
The person who just said he wanted to go back to sleep let out a shrill scream.

Su Linling said: "The monster is coming."

Su Fuqing had already rushed towards the place where the screams came from.

In fact, Su Lingling was also rushing there, even one step faster than Su Fuqing and others, but she only saw a player lying on the ground and a black shadow retreating away.

"That's so fast." Su Fuqing frowned.

Then she knelt down to examine the man lying on the ground.

[The monster is coming? ]

[Ah, where? ]

[See nothing. ]

[I saw it, another black shadow running very fast. ]

[I saw it too, it looked quite small. ]

[It just lay on the man and sucked up a bunch of white stuff. I don’t know what it was. ]


"How's it going?" Su Fuqing rushed up and asked.

Su Lingling hesitated to speak: "Still alive, but..."

Su Fuqing asked again: "But what?"

At this time, others rushed over.

"What's up with him?"

"Are you still alive?"

"Show him quickly!"

"Xu Xin, Xu Xin, wake up!"


Su Linling sighed and continued: "Half of his soul is gone."

Half the soul is gone?

Su Fuqing thought about the meaning of this sentence.

Then she heard other people say: "Why can't he wake up?"

"Xu Xin, are you still alive?"

"Isn't it cold?"


Su Linling added: "The monster seemed to have taken away half of his soul, so he couldn't wake up."

Su Fuqing almost understood.

She told others Su Linling's original words.

Others seemed to understand.

"What should I do?"

"I must get back half of his soul."

"No matter how you grab it, the monsters have disappeared."

"I haven't even seen what that monster looks like."

"Just a dark figure."


Everyone is clueless about the monster that took away half of Xu Xin's soul.

One person was left to look at Xu Xin, and the remaining four people divided into two teams and looked around in a large circle, but they couldn't even see the shadow of the monster.

Finally, everyone got together again and tried to wake Xu Xin up. Unfortunately, no matter what method they tried, he had no response.

Moreover, the group of people did not dare to sleep anymore in the second half of the night, fearing that the monster would attack again.

The eighth day of the copy.

The sky was still dark, but it was still daytime.

Several players could no longer hold on and fell asleep.

Su Fuqing supported her chin with her hand, closed her eyes, and prepared to squint for a while.

Xu Xin is still unconscious.

Originally she only planned to squint for a while, but Su Fuqing was too sleepy and no one called her, so she fell asleep for a long time without realizing it.

She stayed awake for three hours last night, so she slept for more than three hours in total.

Fortunately, no accidents happened while Su Fuqing was asleep. It seems that daytime has now become a relatively safe period.

The audience who was sleeping last night woke up and saw the players falling asleep, and they were still a little confused.

[what happened? Why are you all sleeping? ]

[What happened last night? ]

[What did I miss? ]

[Missed a lot. ]

[Something happened. ]

Someone soon explained what happened in the middle of the night yesterday.

[It seems we did miss a lot. ]

[Are they still sleeping? ]

[Then Xu Xin is still unconscious? ]

[Yeah, just lie there. ]

[Is there any hope? ]

[have no idea. ]


It was almost noon when the players woke up one after another.

After replenishing food and water, they gathered together to discuss what to do next.

The main thing is to discuss how to arrange Xu Xin.

Someone said: "Would you like to go look for that monster again?"

"Can you still find it?"

"After such a long time, he must have run away long ago."



Su Fuqing said: "That monster may not have run far away. There are still several of us here."

Lou Shuang said: "You mean, it might come back and attack our souls?"

Su Fuqing nodded: "That's what I thought."

Lou Shuang thought for a while and suggested: "Then let's not go too far."

Others agreed with her proposal.

So, on this day, everyone wandered around the area where Xu Xin's accident happened.

They have concluded that it is relatively safe during the day, as long as one person is left to watch Xu Xin.

Sure enough, nothing happened during the day, and even if they encountered monsters, the players could deal with them.

But Su Fuqing picked up an unconscious person.

After Su Linling checked, it was true that this man had lost half of his soul.

Maybe it was that monster again.

It happened that this place was not far from where Xu Xin's accident occurred, so Su Fuqing simply dragged the man back.

After settling everyone down, guessing that it would still be some time before it gets completely dark, Su Fuqing ate something and slept for a while.

When it got really dark, Su Lingling woke her up in time.

The other players also came back, and when they saw one more person, they all asked questions.

Su Fuqing explained that she picked it up nearby.

Someone said sincerely: "Sister Su, haven't you heard this sentence? Don't pick it up from men on the roadside."

Su Fuqing: "..."

She could only continue to explain: "He is in the same situation as Xu Xin."

"So the monster is still there."

"It turns out that it also harmed others."


After a while of discussion, everyone decided to keep this person.

[Does anyone know this person? ]

[do not know. ]

[It looks familiar. ]

[He was originally in another team, and that team was also in the snow. I thought they would meet Su Fuqing and the others. ]

[So after this person’s accident, the team ignored him? ]

[This should be. ]

[Then he is also a bit miserable. ]

[Wait, this seems to be a new person. ]

[It’s not easy for newcomers to survive until now. ]

[I feel like something is going to happen again tonight. ]

[Stop being so cunning again. ]

[This makes me not want to sleep at night. ]

[Me too. ]

[I'm so sleepy, I'll go to sleep first. ]


Because of what they learned last night, the players all slept together, with the two unconscious people placed in the middle.

The vigil also became two groups, the first group was three people and the second group was two people, taking turns keeping watch for two hours.

Su Fuqing was placed in a group of two people, and together with Aibte.

The two of them were not familiar with each other at all, and Abt was unreasonable, so there was no communication from beginning to end.

After the other group stayed on guard for two hours, it was their turn again.

Even though Su Linling had the upper hand, Su Fuqing never let down her guard.

Because the speed of that monster is too fast.

When it appeared again, Su Fuqing only saw a shadow that flashed past quickly. (End of chapter)

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