When Xiang Tao finally found it, he happened to see the door of the villa closing automatically, and Su Fuqing's back disappeared in front of him.

How did she get here?
Xiang Tao had a headache when he remembered who the owner of this villa was.

He couldn't afford to mess with that weird, moody devil.

The prey that is almost reached will most likely fly away.

Xiang Tao didn't dare to stay around the villa for long, and quickly turned around and left.

The interior decoration style of the villa is unique, luxurious but not vulgar, classical yet flamboyant; elegant yet noble, and indescribably magnificent.

It can be seen that the owner of the villa has good taste.

As soon as Su Fuqing stepped in, the door behind him automatically closed.

She still felt something was wrong, so she thought of just looking around, finding something and leaving quickly.

There were no traces of people or ghosts on the first floor. The kitchen was on the far right, where it was easy to find.

Su Fuqing quickly slipped into the kitchen. Everything inside was new, clean, and spotless.

From this point of view, there must be someone living in this villa, but the owner should not be here now.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I don't want to be a thief either. If I'm to blame, I blame the program team for insisting on giving me problems." Su Fuqing apologized without any sincerity.

There was no refrigerator in the kitchen, so she could only open a few rows of lockers above the kitchen counter and rummage around.

The first cabinet on the left is filled with all kinds of expensive and unnamed red wine, and the second cabinet is filled with goblets.

Su Fuqing: "..."

I know the owner of this villa loves drinking.

And she also found that one of the bottles of wine had signs of being opened, and the owner might be waiting to come back to drink.

Su Fuqing closed the first two cabinets and opened the other two cabinets.

The third cabinet contains a lot of spices, and the fourth cabinet contains a lot of various bowls and plates.

There was just nothing to eat.

This is unreasonable. There are seasonings but no ingredients.

Does the owner of the villa eat cold air every day?

There was no harvest in the kitchen. Su Fuqing patted her forehead and planned to look elsewhere.

Su Fuqing turned her head and realized that a figure had stood behind her, watching her silently.

Before that, neither she nor Su Lingling was aware of anyone else's presence.

"It's over, Qingqing, run!" Su Lingling shouted in Su Fuqing's ear.

But the way out was blocked by Shi Jingyan in front of him, and Su Fuqing had no way to escape.

"You...what are you going to do?" Su Fuqing looked at Shi Jingyan warily, then took two steps back until he leaned against the cooking table.

Shi Jingyan changed into a suit today and didn't wear the white coat he had before, but he still looked good, different and good-looking.

No, no, no, this is not the point. The point is why is this big boss here?
No way, she can't really be so unlucky, can she?
"This is my home, I should ask you this question." Shi Jing spoke in a calm tone, and it was hard to tell what his mood was.

And because it was against the light, the expression on his face couldn't be seen clearly.

The case was solved, she was so unlucky.

Su Fuqing really didn't expect that this villa actually belonged to Shi Jingyan.

This is really a wolf entering the tiger's mouth.

She couldn't figure out for a moment what Shi Jingyan's attitude was towards her rash intrusion, but since he didn't kill her directly, there was still a chance.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know this was your home. I'll leave right away." Su Fuqing apologized sincerely.

There is no way, in order to survive, she is so adaptable.

But Shi Jingyan said, "Now that you're here, don't leave in a hurry. Haven't you got what you want yet?" I left in a hurry, in a hurry.

Su Fuqing was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she would become Shi Jingyan's food.

Unexpectedly, Shi Jingyan said something shocking again: "Also, won't your ghost friend come out?"

He also knew about Su Lingling's existence.

Su Fuqing felt that everything about herself was invisible in front of Shi Jingyan.

"I'm out, what do you want?"

Su Lingling suddenly appeared between Su Fuqing and Shi Jingyan, holding the white silk in her hand and attacking Shi Jingyan without saying a word.

"Qingqing, let's go!" Su Lingling grabbed Su Fuqing's shoulder with her other hand and pushed her out hard.

Su Fuqing was pushed to the kitchen door, but instead of taking the opportunity to escape, she summoned scissors and attacked Shi Jingyan from behind.

Shi Jingyan grabbed Su Lingling's white silk with one hand, and as if there were eyes on his back, he reached back with one hand and clamped Su Fuqing's big scissors with just two fingers.

A few minutes later, Su Fuqing and Su Lingling were carried to the living room and sat down.

Can't beat it, can't beat it at all.

Su Fuqing finally realized how powerful Shi Jingyan was.

"A ghost is actually willing to sign an equal contract with a human being. Is it because there is something about her that attracts you?" Shi Jingyan's probing eyes seemed to want to cut Su Fuqing open.

Su Fuqing suddenly thought that the big boss seemed to be a doctor.

He wouldn't want to slice himself up for research, would he?
She is now like a fish on the chopping board, and can only be slaughtered by Shi Jingyan.

Su Fuqing tried to argue: "We hit it off as soon as we met, and Sister Lingling was willing to make a contract with me. What do you know about girls' friendship?"

"It's more than that." Shi Jingyan played with a scalpel.

He was indeed considering whether to cut Su Fuqing open and study it.

It will definitely be interesting.

This was the first time he encountered a human being who could naturally attract ghosts, and even he almost didn't escape.

What secrets does this human being have?Shi Jingyan was really curious.

At this time, Su Linling spoke:
"I am willing to stay with Qingqing, not just because of her attraction to existences like ours."

"She saved me, saved many innocent girls, and avenged me. I want to repay her. Besides, I like staying with her very much."

Shi Jingyan felt inexplicably that he was a little redundant.

"How can you, a ghost, live like a human being?" He couldn't understand.

"I'm happy." Su Lingling split her time between being a person and being a ghost, and she preferred the human way of life, especially after seeing so many interesting things in the real world.

Both this person and the ghost are quite interesting.

Shi Jingyan suddenly changed his mind.

He couldn't kill this human for the time being, he wanted to observe and observe again.

Su Fuqing didn't know that he had already passed through the gate of hell.

She didn't want to sit still and wait for death, and was thinking about how to escape.

"I haven't eaten your human food for a long time. If you cook me a meal, I will let you go and give you what you want." Shi Jingyan said suddenly.

Su Fuqing was stunned.

It's that simple?Can you let them go after just one meal?

"Keep your word?" she asked.

"Of course it counts." Shi Jingyan took back the scalpel in his hand, snapped his fingers, and soon two skeletons brought over a lot of fresh ingredients. (End of chapter)

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