"Then can I sue them and put them in jail?" Su Fuqing asked again.

Su Ming and He Yuzhen suddenly became anxious when they heard that they might go to jail.

"How can this be considered extortion, comrade police? It is only natural for a daughter to pay alimony to her parents." He Yuzhen told the policewoman.

The police were speechless when they heard Su Ming asking Su Fuqing for 100 million.

The policewoman explained patiently: "That's not what we need for alimony. The two of them are now able to work and have a fixed income. However, Ms. Su is temporarily suspended from school and is deeply involved in the escape game. She has no source of income at all, so there is no need to provide it to the two of them for the time being. Alimony."

"Besides, even if Miss Su is your biological daughter, there is no reason for her to give you 100 million at once."

"Comrade police, there is no need to tell them. I will sue them when I get back. It just so happens that there is no need to worry about food and drink in the prison, so I don't need to pay alimony." Su Fuqing said coldly.

Su Ming and He Yuzhen were stunned for a moment after being fooled.

They had no idea that the recording could not be used as evidence, and the so-called blackmail would not be established. It was Su Fuqing who was scaring them.

Su Ming rushed up and tried to grab Su Fuqing's cell phone.

Of course, Su Fuqing would not let him succeed. Su Lingling, who had endured it for a long time, took the opportunity to kick Su Ming.

The police turned their heads and pretended not to see him.

Su Ming and He Yuzhen had nothing to do.

"It's okay if you don't want to go to jail..."

Finally, under Su Fuqing's intimidation, Su Ming and He Yuzhen admitted in the video that they had taken money from others to deliberately discredit Su Fuqing, but they still insisted that Su Fuqing should be filial to them.


Unexpectedly, Su Fuqing agreed immediately.

But she then said: "When you two are unable to work and have no income, you can sue me in court."

She will definitely hire the most powerful lawyer to litigate the case for herself.

Or sever ties with them before that happens.

Unfortunately, there is no domestic precedent for this.

However, this time things are not over yet.

Su Fuqing always likes to retaliate with tit for tat.

After getting the clarification videos from Su Ming and He Yuzhen, as well as the video that Zhao Jing helped take of one of her junior high school classmates speaking out for her, the online public opinion can basically be dealt with.

Su Fuqing didn't care about this, she just wanted to fight back hard.

So the next day, not only did the two clarification videos appear on the Internet, there was also news that the marketing account that posted the previous video was arrested under the skin of a suspected foreign spy.

In addition, an unexpected video of Su Fuqing came out.

The protagonist of the video is Teacher Tao. He nervously tells the camera how difficult it has been for Su Fuqing over the years and how her parents have treated her. He angrily accuses them of not being worthy of being parents... Public opinion has begun to reverse even more. Fall in favor of Su Fuqing.

Netizens sided with Su Fuqing and began to accuse her parents of favoring sons over daughters.

Su Fuqing didn't expect that Teacher Tao already knew about this and publicly spoke for her online.

She originally planned to post a post to kill the couple socially and taste the taste of being reviled, but Teacher Tao did it for her first.

Still that forum:

[Floor 567: I didn’t expect Su Fuqing’s parents to be such people. ]
[Floor 568: I even scolded her a few days ago. It was a sin. ]
[Floor 569: They can really do it by letting their daughter who has been admitted to a key high school go out to work to support her brother who is ranked last in a private elementary school. ]
[570F: It just favors boys over girls. ]
[Floor 571: Now I know why her last dungeon was called Su Xiaocao. It turned out to be her previous name. ]
[Floor 572: My daughter is just a weed, my son is Guangzong, bah. ]
[Floor 573: I heard that they wanted to find their daughter after their son was gone. ]
[Floor 574: What a great name Su Fuqing is. I heard that it was Mr. Tao who gave it to me. ]
[Floor 575: The teacher is a good person. ]
[Floor 576: Fortunately, there are still many teachers in the world. ]
[Floor 612: I later realized that Su Fuqing was so kind to Su Xiaohua in the dungeon because she thought of herself when she was a child. ]
[Floor 613: Sudden abuse. ]
[Floor 614: She is redeeming another self. ]
[Floor 615: And she was not particularly aggressive towards Su Xiaochen, she just took revenge on Li Mei and Su Shan who wanted to kill her. ]
[Floor 616: Xiaochen is not a bad person, but her brother is really not a good person. ]
[Floor 617: Su Guangzong is stupid and bad. He also likes to bully his classmates. I hate him to death...]
[Floor 618: What kind of good children can those kind of parents raise? ]
[Floor 619: I heard from the son of my uncle’s niece’s boyfriend’s father’s colleague that the couple asked Su Fuqing for 100 million in alimony. ]
[Floor 620: 100 million?Are they crazy? ]
[Floor 621: I live nearby, and I’m ready to come and pour excrement on their house. ]
[Floor 622: Add me. ]
As soon as Su Ming and He Yuzhen went out, they found people constantly pointing fingers at them. When they returned home, they saw feces and water splashed at the door of their home, and they were so angry that they called the police.

However, after the police found the person, they just taught him a lesson.

And Su Ming and He Yuzhen finally knew why they were scolded.

Su Ming cursed: "I can do whatever I want to the daughter I gave birth to. What does it have to do with these people? It's really like a dog meddling in other people's business."

After that, the two of them would be criticized wherever they went, and some people even went to Tianxi Village to scold them.

Although some villagers did not think they had done anything wrong, they began to exclude them because of the public opinion.

A few days later, Su Ming and He Yuzhen were visited by the police again.

This time it was because someone reported them for hiding cultural relics.

The whistleblower was of course Su Fuqing.

About 14 years ago, an ancient tomb was dug deep in the mountains near Tianxi Village. Su Ming and several villagers were invited to lead the archaeological team. Su Ming took the opportunity to steal a jade pendant and returned it, proudly saying that he would take it Leave it to Su Guangzong as a family heirloom.

At that time, Su Fuqing, a young man, only glanced at the jade pendant, but he remembered it in his heart.

Recently, she just remembered that she acted like an enthusiastic citizen and reported Su Ming and He Yuzhen.

As for how the two complained about their injustice in the police station, it was none of her business.

She was being scolded by Teacher Tao at Teacher Tao's house.

"You know how to report good news but not bad news. If Xiao Wu hadn't tipped me off, I wouldn't have known they dared to say that about you. It's so shameless..."

"Teacher, I was wrong. I will tell you in time if anything happens in the future. Can you please stop being angry?"

Yue felt that Teacher Tao was almost out of breath, and Su Fuqing acted coquettishly with her in a soft voice.

No matter how angry Teacher Tao was, it all disappeared when he saw her well-behaved look.

"Okay, teacher, don't be angry anymore. If you do this again next time, don't come to see me."

Su Linling watched this scene from the side and found it warm and interesting.

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