"They are coming." Su Lingling reminded.

Needless to say, everyone present also heard the growling sounds getting closer and closer.

The monster is coming.

Su Fuqing vaguely saw a black shadow rushing toward him, and quickly took out the scissors.

Then, she felt that the scissors in her hand seemed to hit a wall, and her mouth went numb instantly, and she almost lost strength in her hand.

So thick-skinned?

Su Fuqing quickly reminded others: "Be careful, the monster this time is difficult to deal with."

Lou Shuang also echoed: "Indeed."

Su Fuqing retracted her scissors, took a few steps back, then used her skills and rushed forward again.

"Feather of Flowing Light."

This time, with the blessing of strength and speed, she felt like she had scraped off a layer of the wall.

Su Fuqing: "..."

What kind of monster is impossible to defeat.

Others also discovered how powerful these monsters were and complained:

"Damn, the monster's skin is too thick this time."

"Help, I can't be beaten."

"My knife is broken."

"My dagger just broke."


Su Fuqing thrust forward hard, and it probably penetrated less than half a centimeter.

She was numb too.

And until now, they haven't seen clearly the true face of the monster this time, they only vaguely saw an outline——

Like a tall man, but with extra hands.

You can see clearly in the live broadcast room:

[What a strong monster. ]

[It’s also so ugly. ]

[It feels like no one can beat me. ]

[Lou Shuang can still do it. ]

[But she can't beat four hands with two fists. ]

[Wait, someone might be in trouble. ]

[It's over, they can't see it. ]


In the darkness, he didn't notice the danger coming.

Su Fuqing was still in a stalemate with the monster in front of her when she heard a scream not far away.

"Ah, help..." The voice stopped suddenly.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, what's wrong with you?" the person next to the man asked.

No one questioned him.

The others were vaguely aware of something and were silent for a moment.

Then, there was another scream, it was Pan Wei.

Ask: "How are you?"

"Still...still alive..." Pan Wei replied while gasping, his voice sounding very painful.

And "Xiao Yu" never spoke again.

There have been casualties in the team, and we must find out the weaknesses of these monsters as soon as possible and solve or drive them away.

Su Fuqing sighed and quickly attacked the monster in front of him before the time to use "Streaming Light Feather" passed.

She felt like she was completely scraping, and she couldn't do it.

"Heart, their weakness is in the heart." Lou Shuang said suddenly.

The weakness is known, but the next question is: where is the monster's heart?

Lou Shuang seemed to have killed the monster in front of her and went to help others.

"Where is the monster's heart?" Su Fuqing asked. Lou Shuang said: "Probably in the middle of the body, the skin is thinner..."

Su Fuqing raised his head and looked for the middle of the monster's body.

Then, she picked up the scissors and stabbed it. Sure enough, she felt that it was easier to get in.

But the monster wouldn't just stand there and let her poke him.

When Su Fuqing saw the monster raising its hand, she quickly hid aside, but did not let go of the scissors in her hand.

She continued to thrust hard, feeling the monster struggle violently, and the sound sounded a little painful.

It should have found its heart.

Su Fuqing continued to exert force, and the monster began its final struggle, attacking her with all four arms.

Guessing that he couldn't avoid it, Su Fuqing simply stopped hiding and used all his strength to thrust the scissors in his hand into the monster's body.

Let's see who is faster.

Finally, when the monster's hand was about to touch Su Fuqing, it couldn't hold on any longer.

Su Fuqing pulled out the scissors, let the monster's body fall to the ground, and then hurried to help others.

In the end, they worked together to defeat the four monsters, but "Xiao Yu" closed his eyes forever, and Pan Wei lost a hand.

[Unexpectedly, this team is still dead. ]

[Poor Xiaoyu. ]

[No way, the monster this time is really strong. ]

[Fortunately, I finally found the monster's weakness. ]

[Thanks to Sister Shuang. ]

[I thought it was safe at night, but I didn’t expect it to be unsafe either. ]

[It was quite safe before, but starting tonight it won’t be. ]

[Other teams were also attacked by monsters just now. ]

[Their casualties were even more heavy. ]

[There are only about sixty-six players left now. ]

[Four days left. ]


Su Fuqing used a healing tool on Pan Wei and helped bandage the wound on his broken arm.

Then, the remaining six people packed up the supplies and placed Xiaoyu's body, and then went to sleep exhausted both physically and mentally.

Afraid of another monster coming, the players who were keeping vigil at night were almost completely deserted, but fortunately the rest of the night was uneventful.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the seventh day of the dungeon.

Because they had been working on it for a long time in the middle of the night, the players all got up late.

Su Fuqing even turned over and planned to continue sleeping, but was woken up by Su Lingling.

"Qingqing, don't sleep. If you stay in one place for too long, monsters may come looking for you."

This makes sense. For the time being, Su Fuqing doesn't want to encounter the monster like last night again.

The beating made her feel tired.

The players were on the road again, but the team of seven people became six people, and one of them had a broken hand.

Everyone has lost the fighting spirit of yesterday and can be said to be a little downcast.

Someone said pessimistically: "The monsters in the future will definitely become stronger and stronger... Can we still survive?"

"No way, that monster was very strong yesterday."

"I thought this copy would be better."

"With two hundred people's copies, I know it's not easy."

"I don't know how many people are left alive now."

"There must be less than half of them. I don't know if there are still 80 people left."


In fact, eighty of them are gone now.

Su Fuqing listened to everyone's negative words and didn't know what to say.

But she always believed that she could get out alive.

She has a long time to live.

Finally, Lou Shuang stood up and said, "If there are monsters, fight them. Don't be so desperate."

Her words did not comfort the others, and everyone fell silent. The atmosphere in the team was not very good.

[It feels like everyone’s fighting spirit is gone. ]

[It must have been a shock. ]

[After a teammate dies, the monster becomes more and more difficult to deal with. It is normal to emo for a while. ]

[Just don’t be so negative all the time. ]

[Hopefully. ]

[How come no one came out to organize it? ]

[Both Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang are not good at this, Aibte didn't even say anything, and everyone else was pessimistic. ]

[Other teams are more pessimistic. ]

[The future is uncertain. ]


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