"I told you, I'm going somewhere far away." Su Fuqing said helplessly.

"I didn't expect it to be this far." Su Lingling sat on the sofa with her hands on her chin, her expression a bit resentful.

They had originally agreed to go back and check it out occasionally, but what would they do now?

Su Fuqing was also sitting on the sofa, in the same posture as Su Lingling: "There's nothing you can do about it, you've already boarded my pirate ship."

Su Lingling quickly accepted the reality, patted Su Fuqing on the shoulder and said, "You are going to those dungeons, right? Don't worry, I will protect you."

"No rush, I'll go in nine days. As for now..." Su Fuqing was a little worried.

How will Su Lingling be placed in these nine days?

The phone kept ringing. Su Fuqing took it over and looked at it, and was stunned by the series of missed calls.

Except for the three roommates, Zhao Jing called the rest by himself.

She probably knew what the reason was, so she called back directly.


Zhao Jing got through quickly and asked as soon as he came up: "Are you at home?"


"We are at your door now. Please open the door if it is convenient for you." Zhao Jing said again.

Su Fuqing keenly noticed the word "we".

You won’t open the door and there will be people outside, right?

Zhao Jing seemed to be aware of her worries and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, the investigation team has no ill intentions towards you..."

Sure enough, he came for Su Lingling.

Su Lingling on the side was looking around, showing strong curiosity about everything around her, not knowing what might happen next.

"We may be in trouble, wait for you..." Su Fuqing discussed with her.

At this time, the Internet in Country C was already in turmoil because of the news that Su Fuqing was suspected of contracting a ghost, and there was even a tendency for it to be spread to the outside world.

The forum dedicated to discussing escape games has already filled with thousands of posts, most of which are arguing about whether this matter is true or false:
[Floor 1535: What’s going on? I don’t understand. Is the news true or false? ]
[Floor 1536: I went to watch the live broadcast. Su Lingling did say that she and Su Fuqing had made a contract, but it was just a matter of touching their foreheads for a while. It shouldn't be that easy. ]
[Floor 1537: Niman uses a blood contract, which feels a bit casual for her. ]
[1538: I replayed the last scene of the live broadcast more than ten times, and Su Lingling indeed disappeared together with Su Fuqing. ]
[Floor 1588: Stop arguing, wait for the official news or wait for Su Fuqing’s next live broadcast. ]
[Floor 1589: Can everyone please stop posting to the outside world?Do you spread the word about uncertain things and wait to be laughed at? ]
[Floor 1590: Foreign media have already said that we are too whimsical. ]
[Floor 1591: Are some people walking with 50 people? ]
[Floor 1603: Does anyone know this player named Su Fuqing?I feel like she is so powerful. ]
[Floor 1621: Although the ghost in Niman's contract is ugly, she is really powerful. She can pass the dungeon very easily. ]
[Floor 1622: Is it easy to fly with your thighs? ]
[Floor 1623: I looked at the screenshot and it turns out that Su Fuqing is her. ]
[Floor 1624: How to say? ]
[Floor 1625: She changed her name. She used to be called Su Xiaocao. She and I are from the same village.She ran away from home after graduating from junior high school, and her parents seem to be looking for her recently. ]
[Floor 1626: Huh?No wonder her last dungeon was called Su Xiaocao, which turned out to be her previous name.No, why did she run away from home? ]
[Floor 1627: This is not clear. Maybe you are rebellious in adolescence? ]
[Floor 1628: She doesn’t look like this kind of person. Don’t talk nonsense upstairs. ]
After a few more floors, this post was blocked for leaking player privacy.

Although be mentally prepared that there will be many people outside the door.But when she actually opened the door, Su Fuqing was still shocked.

Is the formation a bit too big?

The corridor was crowded with people. Su Fuqing only recognized Zhao Jing and four or five familiar players.

Then there are all the people I don’t know.

Most of them should also be from the investigation team, but there are a few heavily armed men at the back with live ammunition.

Everyone's expression is a little serious.

Zhao Jing was the first to speak: "Is it convenient to invite us in?" "Okay." Su Fuqing blinked and turned sideways to let them in.

Zhao Jing was the first to walk in. The others looked at me and me, all hesitant.

Su Fuqing said: "She doesn't eat people." There is no need to be so nervous.

The leading people showed embarrassment and walked in. The people behind them had no choice but to follow.

A large group of people poured into the living room of Su Fuqing's house.

Su Fuqing closed the door and came in last. Zhao Jing was already chatting with Su Lingling on the sofa.

But it was just a one-sided chat with Zhao Jing, and Su Lingling didn't pay much attention to him.

The rest of the people were secretly sizing up Su Lingling, thinking they were hiding.

Just looking at her appearance, Su Lingling was almost exactly the same as a real human being, but no one present would really think that she was just an ordinary person.

Facing a non-human with supernatural powers, no matter how calm Zhao Jing usually is, he can't help but feel a little scared and nervous at this time.

"Excuse me...what are your plans for the future?" He swallowed and asked.

"Follow her." Su Lingling raised her chin and looked at Su Fuqing.

Then everyone present looked at Su Fuqing.

Zhao Jing said in a businesslike tone:
"That's right. Considering that Miss Su Linling's identity may cause some panic to ordinary people, the investigation team may need to properly monitor the behavior of the two in the coming days."

"Whatever, listen to her." Su Lingling said.

Su Fuqing thought for a while and said, "As long as it doesn't restrict our movements and try not to disturb us, that's fine."

Zhao Jing said: "Of course, as long as Miss Su Lingling does not do anything illegal or criminal, we can cooperate with anything else she wants to do."

"As long as no one takes the initiative to mess with me or her." Su Lingling said.

She was very cooperative.

Su Fuqing also said: "I will watch her."

"Then is there anything Miss Su Linling wants to do?" Zhao Jing asked again.

"I want to go out for a walk." Su Lingling looked at the high-rise buildings outside the floor-to-ceiling window, her face revealing her longing for the unknown world.

Su Fuqing responded directly: "Go, go now."

Zhao Jing sent out a message, raised his head and said to them: "They will follow you."

He pointed at the players.

After sending Zhao Jing and his party away, Su Fuqing changed her clothes and went out with Su Lingling, followed by several players not far or near behind.

Su Lingling was born 100 years ago and was trapped in a stone statue for 50 years. She was very curious about everything in the new era, and Su Fuqing took the trouble to explain it to her.

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