Because of what happened in the morning, the players did not dare to move freely and just stayed in the lobby on the first floor until Richie came down to call them.

"The master is awake and now he wants to see the guests' paintings."

Upon hearing this, the expressions on the players' faces looked as if they were going to the execution ground.

"What should we do? Once we see her, we will definitely be bewitched again." Lu Yingjie said.

Xiao Jianshan shrugged: "Control it, don't be deceived by her."

Lu Yingjie couldn't help but complain: "I can't control it."

"Then there's nothing I can do." Xiao Jianshan spread his hands helplessly.

No matter how worried the players were, it was useless, they still had to follow Richie to the studio.

Duke Rose was already standing there admiring the players' works.

The players couldn't help but feel excited.

However, perhaps because Duke Rose turned his back to them, no one was confused yet.

"I like these three paintings very much." Duke Qiangwei pointed at the three particularly bloody paintings by Niman, Li Hongmian and Xiao Jianshan.

Sure enough, it is natural for vampires to like blood.

Xiao Jianshan's painting is so ugly that he can get away with it just because he wants to do what he likes.

Su Fuqing was even more calm.

She feels that her works are quite suitable for her liking.

"And this one, it's pretty good-looking too."

This time, she was referring to Su Fuqing's paintings.

The most conspicuous one is an exceptionally large and ornate coffin.

"Make me a bed just like the one above," Rose Duke added.

Richie immediately agreed: "Okay, Master."

So, is a coffin the equivalent of a bed to a vampire?

[Love the blood and coffins, fits my vampire stereotype. ]

[Hahahahaha. ]

[Vampires seem to sleep in coffins. ]

[In this case, Su Fuqing drew a big bed. ]

[laughing to death. ]

[So, have the three of them passed the test now? ]

[I don’t know, probably so. ]

[The three of them are still capable. ]

[I just don’t know other people would be like this. ]


Su Fuqing's expression did not change when he heard that his painting was liked by Duke Rose.

Now it seems that as long as the Duke of Rose in the painting is attacked and the painting drawn by the player is liked by the real Duke of Rose, nothing will happen.

Duke Rose tilted her head and looked at the other paintings.

As her gaze shifted but she never expressed an opinion, the other players except Su Fuqing and the other four became more and more worried.

This feeling is like a sword hanging over my head, and I don't know when it will fall.

"Who painted this?" Duke Rose finally spoke, but his voice was a little cold.

The players looked in the direction she pointed -

It was a garden painting, with many kinds of flowers in bloom, but there were no roses.

"Forget it if there are no roses, why are there roses?" Duke Rose's voice became colder and colder, and there seemed to be a trace of hatred in it.

Damn it, the Duke of Rose hates roses.

Woe to whoever painted this picture.

This was so obvious that no one dared to stand up for a while.

Unfortunately, there is no use in escaping.

[This person is finished. ]

[So who is it? ]

[have no idea. ]

[Is it Lu Yingjie? ]

[it's him. ]

[Wait a minute, didn’t he draw roses? ]

[Changed later. ]

[Instead of these paintings? ]

[The Duke of Rose must hate roses. ]

[Obviously. ]

[Hope he's okay. ]


Su Fuqing saw Lu Yingjie trembling slightly not far away from the corner of his eye.

She remembered that Lu Yingjie initially painted roses, but after seeing the accident between Shouzi and Ellie, he tore up the painting and painted a new one.

So this painting was painted by him?

If you can’t draw roses, why don’t you draw other flowers?

This logic...she also admired it.

Su Fuqing sighed slightly.

Duke Qiangwei slowly turned his head and said, "So, who painted it? Come forward and take the initiative." Su Fuqing secretly thought that was bad.

By the time she woke up from it, the confused Lu Yingjie had already taken the initiative to stand up.

"I drew it," he said.

"Very good." Duke Rose smiled coldly.

She stretched out her hand and first tore up Lu Yingjie's painting, then she rushed to Lu Yingjie's side and picked him up.

Lu Yingjie was still obsessed with Duke Rose's beauty and allowed her to do whatever she wanted.

"Lu Yingjie, please wake up..."

Before Su Fuqing finished speaking, Duke Rose and Lu Yingjie disappeared in front of her.

She could only look at each other in confusion with Xiao Jianshan, who had just taken out the charm, and Niman, who had just taken out the weapon.

"It's hopeless." Xiao Jianshan put back most of the talismans he had taken out.

Su Fuqing took a look and thought: What a big talisman.

Is Xiao Jianshan here to do wholesale?

Wait, why was he able to bring so many charms in?

And where does he usually put so many charms?

And that flashlight from last time.

If the situation wasn't right now, Su Fuqing would have wanted to grab Xiao Jianshan and ask what happened.

She also wanted to bring something in.

Lu Yingjie was taken away by Duke Qiangwei, and it was obvious that the situation was in danger.

The remaining players were worried, but they could only stand there and wait for someone to come back.

[It seems that Rose Duke really hates roses. ]

[Lu Yingjie is also unlucky. ]

[Another one is gone, now there are only nine players left. ]

[Two and a half days left. ]

[The survival book is not easy either. ]

[Duke Rose is so fast, he deserves to be a big boss. ]

[She looks really strong. ]

[The boss in the survival version is stronger. ]


"She is very strong." Su Lingling said.

"Yeah, I know." Su Fuqing also noticed.

They couldn't go head-to-head with Duke Rose because they couldn't beat him.

asked a foreign player. "There won't be anything that Duke Rose hates in our paintings, right?"

Su Fuqing lowered her voice and said: "First of all, silverware, crosses, sunlight and the like are definitely not allowed."

Silverware and crosses restrain vampires. Vampires don't like to appear in a lot of sunlight.

These things actually wouldn't do much harm to a vampire of Lance's level, let alone Duke Rose.

But it's definitely still annoying.

"These things definitely don't exist," Xu Rong said.

It shows that these people are not hopelessly stupid.

Su Fuqing walked over and looked carefully at the works of other players.

She discovered that there were only ten paintings here, and the works of the dead players had not been taken out at all.

Apart from her, Xiao Jianshan, Niman, Li Hongmian and Lu Yingjie, there were five people left.

Xu Rong painted the castle where they are now, and Duke Rose would not dislike it.

It's just that the castle has not been painted yet, so I don't know if it will be affected.

Four more are foreign players.

They drew something that vampires wouldn't either hate too much or like too much.

But Su Fuqing couldn't guarantee whether there was anything in it that Duke Rose hated.

After all, hating roses is Duke Rose’s own personal emotion.

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