Su Fuqing didn't pay much attention to his own favorability. Instead, he went to Zhang Zhao's side to see his favorability.

This sight was a surprise.

Liu Yiyi's favorability level for Zhang Zhao actually reached 55.

No wonder the two of them were holding hands and seemed a bit in love.

The decapitated ghost told the guests that they needed to make lunch by themselves at noon today, and they had to find ways to get the ingredients themselves.

The location was outside the base and the time lasted all morning.

Deng Rui smiled and said to Qiu Zhitao, "It's time for you to show off your skills."

Qiu Zhitao couldn't help laughing.

She is not as naive as before, foolishly thinking that she can defeat Deng Rui with her cooking skills.

Deng Rui might want to eat her more.

[Deng Rui seemed to want Qiu Zhitao to stew herself for him to eat.]
[Remove the appearance. I suspect that he chose Qiu Zhitao instead of Sister Shuang because he knew he couldn't beat Sister Shuang, so he chose Qiu Zhitao, who was easy to talk to. ]
[Qiu Zhitao is so miserable, it has become a food reserve. ]
[Am I just wondering how they find the ingredients? ]
[These ghosts eat people. ]
[Would players want to kill each other? ]
[Are you thinking wrong? Can't they find food for others to eat? ]
After walking out of the shooting base and looking at the thick black fog around them, the players were a little confused.

Where to find ingredients for this?

And the food for ghosts is... are they going to kill people?

Tong Kaiyun asked this question.

Su Fuqing said: "What are you thinking about? Of course you are looking for something we can eat."

She walked into the black mist first.

Lou Shuang was the first to follow, followed by Xiang Tao and Hao Dafu, their targets.

The remaining players looked at me and I looked at you, gritted their teeth and followed suit.

But once inside, everyone dispersed.

Because you can't see your fingers in the black fog, the player can't see the road at all.

Su Fuqing was only surrounded by Su Lingling.

She said: "There is a lot of negative energy and resentment in this mist. You cannot stay here for long. If you really can't find a way out, just call me."

"No wonder I always feel uncomfortable." Su Fuqing sighed and decided to find a solution on his own first.

Her middle finger subconsciously tapped the camera in her arms.

The camera guy had a beheaded guy and said that they needed to shoot the program material themselves in the morning.

It's quite speechless. They didn't really come to film this romance drama.

Yes, why do you have to send them a camera?
And there are no ghosts, only players.

Su Fuqing raised the camera on a whim and looked around through the lens. The black fog actually disappeared.

She could clearly see the road, the buildings beside the road, and even pedestrians.

It turned out to be the case.

Through the camera, you can see the real world hidden under the black fog.

Su Fuqing spoke out her discovery loudly, but it was none of her business whether other players followed her or heard her.

To be able to say it out loud is already the most benevolent thing on her part.

Lou Shuang, who had just raised the camera, smiled when he heard this and followed the direction of Su Fuqing's voice.

[Was it Su Fuqing’s voice just now? ]
[Yes, Sister Shuang should go find her. ]
[I don’t want to knock it off, but it’s really a bit sweet. ]
[I have said that this is appreciation between strong men, what do you know? ]
[Su Fuqing found a way to see clearly in the dark fog in such a short period of time, even faster than Lou Shuang. She is really smart. ]
[However, she was ahead of Lou Shuang in Black Mist, and not much faster. ]
[Almost almost. ]
[Su Fuqing is smarter, Lou Shuang is more powerful, and they complement each other perfectly. ]
[Su Fuqing also has a plug-in called Su Lingling. ]
[If the two of them go through a dungeon together, they will definitely be the strongest combination. ]
The audience is looking forward to the round of this strongest combination.

However, it was not Lou Shuang who found Su Fuqing first, but Xiang Tao.

Su Fuqing was startled by Xiang Tao's sudden appearance in front of the camera, and almost dropped the camera on him. "Did you do this on purpose?" Su Fuqing put down the camera and glared at Xiang Tao.

Xiang Tao actually nodded and admitted.

He did it on purpose.

Su Fuqing really wanted to throw the camera in her face.

It's so itchy, it seems that Su Lingling was too gentle last night.

She said angrily: "Why are you following me? Our recipes are different."

Xiang Tao sneered: "You want to deliver food to other ghosts, right?"

Are you kidding, is she such a good person?
Just as Su Fuqing was about to retort, he heard Su Lingling reminding her: "There is a large group of ghosts coming towards you."

She raised the camera again, and actually saw a large group of ghosts with different forms of death rushing towards her direction.

Okay, she's not good at it, but she can't defeat so many ghosts by herself.

36 counting is the best policy.

Su Fuqing took the camera and ran away.

Xiang Tao had no time to care about her for the time being. Instead, he looked at the group of ghosts who were chasing after her, and shouted: "Get away!"

These little minions actually dare to covet the prey that he likes?

Most of the ghosts were scared away by Xiang Tao, but there were always those who were not afraid of death and refused to give up.

Xiang Tao had no choice but to take action himself.

Su Fuqing ran a long distance, and after confirming that neither the ghosts nor Xiang Tao had followed, he stopped temporarily.

But what she didn't know was that when she ran away, she happened to be separated from Lou Shuang who was looking for her.

Su Fuqing picked up the camera and looked around, thinking about where there might be human food.

Most of the buildings you can see are spooky and probably belong to ghosts.With the lessons learned just now, Su Fuqing didn't dare to run around casually.

"This won't work... That won't work either... Yes, the one over there will work..." Su Fuqing finally found a house that was more earthly.

From the outside, the villa looks more like the human world, and it is far away from the underworld building next to it. At first glance, it seems that it disdains to be associated with ghosts and monsters.

Su Fuqing decided to go there and have a look.

With her goal in mind, she didn't want to stay in the black fog any longer, so she sped up and ran towards the villa she was looking forward to.

There were also a few ghosts encountered on the road, but Su Fuqing defeated them easily.

She can still deal with these minions.

Arriving at the door of the villa, Su Fuqing raised her hand and knocked lightly.

The next second, the door opened by itself.

Not right.

Su Fuqing was a little hesitant to go in.

"Sister Lingling, can you help me take a look to see if there is any ghost in here?" she asked.

"it is good."

After a while, Su Linling said: "I didn't notice that there was a ghost in this villa, but I don't rule out that there are ghosts that are stronger than me that I can't detect."

Su Fuqing thought, the ghost Su Lingling was talking about was just Shi Jingyan, so she wouldn't be so unlucky to bump into it, right?
So, after much thought, she walked in. (End of chapter)

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