"Those things feel delicious." Su Linling pointed to the snack stall.

Su Fuqing asked: "Can you eat it?"

"Yes, but it's more troublesome. Please order some incense..." Su Linling explained her process of "eating" food.

Su Fuqing thought for a while and said, "Let's find a place to buy some incense. I'll give you some takeout when we get back. If we buy it now, it'll be cold when we get back."

Su Lingling didn't know what takeout was, but she was very happy to have something to eat.

After seeing a lot of weird things for her, Su Linling sighed: "Your world is so fun."

Suddenly, her expression changed, she looked in a certain direction, and ran over at a speed that was beyond the reach of normal humans.

In an inconspicuous alley, a man pressed the shutter, looking very excited.

The player named Su Fuqing was clearly next to the ghost named Su Linling in the dungeon, and he caught big news.

The male reporter looked at the photo he had just taken. There was only a distorted shadow next to Su Fuqing.

He froze and looked at several other photos, none of which captured Su Linling.

"There's a ghost!"

The male reporter, who was overwhelmed by the big news, finally calmed down a bit, and then realized belatedly that he was trying to photograph a ghost.

"Are you calling me?" Su Linling flashed in front of him.

"Ah! You, you..." The male reporter was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, trembling all over.

Su Lingling took the SLR camera in his hand, played with it curiously, and asked, "What is this and what were you using it for just now?"

"No, no, no...nothing." The male reporter quickly denied.

At this time, Su Fuqing finally ran over.

Seeing the scene in front of her, she blinked and asked Su Lingling: "What's wrong?"

Su Linling raised the SLR camera in her hand: "He is pointing this thing at us."

"This is called a SLR camera..."

After Su Fuqing patiently explained the science to Su Lingling, she looked at the shivering male reporter sitting on the ground and said in a not so good tone: "Are you filming us secretly?"

"No, no, no..." The male reporter wanted to continue denying it at first, but after meeting Su Fuqing's unkind gaze, he changed his words and kneeled down decisively: "I'm sorry, I won't dare to do it anymore."

Su Fuqing took the SLR camera, deleted all the photos of her and Su Lingling, and after confirming that there was no backup, returned the camera to the male reporter.

"You can get out," she said.

The male reporter was flattered and took the SLR camera, unable to believe that he could survive intact.

He quickly ran away holding the camera and crawling on the ground.But not long after he ran, he was stopped by a player and taken to the police station.

Su Fuqing sent a message to Zhao Jing and told him what happened just now.

Zhao Jing replied: "They have gone to finish the work, and I will also monitor the public opinion trends in real time."

Because Su Fuqing and Su Lingling did not pretend when they went out, it was already rumored on the Internet that Su Fuqing had really made a contract with Su Lingling and brought her back to the real world.

However, electronic equipment cannot capture Su Lingling clearly, and many people still don't believe it.

What's not good is that as Su Fuqing comes into more people's sight, some of her past experiences have also been revealed.

An insider revealed that she was withdrawn and eccentric in junior high school. After graduating from junior high school, she ran away for many years and never returned. She ignored her elderly parents, but they kept looking for him.

Zhao Jing directly had the marketing account that posted the news blocked, but the news still spread.

Some people are already accusing Su Fuqing of being unfilial.

Zhao Jing really wanted to go online and curse people.

Afraid that Su Fuqing would be in a bad mood when she found out, he reminded her tactfully.Finally, he said: "Don't worry, I have driven that couple back to their hometown and they won't trouble you again."

Su Fuqing probably guessed what was going on and replied: "Don't worry, nothing those unimportant people say will affect me."

She was not affected by this episode and continued shopping happily with Su Lingling.

And Zhao Jing is still working overtime hard.

Next, Su Fuqing took Su Lingling to buy a mobile phone, some clothes and necessary daily necessities.

They didn't go home until dark. Su Lingling still had this idea, but Su Fuqing promised that she could go out to play when she had time, and ordered her as many takeaways as she wanted.

The three roommates have already sent 99+ messages in the group. They first asked how Su Fuqing was doing, and then asked if Su Lingling had really followed her back.

Ai Xiaomi also said that she and Ai Xiaonian wanted to treat Su Fuqing to a meal.

Su Fuqing replied: "Okay, but Su Lingling may come with me. If you are afraid, just let your brother come alone."

"I'm not afraid, I'll go." Ai Xiaomi replied immediately.

"I'm going to have some food too."

"Ah, ah, I'll go too."

Tang Wei and Lin Yan both said they were going to have a meal, but actually they wanted to join in the fun and meet Su Lingling.

This is really weird.Although I always feel fuzzy in my heart, it cannot resist their strong curiosity.

"Then don't act too strange. Just treat her as a normal person. She's not scary." Su Fuqing replied.

When the takeaway arrived, Su Fuqing lit incense and offered it to her according to the method taught by Su Lingling.

Su Linling could only taste the taste, but this was already very satisfying.

"It's so delicious. I want to eat it again tomorrow," she said.

"No problem, but..." Su Fuqing thought about the balance of her wallet. It was enough originally, but now it's a little stretched with one more Su Lingling to support.

"But what?" Su Linling asked.

Su Fuqing spread his hands: "I may not have enough money to support you, so I have to find a way to make money."

She found the dialog box with Zhao Jing and sent a message: "Is there any task that I can do recently?"

"Not yet, what's wrong?" Zhao Jing asked.

Su Fuqing said honestly: "It's a bit short of money to raise one more ghost."

The message "Inputting" was displayed on the other side for a full minute before the message was replied:

"I asked the team leader. In your case, we can apply for a fund for you, but you must be optimistic about Su Linling and not let her act randomly."

Of course if Su Fuqing had money, she would make money. She told Su Lingling: "So you must not do bad things and be a good ghost, so that we can have money."

Having money means having food, fun, and useful things.

Su Lingling nodded immediately: "I am a good ghost."

Now Su Lingling's living expenses are settled.

really not bad.

Then, Su Fuqing had to teach Su Linling how to use electronic products such as home appliances and mobile phones.

She stayed busy like this until almost twelve o'clock before she could go to bed.

Su Linling didn't need to sleep. She was so excited when she was new to the colorful world on the Internet. She surfed all night and learned a lot on her own.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Su Lingling took her mobile phone and went out by herself.

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