After confirming that Su Lingling did not have any malicious intentions, Lou Shuang felt relieved.

Just as she was about to leave, Su Fuqing stopped her.

"Sister Lou Shuang, don't leave yet, I'm looking for food."

"Okay." Lou Shuang and Su Fuqing started looking for it together.

Soon, the two successfully found several bags of frozen food in the freezer layer of the refrigerator.

"Would you like dumplings and steamed buns?" Su Fuqing asked.

"I can do it." Lou Shuang said.

Su Fuqing cooked a bag of dumplings and steamed some steamed buns.

"By the way, sister Lingling, do you want to eat?" Su Fuqing did not forget Su Lingling.

Su Linling refused: "I don't need it, you two can eat it."

There wasn't much food, so Su Lingling was embarrassed to compete with Su Fuqing and the others.

Besides, she had eaten enough at the base this afternoon.

So Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang shared the food together.

Su Lingling had nothing to do, so she suggested, "How about I help you teach that Xiang Tao a lesson?"

Su Fuqing thought for a while and said, "Okay, but don't go too far. I still have to rely on him to increase my favorability."

Su Linling said: "I have a sense of proportion."

Su Lingling left immediately.Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang ate to their fullest. Su Fuqing lay on the sofa and rubbed her belly, while Lou Shuang exercised and digested food.

Suddenly, Lou Shuang asked Su Fuqing a question: "What do you think are the fatal dangers of this copy?"

Is this to exchange information with her?

Su Fuqing straightened his expression and expressed his opinion:
"Most of the danger should come from our targets. They want to get something from us. And when the favorability reaches a certain level, they may want us to stay forever."

Su Fuqing was not sure about the second point. The reason why he said it was just to hear Lou Shuang's opinion.

Lou Shuang's views were similar to Su Fuqing's, but more detailed: "I suspect they want to transfer their pain to us."

Su Fuqing quickly figured out what Lou Shuang meant.

From shooting posters to experience the death of the target to be captured, to Bai Chun cutting off Wang Shaoxuan's nose, players are forced to endure the pain of the target.

"But you said that when the favorability level is high, the target will want us to stay forever. Is it because Xiang Tao wants to kill you?" Lou Shuang asked.

Su Fuqing said truthfully: "He has said so, but there has been no actual action yet."

"Maybe he will take action when his favorability level is higher. You have to be careful." Lou Shuang added.

[Their analysis makes sense. ]
[I understand. ]
[It’s so comfortable to listen to two smart people talking. ]
[Lou Shuang told Su Fuqing to be careful. ]
[I think Sister Shuang admires Xiao Su very much. Do you know that feeling? ]
[There are not many people who can impress Sister Shuang. Xiao Jianshan can barely count as one, but his speech is too mean. ]
[Alas, the loneliness of the strong. ]
[Xiao Jianshan really lives up to his name, Sister Shuang just wants to beat him. ]
[Look at how lovable our sister Xiao Su is. Get away from all the stinky men. ]
[Beauty posts. ]
Far away in another instance, Xiao Jianshan, who was setting up a fortune-telling stall, sneezed.

"Who is thinking of me?"

Lou Shuang really admired Su Fuqing.

She said bluntly: "I am very optimistic about you and hope you can grow up as soon as possible."

Su Fuqing felt recognized by a strong man and idol.

"I will." She nodded.

Lou Shuang added: "I heard that your shooting skills are not very good. I will teach you how to shoot when I have time tonight."

I didn't expect such embarrassing things to be known.

Su Fuqing was a little embarrassed, but she was still happy to be guided by Lou Shuang himself.

After Su Linling went upstairs, she found Hao Dafu who was hiding in a bathroom taking a cold bath and Xiang Tao who was blowing air on the rooftop and beat them up.

Hao Dafu was the weakest of the six ghosts. He was often bullied, and today he was beaten by Lou Shuang all afternoon. As the bottom of the food chain, he was already used to being beaten from time to time.

Only Xiang Tao was confused, not understanding where this ghost who was stronger than him came from.

He was thrown from the rooftop by Su Lingling, and soon floated up on his own, asking Su Lingling: "Who are you? Why have I never seen you before?"

"You don't care who I am." Su Lingling continued to beat Xiang Tao.Xiang Tao was confused and speechless: "Do I have any grudge against you?"

"I just don't like you. Who made you ugly?" Su Lingling looked Xiang Tao up and down with a look of disgust, "This is the first time I have seen such an ugly ghost like you."

Bully ghosts too much.

Xiang Tao was going crazy.

Unfortunately, he couldn't defeat Su Lingling and was thrown off the rooftop again.

Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang were adjusting their gun holding positions on the first floor when they heard the second sound of heavy objects falling to the ground outside.

Su Fuqing glanced outside.

Lou Shuang didn't even raise his head: "It's okay, continue. You can't do this with your hands..."

The garden villa is quite warm and harmonious, but the players in the other two places are walking on thin ice.

The two groups of guests staying in the open-air tents were only allocated two tents, which meant that they needed to sleep in two groups.

No one wants to hang out with ghosts.

Tong Kaiyun and Wang Shaoxuan lived in one tent, and asked the two female ghosts to live in another tent.

But Bai Chun hasn't come back yet.

Wang Shaoxuan was tossing and turning in pain from his wound, and Tong Kaiyun was also disturbed by his actions and couldn't sleep.

"Can you stop moving?" Tong Kaiyun couldn't bear it anymore.

Wang Shaoxuan didn't want to offend Tong Kaiyun, so he quickly stopped turning around.

But he really couldn't figure out why he was so unlucky that he lost his nose playing truth or dare.

Although it can be cured after the dungeon is released, he will have to endure the pain for the next few days, and it may also affect his movements.

And he had an inexplicable hunch that the first day was just the beginning.

No, he had to find a way to get out quickly.

When I got my nose cut off tonight, my favorability level increased by 10 at once. If I increase it by another 40, I can complete the task.

Hope all goes well.

Wang Shaoxuan was about to fall asleep when he was woken up by several shrill screams.

The same goes for Tong Kaiyun next to him.

"Help...don't come here...ah!"

The two looked at each other and recognized that the voice was Chen Yu.

They were not stupid enough to go out and watch, so they could only pretend they heard nothing.

After a while, another female voice sounded, it was Bai Chun.

"Help...someone help hurts..."

Their voices sounded like they were in pain.

Wang Shaoxuan and Tong Kaiyun are also in pain.

Can't sleep at all.

Meanwhile, the farmhouse.

Qiu Zhitao relied on Tong Kaiyun's sympathy to move to a place with relatively better conditions. She was originally very happy, but she actually forgot about the other person in the farmhouse at that time.

It wasn't until the staff left, leaving only Qiu Zhitao, Zhang Zhao and two ghosts, that she realized something was wrong.

Why is Zhang Zhao silent and looking so gloomy?
Only then did Qiu Zhitao remember Zhang Zhao's strangeness at dinner, and couldn't help trembling, and just wanted to escape from here.

"I'm sleepy, let's go to bed first."

After saying that, she didn't dare to look at other people's reactions and ran faster than a rabbit. (End of chapter)

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