Breakfast is served.

The difference from before was that there was an extra glass of blood-red liquid in a goblet on everyone's plate.

Without getting close, Su Fuqing could smell the pungent smell of blood.

The color and smell are really hard not to think about.

Moreover, the owner of the manor also said: "This is a drink specially prepared by Lance and William. The guests must try it."

Su Fuqing: "..."

I don't want to taste it, thank you.

She and the few conscious players present, namely Xiao Jianshan and Niman, looked at each other and saw the resistance in each other's eyes.

The other players directly picked up the glass of blood-red liquid and drank it in one gulp.

Su Fuqing and the three of them had no time to stop them.

Moreover, the owner of the manor looked over and asked them: "Why don't these three guests drink?"

What should I do? Isn't this a gift?

The three of them did not dare to answer easily for a while.

"Huh?" The manor owner tilted his head and looked at them, as if he must get an answer.

[This is how to do? ]

[Or just drink it, everyone else will drink it anyway. ]

[What if this color is really human blood? ]

[Stop talking about being afraid. ]

[Drinking human blood is better than losing your life. ]

[makes sense. ]

[It’s so difficult to overcome the psychological barrier. ]

[Psychological barriers aside, if you drink it, what kind of death rule will be triggered? ]

[So many people drank it, no way. ]

[It’s not like there are no copies of group destruction. ]


Su Fuqing was also worried that drinking this would trigger the death rule.

However, if they don't give a satisfactory answer, they may die now.

To drink or not to drink, that is the question.

Niman picked up the goblet, seemingly planning to take a sip.

Xiao Jianshan's hand on the table clenched and unclenched, obviously still struggling.

"Sorry, I don't drink because I don't like it." Su Fuqing suddenly said boldly.

The owner of the manor could not look angry, but asked: "What does this guest like?"

Su Fuqing gave an unmistakable answer: "I just like to drink boiled water."

The owner of the manor smiled: "Okay, let them change you to a glass of boiled water."

Before he finished speaking, there were already skeletons rushing to help Su Fuqing change the water.

"Xiao Qingqing doesn't like the drink I carefully prepared? It's really sad." Lance covered his chest as if he was hurt.

Su Fuqing answered decisively again: "I don't like it."

On the surface she looked very calm, but in fact her palms were sweating.

Fortunately, the bet was right and the owner of the manor did not make things difficult for her again.

Including Niman and Xiao Jianshan were also exposed to this link.

Lance just felt sad and didn't say anything else.

[Is this okay? ]

[Why not? Plain water is the healthiest. ]

[Laughing so hard, please give me some boiled water. ]

[Fortunately, I got through this time. ]

[I feel so nervous watching this. ]

[You still have to rely on Sister Su. ]

[Su Fuqing yyds. ]


Su Fuqing took a sip of boiled water, calmed down, and started eating breakfast.

Xiao Jianshan and Niman also buried their heads in eating.

However, the remaining bewildered players somehow start praising the manor owner like crazy.

"You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen in the world."

"Your eyes are like stars."

"Your face is the most satisfying work of the Creator." "..."

Su Fuqing had goosebumps all over while listening, but the owner of the manor was very happy to hear it.

Until someone said: "Madam, you are so beautiful."

Hearing this, the owner of the manor was a little dissatisfied: "Don't call me Madam, please call me Duke Rose."

Su Fuqing also knew the title of the owner of the manor: Duke Rose.

Then another bunch of rainbow farts.

After breakfast, Rose Duke Shi Shiran left,

The confused players originally wanted to follow, but were blocked by Richie.

"Dear guests, the master is going to rest. I will call you over when she has time to look at your paintings," he said.

The players' remaining sanity prevented them from resisting Richie, and they could only watch a few vampires leave.

It wasn't until Duke Rose was no longer in sight that these players gradually regained their senses.

Then, when they thought about what they had just done, their faces turned a little pale, and some even covered their mouths and retched.

After these players had almost calmed down, Su Fuqing asked mercilessly: "What did the drink taste like just now? Do any of you still remember it?"

Players trying to forget those memories just now: "..."

"It's...the smell of blood." It was Xu Rong who said this.

Her face was the ugliest among everyone present.

Thinking of Duke Rose saying that the "drink" was prepared by Lance and William, she couldn't help but think -

Wouldn't that be Doudou's blood?

Xu Rong felt her stomach churn, and the smell of blood seemed to penetrate into her throat.

She finally couldn't help but spit it out.

"What are you doing? Don't vomit on me." Lu Yingjie, who was next to Xu Rong, ducked away in disgust.

"I...I'm sorry..." Xu Rong ran to the wall and continued to vomit.

[Why did she react so much? ]

[As a newbie, it’s normal to have a big reaction. ]

[No, it's because...if that cup of stuff is really human blood, it's probably Fang Doukou's. ]

[Oh no? ]

[Why not? Didn’t they all say that it was prepared by Lance and William? ]

[If it is true, didn’t Xu Rong drink the blood of her best friend? ]

[Damn, this is too cruel. ]

[It’s really scary to think about it. ]

[No wonder she had such a big reaction, it was me and I had to spit out the bile. ]


Su Fuqing thought clearly about the reason. After Xu Rong finished vomiting, he handed her the glass of boiled water that he had not drank.

"Have a drink."

"Thank you." Xu Rong drank a whole glass of water in one breath and finally felt better.

At the same time, in a room on the fifth floor, Lance was saying to Duke Rose:

"Auntie, I want to keep the human named Su Fuqing forever."

Duke Rose stood in front of a gorgeous coffin with a look in her eyes: "That human's blood is indeed very fragrant, even I can't help it. However, it is not easy to keep her."

"Wouldn't it be enough to lock her up?" Lance smiled.

Duke Qiangwei shook his head: "No, she will run away."

"It seems so." Remembering that Su Fuqing had disappeared in front of him, Lance felt worried, "Then what should I do?"

"Don't worry, aunt will help you." Duke Rose looked confident.

"Then thank you, aunt." Hearing this, Lance was instantly relieved and exited the room with satisfaction.

Duke Rose changed into pajamas and lay down in the gorgeous coffin.

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