At ten o'clock in the evening, Su Fuqing arrived at the train station in the county where his hometown is.

She did not return to the village immediately, but went to a certain community to visit Teacher Tao, whom she had not seen for a long time.

Teacher Tao has been widowed and lived alone for more than ten years, and has always been accustomed to using senior mobile phones. For the time being, he does not know what is happening online.

Seeing Su Fuqing come back with her friends, the old man was very happy.

He has been teaching and educating people all his life. He has a son who lives abroad and only comes back once every three or four years.He always treated his students as his own children, especially Su Fuqing, as if they were his biological daughters.
Su Fuqing also regarded him as a respected elder and relative.

"Xiaoqing, how many days do you plan to stay when you come back this time? Where do you plan to stay?" Teacher Tao asked.

"I'll probably stay for two or three days, take my friends around and stay in a hotel." Su Fuqing said.

"It's good to go and relax, but what kind of games will only cause trouble... I asked Xiao Wu to teach me how to watch the live broadcast, and he actually said he didn't have time. The little bastard is itchy..." Teacher Tao said with a slight complaint.

Su Fuqing was embarrassed to say that she actually asked Senior Brother Wu not to tell Teacher Tao to watch the live broadcast because she didn't want the teacher to worry.

She coughed lightly and quickly changed the subject: "Teacher, your tea is pretty good..."

Su Lingling watched the two of them get along quietly and felt that this was like a real family.

Sometimes blood relationship is not the most important thing.

After so many years, she no longer remembers what her parents look like.

Like most people in the village, they were patriarchal and only cared about her brother. They were neither good nor bad to her.When the critical moment comes, she can be abandoned at any time.

After hearing that Xuan Mo wanted to marry her, they wrapped themselves up like a gift and sent them out without hesitation...

"Lingling, don't be in a daze, we have to leave." Su Fuqing stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Su Lingling's eyes.

"Oh, okay." Su Lingling stood up suddenly as her thoughts came back, and she and Su Fuqing said goodbye to Teacher Tao.

Su Fuqing rejected Teacher Tao's idea of ​​sending them off: "It's getting late. Teacher, go to bed quickly. I'll come see you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Hearing that she would come again, Teacher Tao stopped insisting.

Su Fuqing and Su Lingling walked out of Teacher Tao's house and rushed to the next place without stopping -

Su Fuqing’s hometown, Tianxi Village.

She hadn't been back for five or six years, but the village had not changed much. Su Fuqing found the house where she had lived for more than ten years with ease.

The local police contacted by Zhao Jing quietly stood guard outside the house. They saw two young girls matching the description walking over in the middle of the night. They signaled to each other and sent a young policewoman to come forward.

"Is it Miss Su?" the policewoman asked.

"It's me." Su Fuqing nodded, "Are my parents at home?"

It turns out that this is Su Fuqing, Su Ming's daughter.

"Yes, but they are already asleep." the policewoman said.

Su Fuqing didn't seem to hear the second sentence and kicked the door open.

With a force value of sixty, he already has power that most people cannot match.

"Miss Su, you really broke into a private house..." No, this is her home. It doesn't seem to be breaking into a private house, but it still feels a bit bad.

The policewoman hesitated to speak.

Su Fuqing and Su Lingling walked in directly.

"We have to go in and keep an eye on it." Several other policemen came out and said to the policewoman.By the time a few police officers walked in, Su Fuqing had already found the master bedroom and kicked the door open again. The loud noise directly woke up Su Ming and He Yuzhen.

The two of them were startled and looked warily at the two figures coming in from the door.

Su Fuqing reached out and turned on the light, and the room instantly became brighter.

"Who are you?" Su Ming looked at Su Fuqing and Su Lingling with some confusion.

He Yuzhen's eyes were fixed on Su Fuqing. She held Su Ming's hand and hesitated to speak: "She is..."

"Aren't you looking for me? That's why I'm here." Su Fuqing crossed her arms, her eyes calm.

"Are you Xiaocao?" Su Ming looked at Su Fuqing. Compared with the skinny little girl in his memory, she could be said to be completely transformed now. The changes were so great that Su Ming didn't recognize her at all.

"My current name is Su Fuqing." Su Fuqing did not accept the name.

The moment she escaped from her original family, she had completely distanced herself from the name Su Xiaocao.

"You are still capable..." Su Ming subconsciously wanted to scold Su Fuqing, but He Yuzhen poked her with her elbow and stopped her words.

He Yuzhen coughed heavily and tried to play the emotional card: "Daughter, you are finally willing to come back. Your father and I have had a hard time looking for you..."

Su Fuqing directly revealed the inner calculations of the two of them: "Stop pretending, isn't it just because your precious son is gone and you can't have a second child that you want to bring me back to suck your blood?"

"How shameless." Su Lingling hit the nail on the head.

Both Su Ming and He Yuzhen's expressions changed. Su Ming scolded her as an unfilial daughter, while He Yuzhen's words had the same meaning:
"Xiaocao, what are you talking about? Mom and Dad support you, you should be filial to us."

Then Su Ming said bluntly: "Since you don't want to recognize us, then take out 100 million to repay the kindness we have given you in raising you over the years."

"Did you spend 16 yuan to raise me for 100 years? [-] million is too much for a lion to open your mouth?" Su Fuqing sneered, "Besides, didn't you take the money for filming that video?"

"That's the reward we deserve." He Yuzhen obviously lacked confidence.

She also knew in her heart that they had indeed received money, and that video was completely confusing right and wrong and deliberately smearing Su Fuqing.

Su Fuqing's eyes seemed to want to see through the two of them.

"Qingqing, let me teach them a lesson. Then they will learn to be honest." Su Linling was eager to give it a try.

During the confrontation between the two sides, several police officers walked in.

The policewoman stepped forward and said to Su Ming and He Yuzhen: "...I hope you two can come forward to clarify the rumors on the Internet."

Seeing the police coming, Su Ming felt a little guilty, but he still said, "What rumors? We are telling the truth."

The police negotiated with Su Ming and He Yuzhen for a long time, but the two refused to let go and insisted that what they said was true.

Su Linling was a little impatient: "I told you to do it."

Naturally, the police didn't dare to let this ghost lady mess around, and quickly looked at Su Fuqing for help.

Su Fuqing received their looks and said to Su Lingling: "You don't need to take action, let me do it."

She took out her mobile phone and played a recording, which clearly stated that Su Ming wanted Su Fuqing to come up with 100 million.

"This should be considered extortion, right?" Su Fuqing asked the policewoman.

The policewoman paused and nodded hesitantly.

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