Deng Rui looked at Qiu Zhitao's leaving figure with some regret.

The program team will definitely focus on him in the past two days, so it is not convenient to start.

Unless this idiot can avoid breaking the rules if he wants to.

After touching his empty stomach, Deng Rui turned around and went out.

He was so hungry, he wanted to find some midnight snack.

Liu Yiyi and Zhang Zhao looked at each other with the same gloomy look in their eyes.

Qiu Zhitao randomly found a room, locked the door, then lay on the bed and covered her head with the quilt, trying to fall asleep.

Naturally, I couldn't sleep.

Sharing a place with two ghosts and Zhang Zhao, who was neither human nor ghost, she was afraid that she would not be able to wake up if she fell asleep.

Besides, she was so hungry after not eating for so long.

It's all Su Fuqing's fault. If she was willing to change rooms with him, she could be with Lou Shuang, and she wouldn't have to be so worried about walking on thin ice.

Lou Shuang is so powerful, Deng Rui is definitely no match for her.

And she is very powerful herself, why not help her?
Qiu Zhitao turned part of her fear into resentment towards Su Fuqing. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that it was all Su Fuqing's fault.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Suddenly, there was a heavy knock on the door outside, which made Qiu Zhitao tremble.

The knocking on the door was neither urgent nor slow, and you could even hear a pattern.

It's so late, who could it be?
"Dong dong dong..." The knock on the door continued.

No matter how stupid Qiu Zhitao is, he knows that he can't just open the door at this time, and he doesn't even dare to make a sound.

But the knocking on the door continued, indicating that he would not stop until he achieved his goal.

Why don't you leave?
Qiu Zhitao is about to collapse.

What she didn't know was that water seeped in under the door, gradually spread on the floor, and eventually surrounded the entire bed.

She just felt that she suddenly became very cold.

Qiu Zhitao huddled up wrapped in quilt, trembling all over.

I don’t know how long it took, but the knocking on the door finally stopped.

But Qiu Zhitao was still frightened all night and could hardly fall asleep.

It wasn't until she finally saw a glimmer of light outside the window that she felt relieved and fell asleep for a while.

But soon, Qiu Zhitao was awakened by the cold.

It's so cold and I feel so heavy.

Qiu Zhitao felt a biting chill in his heart.

She sat up suddenly and found that all the carpets were covered with water, and the whole room seemed to have been flooded.

What made her even more devastated and scared was that her body and the quilt covering her body were soaked with water for some reason and were wet.

At the same time, she also smelled a familiar but disgusting smell of water.

Who did it?That Liu Yiyi?
Qiu Zhitao didn't have time to think too much. He lifted the quilt and got out of bed, crossed his arms and ran out of the room.

In the garden villa, Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang both had a good sleep.

Lou Shuang got up early in the morning for a morning jog, and Su Fuqing slept a little longer. When Lou Shuang came back from her workout, she happened to yawn and leave the room.

For breakfast, Su Linling steamed buns for them.

"Eat more, and don't touch ghost food." Su Lingling ordered.

Of course they won't eat anything made of human flesh.

But Su Fuqing asked a question: "Sister Lingling, why can you just eat our human food, but they have to eat human flesh."

"I can eat it too." Su Lingling startled Su Fuqing as soon as she opened her mouth, "It's just that I don't want to eat it." "Sister Lingling, you're trying to scare me, right?" Su Fuqing puffed up her face.

"It's just a joke." Su Lingling explained: "To put it simply, they are all ghosts with strong grievances, so they need to eat human flesh to satisfy their desires, and the more they eat, the more grievances they will feel."

Su Fuqing seemed to understand.

"However, the ghost in the white coat is very strange. I can't see any resentment in him, but I can feel that he is scary. In short, you should try to stay away from him." Su Lingling reminded again.

"I know, I will definitely stay far away from him." Su Fuqing promised.

Shortly after the two finished breakfast, the car to pick them up arrived.

Xiang Tao and Hao Dafu appeared out of nowhere.

Both of them didn't look good, especially Xiang Tao, although Su Fuqing didn't know how he could tell their expressions from the twisted ghost faces.

Six groups of guests gathered at the filming base again.

Except for Su Fuqing, Lou Shuang and Zhang Zhao, the other three players looked like they had not eaten enough or slept well.

First thing first is to have breakfast.

The players had already given up hope on the food in the dungeon, but when today's breakfast was served, they still really missed Yue.

Breakfast is a plate of eyeballs mixed with bloody sauce.

[This thing is so fresh that I suspect it was just cut. ]
[Still served cold. ]
[Stop talking, I'm afraid. ]
[I was silent while eating breakfast. ]
[I was also silent as I was about to have breakfast. ]
[I was silent after I just finished eating, yue...]
In the silence of the audience, the ghosts and Zhang Zhao all ate happily.

Wang Shaoxuan's wound still reminded him of what happened last night, so he ignored Bai Chun for the time being.

Unexpectedly, Bai Chun took the initiative to explain to him: "I'm sorry, it was my fault for drawing that card last night. In fact, I didn't want to hurt you."

[Favorability +5]
Wang Shaoxuan was confused by the sudden apology and favorability, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

And he always felt that Bai Chun was in a particularly good mood today, and from time to time he would touch his long-lost nose.

Are you deliberately provoking him?
Wang Shaoxuan covered his nose and turned his head and ignored Bai Chun.

Su Fuqing could hear the sound of juice exploding when Xiang Tao bit into his food.

Even though she had always been brave, she felt a little numb at this moment.

Zhang Zhao, however, blended in perfectly, eating the same kind of flesh and blood as if he were eating ordinary food.

No, it’s not necessarily the same now or not.

Su Lingling was still there for the time being, and Su Fuqing asked her: "Is Zhang Zhao dead?"

"Yes, and he was killed by the water ghost next to him." Su Lingling was naturally talking about Liu Yiyi.

Sure enough.

I couldn't see very clearly last night, but when I took a closer look today, I realized that in comparison, Zhang Zhao's face looked more and more like a ghost, while Liu Yiyi beside him looked more and more like a normal person.

Su Fuqing also deliberately passed by Liu Yiyi, and the smell of water on her body became lighter.

Instead, the smell of water on Zhang Zhao's body became stronger and stronger and could be smelled from a distance.

He looks more and more like a water ghost.

She asked again: "Are ghosts that look more like living people stronger?"

"That's true. Moreover, these six ghosts all died unjustly and tragically. Not only do they have a lot of resentment and retain the tragic situation of their death, but they will also continue to experience the pain before death." Su Linling explained.

Su Fuqing understood: "So Hao Dafu will feel hot, Liu Yiyi will feel cold, and Deng Rui will always be hungry..."

Then they were quite miserable, especially Xiang Tao who jumped to his death.

Sympathy for them for one second, no more.

After breakfast, today’s trip will officially begin.

Before the official start, the favorability obtained by the players from high to low is:
Zhang Zhao: 55
Su Fuqing: 48
Tong Kaiyun: 45
Wang Shaoxuan: 45
Qiu Zhitao: 26
Lou Shuang: 24 (end of this chapter)

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