Chapter 216 Hope Hospital (29)

In fact, written below this medical record are the results of Lu Moujia's various physical examinations, as well as the last line of eye-catching words -

Heart, supply ward 605 Wang XX.

It was this line of words that confirmed Su Fuqing’s previous guess:

These "patients" on the second floor, including the original "patients" on the third floor, are really just organ donors for the patients on the sixth floor.

Moreover, it seems that the "patient" on the third floor will not be able to rest in peace after his death, and will be trapped in Hope Hospital.

"Then it's quite miserable for you." Su Fuqing said to the air.

The bathroom door was closed with an invisible force, seemingly echoing her words.

Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng are also thinking carefully about the relationship.

Su Fuqing concluded:

"Based on the information we know so far, my guess is: after the patients on the second and third floors provide the organ donors they need to the VIP patients on the sixth floor, their condition will inexplicably worsen until they die, and then the ghosts will be trapped At Hope Hospital, look for opportunities to take over the bodies of other patients and leave the hospital.”

[It turns out that it is like this, a perfect closed loop. ]

[The analysis makes sense. ]

[So all the previous patients on the third floor turned into ghosts? ]

[You can’t even live in peace even if you die. ]

[The patients on the second and third floors are really miserable. ]

[It feels a little strange, but I don’t know why. ]

[A few places don’t seem to be connected? ]


Qiao Ningze and Zhao Zheng both felt that what Su Fuqing said made sense.

But Su Fuqing always felt that something was wrong. There must be something missing.

At this moment, Su Lingling came over and appeared in front of the three of them.

Su Fuqing found that her face was pale and her body became transparent for a moment, as if she was injured.

She asked anxiously: "Sister Lingling, what's wrong with you?"

"I've been discovered." The expression on Su Lingling's face was very ugly.

She had just walked to the door of ward 203, before she was completely close to the office, when she was discovered.

It was then that she realized that there was a very powerful aura hidden in the office.

The other party was stronger than her and deliberately restrained his aura, so she didn't notice it before.

Moreover, he was an acquaintance of theirs.

Hearing this, Su Fuqing couldn't help but ask: "Who is it?"

She also felt that a certain voice in the office before seemed familiar. Could it be the same person?

Her common acquaintances with Su Lingling include...

There seem to be quite a few, but there are only a few that can be encountered in the dungeon.

Who is it?

"It's Shi Jingyan." Su Lingling said.

It was him, no wonder he could discover Su Lingling's existence.

Su Fuqing had a feeling that was both unexpected and reasonable.

Indeed, when they first met Shi Jingyan, he was wearing a white coat.

And apart from him, they have never encountered a ghost stronger than Su Lingling.

It's just that sometimes Jing Yan is there, and this copy becomes a lot more complicated.

What is Shi Jingyan's identity?

Dean? Or a bigger boss?

Zhao Zheng asked: "Who is Shi Jingyan?"

Except for Su Fuqing and Su Lingling, most of the other people present and the audience did not know who Shi Jingyan was.

"The ghost we encountered in the last dungeon was very strong..." Su Fuqing explained in a few words.

[This description... sounds familiar. ]

[I feel so too. ]

[Is that the ghost in the white coat? ]

[Which one? ]

[There is just one...]

Su Lingling continued: "After he found me, the two of us fought a few moves. I was not as skilled as him and was injured by him. However, he probably just wanted to teach me a lesson. After a few moves, he deliberately let me run away. .”

Su Fuqing had been deliberately spared by Shi Jingyan several times before.

She sighed and said, "It's difficult. I have no idea what that guy is thinking."

Su Lingling couldn't figure it out either.

Su Fuqing added: "It's almost eight o'clock. Let's go back first and then find a way to go to the fourth and fifth floors." The three of them and one ghost quickly walked back to the second floor and returned to their ward.

He Qiuhua is watching TV.

Eight o'clock was the time for ward rounds in the evening. Ye Xiu came over to take roll call:

"Su Fuqing."


"Zhao Zheng."


"He Qiuhua."


All members of 207 have arrived.

At this time, in 211, a ward away, there was still an empty bed.

A few minutes ago on the fifth floor, Jia Zixian and another male player were running hurriedly down the corridor.

"Hurry up, it's too late." Jia Zixian urged.

They accidentally fell into a hallucination somewhere before, and as soon as they broke out, they found that they were running out of time.

"Oh, okay!" The male player behind him gasped, seeming a little overwhelmed.

Finally seeing the stairs, Jia Zixian was overjoyed. Just as he stepped down, an exclamation suddenly came from behind him:


Jia Zixian looked back and saw that the male player had fallen to the ground.

He quickly ran back and helped the person up: "Are you okay? Why are you so careless?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I was too anxious just now." The male player looked annoyed.

At this time, in Jia Zixian's live broadcast room, the audience was anxiously reminding him:

[Don't believe him, leave quickly! ]

[He is delaying time on purpose! ]

[This person is a ghost! ]

[Go quickly, Jia Zixian! ]

[I'm going, I'm so anxious. ]

[Send it! ]

[Calm down! There is something wrong with this person! ]


As far as the eye can see, there are exclamation marks.

It's a pity that Jia Zixian couldn't feel their anxiety at all.

Just after a fall, the other male player's foot twisted, so he had to carry him on his back. The speed of the two of them was visibly slowed down.

Gradually, Jia Zixian felt that the person on his back was getting heavier and heavier.

Then, there was a breath of cold breath on the back of his neck, making him shiver with coldness.

Jia Zixian finally realized something was wrong and couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

"Are you... okay?" He swallowed and boldly asked the person behind him.

No one answered.

Jia Zixian showed his cruelty and shook off the man on his back, then ran madly down the stairs.

During this process, he didn't dare to look back, for fear of seeing something terrible.

He had no idea when something happened to someone close to him.

When you fell into hallucination before?

Or is he still hallucinating?

Jia Zixian suddenly realized that he had gone down several flights of stairs and still had not returned to the familiar corridor on the second floor.

The stairway was sealed by a wall, leaving only one staircase after another, seemingly endless.

Jia Zixian felt more and more that he was still hallucinating.

There were endless stairs in front of him, and his last thought was: it was too late.

When the time came to eight o'clock in the evening, Jia Zixian was still trapped in the stairs.

But if there is another person nearby at this time, you will find that he is always wandering in the corridor on the fifth floor.

(End of this chapter)

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