Su Fuqing and his group walked aimlessly in the snow.

Soon after, they encountered another team of four.

The situation on the other side looked much worse than that of Su Fuqing and the other six. All four of them were injured and looked depressed.

Nor did they show any expression of excitement or surprise on their faces when meeting other people.

Su Fuqing stepped forward and tried to communicate with them:

"Hello, I am..."

The four people across from her still had expressionless faces, and no one paid attention to her.

Su Fuqing: "..."

I'm embarrassed when you do this.

She didn't want to give up and asked again: "Do you want to exchange information?"

Finally, a person on the opposite side spoke hoarsely: "We were attacked by a group of monsters in the middle of the night yesterday... There were originally eight people, but now there are only four of us left..."

There were actually eight of them, but half of them were killed by a monster attack in the middle of the night yesterday.

Hearing the news, someone behind Su Fuqing took a deep breath.

[Half the people died, is it so miserable? ]

[Last night many teams suffered heavy casualties. ]

[Indeed it is. ]

[There are only twelve players left now, and four more are gone. ]

[This team is in even worse shape. ]

[My mentality is broken. ]

[How should I put it, their teammate died so tragically yesterday. ]

[Ah, let me go and take a look,]

[I advise you not to go. ]

[Don’t believe this evil. ]

[If you don’t listen to good people, you will suffer the consequences. ]

[I'm back. ]

[How about it? ]

[Don't look at it, you will become unhappy. ]

[I'm a little curious. ]


Su Fuqing tried various methods to communicate with the four people on the opposite side, but their mentality seemed to be completely broken, and they did not tell much information.

But she probably knew that the monster they encountered in the middle of last night was very strong, and the four teammates died miserably.

Adhering to the principle of equal exchange, Su Fuqing also told the four people opposite him some information.

They didn't know if they heard it or not, they just said: "Thank you, if nothing happens we will leave."

Su Fuqing doubted whether the four of them could survive today.

When they finally separated, she said out of conscience: "I hope you can all live well."

After finally meeting other teams, Su Fuqing and the others were in an even worse mood.

The road ahead feels even more confusing.

Su Fuqing sighed and asked everyone to continue on their way.

Staying in one place for too long may attract monsters.

The group of people were always on guard, fearing that a bunch of strange monsters would suddenly appear from nowhere.

But unexpectedly, it was calm during the day today.

They only encountered a group of relatively weak rabbit-shaped monsters all day long, and they were easily dealt with without Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang taking action.

At night, the group found a place to rest.

Someone sighed happily: "It's great, I didn't meet any particularly perverted monsters."

Others agreed, but Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang looked at each other and saw the solemn look on each other's faces.

It is safer during the day, but what about at night?

It always feels like a storm is coming.

Lou Shuang said: "Rearrange the order of the vigil."

Now there are only six of them left, and they happen to be in a group of three, Su Fuqing and Pan Wei together.

Lou Shuang added: "Everyone must not let down their guard tonight. If there is any danger, wake up others quickly. I am worried that like yesterday, monsters will attack at night."

After hearing this, others became worried.

"No way, there will be monsters tonight?"

"It's just speculation."

"But it feels very possible."

"Don't panic, we must keep a watchful eye."

"No matter who is keeping watch at night, if there is danger, you must wake me up."

"That's for sure."

"..." The others quickly adjusted their mentality, and then according to the order of the vigil, Lou Shuang and a player started the vigil.

[I don’t know if there will be any danger. ]

[It feels like it will, just like last night. ]

[I feel it too. ]

[Besides, it’s too quiet during the day. ]

[I have a bad feeling. Is he holding back his ultimate move? ]

[have no idea. ]

[No way? ]

[Stop being so cunning. ]

[Just a reasonable analysis based on the facts. ]

[The analysis is very good, don’t analyze it next time. ]

[I can’t even sleep tonight. ]

[Go to sleep, I have to go to work tomorrow. ]

[I also. ]

[Hope to wake up tomorrow and see them all alive. ]

[hope so. ]


Su Fuqing and Pan Wei stayed behind Lou Shuang and others.

Tonight, each group will watch for three hours.

Pan Wei broke one of his hands, and the wound kept hurting, and he was not in good condition.

At least he had taken care of it himself. Su Fuqing let him sleep a little longer. Anyway, she had Su Lingling and "reserve food" to accompany her.

The three hours they stayed vigil were still uneventful.

After waking up the next group of people watching the night, Su Fuqing lay down and prepared to sleep.

"Good night." She said to Su Lingling.

Su Linling: "Good night."

But Su Linling still didn't sleep. She didn't need to sleep and could keep an eye on them for them.

The "food reserve" was leaning next to Su Fuqing's head, with his whole body pressed tightly against her.

Su Fuqing was already used to this little guy's closeness.

She quickly fell asleep, but it seemed that her sleep was not peaceful.

Not long after sleeping, Su Fuqing was woken up by a scream.

problem occurs.

Su Linling also said in her ear: "The monster is coming."

Before he finished speaking, Su Fuqing had already sat up, holding large scissors in his hand.

She already felt the danger approaching.

Others were also awakened by the scream.

"what happened?"

"Is there a monster coming?"

"Who is keeping watch now?"

"Quick, quick, take out your weapons."


After a brief panic, everyone took out their weapons and prepared to deal with the coming danger.

[A monster is coming? ]

[I didn’t see clearly. ]

[There seems to be a dark shadow. ]

[Are there so many people still awake? ]

[They are all night owls. ]

[There aren’t many. ]

[Can't sleep. ]


The night watchman said: "I just saw a black shadow, which seemed to be a monster, but it disappeared in an instant."

Hearing that there might really be a monster, everyone prepared for it.

But after waiting for several minutes, there was no movement at all. It was extremely quiet.

Someone couldn't help but say: "Where is the monster?"

Others answered one after another:

"Nothing at all."

"I just really saw it."

"It's not like you saw it wrong, right?"

"I think should not be."

"Look, you're not even sure anymore."

"Oh, it disturbs my rest."

"It's better to continue sleeping."


Just when everyone relaxed their vigilance and planned to go back to sleep, something unexpected happened. (End of chapter)

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