At one minute after eight o'clock, in ward 211, nurse Xiao He was doing rounds.

She raised her head and took a quick glance.

One of the three hospital beds was absent.

So she called out a name casually: "Jia Zixian."

No one answered.

"Jia Zixian." Xiao He's voice was already a little impatient.

Still no one answered.

"Jia Zixian!" Xiao He frowned and sounded slightly angry.

It was obvious he wasn't there.

"Caught." Xiao He picked up the pen and wrote something on the medical record in his hand.

About ten minutes later, the elevator stopped at the fifth floor.

"Ding dong."

The elevator door opened and Shi Jingyan walked out, followed by two doctors.

In the corridor not far away, Jia Zixian was still spinning wildly in circles.

His eyes were empty and lifeless, and he was obviously trapped in a hallucination.

Standing next to it was a dark humanoid figure.

When it saw Shi Jingyan, it visibly shivered, and its face showed fear.

Shi Jingyan didn't even look at it.

He also held a medical record sheet in his hand, looked at the words on it and read: "Jia Zixian, male, twenty-four years old... liver, Zhang X from 611..., my old guy with cirrhosis of the liver."

"Okay, it will be him tonight." He decided immediately.

[It’s over, it’s over. ]

[It’s hopeless. I won’t watch anymore. Goodbye. ]

[what a pity. ]

[If the liver is gone, a person will not live long at all. ]

[Speechless, this Jia Zixian is so stupid. ]

[He didn’t know the male player at all, so it’s normal that he didn’t notice the change. ]

[So it’s a pity. ]

[Run away, run away. ]


"Take the person away quickly and go back to prepare for the operation." Shi Jingyan waved behind him.

The two doctors behind him immediately understood, stepped forward, and forcibly dragged Jia Zixian away, who had fallen into hallucinations.

The black humanoid stood silently, daring not to say a word from beginning to end.

It wasn't until Shi Jingyan took the people away that it let out a humane sigh of relief.

Then, one of the previous doctors came back and said, "Okay, you can be discharged."

Then it was completely relieved and turned back to the male player.

I can finally leave this hellish place!

It's not like those two idiots who thought they could be discharged from the hospital after finally grabbing the body.

This is just the first step.

Without bringing enough benefits to Hope Hospital, how could the devil let them leave so easily.

Those two idiots have probably become the experimental subjects of the Great Demon King again.

It thought it could really leave.

Quickly reaching the entrance of the hospital, it took a step forward, and then in the blink of an eye, it was back to the dark, nightmarish room.

Suddenly, it felt like it was struck by lightning.

Why are you back?

After waiting for a while, it couldn't help shouting:

"What's going on? Didn't you say I can be discharged from the hospital?"

A voice appeared out of thin air and replied: "Fool, when has the dean ever kept his word?"

What do you mean?

It's going to crack.

The voice continued: "Just stay here well. When the dean finishes processing the two samples, he will naturally come back to study you."

Then it was quiet and dark.

It's desperate.

Liars, they are all liars...

In a certain operating room on the sixth floor, the lights were on all night again. Su Fuqing was lying on the hospital bed in 207, vaguely feeling that something would happen tonight.

She turned over and faced Zhao Zheng's bed, only to realize that she had fallen asleep at some point.

It's only around nine o'clock now, so it's a bit early to go to bed.

"Zheng Zheng?" Su Fuqing called tentatively.

Zhao Zheng did not respond and seemed to be sleeping deeply.

Su Fuqing vaguely felt something was wrong, so he simply tilted his head and kept looking at Zhao Zheng.

After ten o'clock, just when Su Fuqing was about to fall asleep, Zhao Zheng sat up suddenly, startling her.

What are you doing?

Then, Su Fuqing saw Zhao Zheng get off the bed and walk slowly towards the door.

[What happened? ]

[It seems something is going to happen. ]

[Something is going to happen. ]

[Zheng Lin also sent it like this last night. ]

[Ah ah ah, I don’t want anything to happen to little sister Zhao Zheng. ]

[Sister Su, go and save her. ]

[I'm so anxious. ]

[Don't worry, there is help. ]

[Yes, yes, it’s okay. ]


Zhao Jing, who was watching the live broadcast, was already so anxious that he was running around the room like ants on a hot pot.

Thinking of how Zheng Lin walked out like this last night and was possessed by a ghost.

Su Fuqing quickly got out of bed, trying to get Zhao Zheng back.

Zhao Zheng was already halfway gone when Su Fuqing rushed over and grabbed her, giving her a tentative tug.

As a result, it couldn't be pulled.

Zhao Zheng continued to rush forward, as strong as a cow.

"Sister Lingling, come and help me." Su Fuqing asked for help.

Su Linling released several white silk ribbons to wrap around Zhao Zheng and forcefully pulled her back to the bed.

Then, she tied Zhao Zheng into a mummy with white silk and tied it to the head of the bed.

Zhao Zheng twisted his body, his eyes blurred.

What kind of evil is this?

Su Fuqing looked at Zhao Zheng who was unconscious and felt a little embarrassed.

How to wake her up?

"Zheng Zheng? Zheng Zheng?" Su Fuqing touched Zhao Zheng's face.

Zhao Zheng tilted her head and almost bit her.

Su Fuqing quickly retracted her hand.

Then, she sat beside the bed and kept watch over Zhao Zheng.

I don't know how long it took, but when Su Fuqing almost fell asleep, Zhao Zheng finally calmed down.

It's very late.

Su Fuqing was drowsy.

"It should be fine. You go to bed first. I'll look at her." Su Linling said.

"Okay." Su Fuqing groped for her bed, turned over on the bed, and fell asleep almost instantly.

[Look at how trapped our sister Su is. ]

[I was very sleepy, so I went to sleep. ]

[Sleep plus one. ]

[Goodnight, everyone. ]


Only Zhao Jing, who was still worried, didn't dare to sleep.

Su Linling has also been guarding Zhao Zheng.

On the fourth day of the dungeon, at 7:30 in the morning, Su Fuqing woke up from her dream.

When he turned around, he saw that Zhao Zheng was sleeping soundly. Su Linling had disappeared, and her voice could only be heard:

"The rest of the night was peaceful. Nothing happened to Zhao Zheng."

"Thank you for your hard work, Sister Lingling." Su Fuqing felt relieved.

She got out of bed and woke up Zhao Zheng.

"So sleepy." Zhao Zheng opened his eyes drowsily and braced himself.

"Do you still remember when you fell asleep last night?" Su Fuqing asked.

Zhao Zheng patted her face hard, woke up, and thought for a long time before saying: "I don't have any impression, but I should have gone to bed very early. Why am I still so sleepy?"

"You are sleepwalking." Su Fuqing said.

"Ah? It's impossible. I've never sleepwalked." Zhao Zheng denied it repeatedly.

Su Fuqing asked again: "It's not normal sleepwalking... in short, you almost ran out after ten o'clock."

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