my brother and my cousins ​​failed to pass the exam is because they didn't have the goal-oriented mentality like me."

"..." For a moment, Fu Yunlai didn't know how to answer her little cousin.

She always felt that because she didn't get along too much, she seemed to have very different ideas from those in her grandfather's family.

Especially that deep love!

Fu Yunlai smiled sheepishly at his little cousin, and then quickly raised his voice to answer his aunt's call.

She could guess without looking that it was probably someone from her grandpa's family who had made something delicious for her and asked her to try it!

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