"The monster is here again!"

Su Fuqing shouted and woke up the others.

Abt also took action and quickly approached the place where the black shadow appeared.

Also acting at the same time was Su Lingling.

Su Fuqing lagged a step behind, and when he rushed over, he happened to see Abut and Su Linling holding down a struggling black figure.

"Caught?" she asked with a hint of surprise.

Su Linling affirmed: "I caught it. This should be the monster last night."

Su Fuqing moved closer and tentatively touched the monster, but ended up touching a hair on his hand.

It was quite soft, and Su Fuqing couldn't help but touch it a few more times.

"Reserve Food" couldn't stand it any longer and jumped crazily on her shoulders.

Su Fuqing patted "Reserve Food" on the head with his other hand to show comfort.

At this time, other people also rushed over and asked impatiently:

"How about it?"

"Did you catch the monster?"

"Caught it." Su Fuqing said as he touched the monster's head along its fur.

Like some kind of canine.

[Finally caught. ]

[Su Fuqing touched the monster's head. ]

[Don't touch its mouth. ]

[This monster shouldn’t bite people. ]

[have no idea. ]

[This monster looks like a dog. ]

[Dogs don’t necessarily bite people. ]

[Don’t forget that its ability is to steal people’s souls. ]


Su Fuqing did not forget the monster's ability and reminded: "Be careful, don't get too close."

Lou Shuang came over nonchalantly and opened the monster's mouth with his hands.

The monster made a low purring sound and seemed very angry.

It still wanted to resist, but unfortunately it was tightly controlled by Abt and Su Lingling.

"What should we do? Let it spit out the souls of those two people?" Lou Shuang said.

What Su Fuqing was worried about was: "Can I still spit it out?"

Wouldn't it be digested or absorbed by this monster?

Lou Shuang suggested: "Try giving me a beating?"

Just as she said, she punched the monster on the head, which hurt just looking at it.

The monster howled twice, seeming to be in some pain.

"Give back the souls of the two people you stole yesterday, or I'll beat you to death." Lou Shuang threatened.

After saying that, she punched again.

I don’t know if this monster can understand, but Su Fuqing also joined the team that beat the monster.

[Is it so simple and crude? ]

[is that useful? ]

[have no idea. ]

[I wonder if this monster can understand. ]

[do not know either. ]

[All I know is that the two of them had a great time playing. ]

[seems like it. ]

[laughing to death. ]

[Monster: pitiful, weak, helpless, scared. ]

[Hahahahaha. ]


Su Fuqing and Lou Shuang did have a good time fighting each other.

The monster howled after being beaten by them, and it really sounded like a dog or a wolf.

I don't know how long it took, but both men were tired from fighting, and the monster was beaten badly, but it still didn't give in.

Su Fuqing rubbed her hands and said, "Is it true that I can't spit it out?"

This is how to do?

Lou Shuang also stopped his hand, thought for a while, and said, "You go and rest first, I'll watch it, and then we can continue during the day."

"So are you." She was talking about three people besides Su Fuqing, including Abut. Pan Wei plucked up the courage and stood up and said: "Sister Fuqing and...Mr. Abt didn't sleep long. Let them go to sleep. Let's guard this monster together."

Su Fuqing and Abt had only slept for three hours so far, and it was really time for them to sleep some more.

She said calmly: "Then please be safe, I'll go to bed first."

Lou Shuang took the monster from Abt's hand and pressed it together with Su Lingling.

Pan Wei and another player stood nearby.

Su Fuqing had just taken a few steps when something suddenly occurred to her. She turned around and said, "There were no wounds on those two people yesterday. We still don't know how this monster stole half of their souls. You must be careful."

"I know." Lou Shuang's men did not dare to relax and focused on the monster.

With Su Lingling and Lou Shuang watching, Su Fuqing felt relieved and actually lay down and took a nap.

When I woke up again, it was already much brighter.

It's daytime.

Today is the ninth day of the copy.

Su Fuqing rubbed her eyes, sat up and looked around.

Abut had already woken up first and was staying with Lou Shuang and the others, guarding the monster.

So, she was the one who woke up the latest?

Thinking of this, Su Fuqing felt a little embarrassed.

But she finally saw the true face of the monster - it had black fur, looked like a dog and a wolf, and was a little larger than an average dog.

It was suppressed by Su Lingling and Lou Shuang, looking listless.

Su Fuqing walked over and asked, "Did anything happen after I fell asleep?"

"It's nothing, it's just that this guy still can't get enough of it." Lou Shuang tugged on the monster's ear.

"How about killing it directly?" Su Fuqing suggested.

Lou Shuang agreed: "What a good idea. Anyway, I can't do anything about it."

Pan Wei said: "Maybe if you kill it, the souls of Xu Xin and the others will come back."

The monster seemed to understand their words and shook its body.

[It turns out that it still knows how to be afraid. ]

[This monster seems to understand human speech. ]

[It should be, its IQ is not low. ]

[Never mind him, kill him quickly. ]

[What if this monster is killed and the souls of the two people don’t come back? ]

[That can only be blamed on their bad luck. Anyway, Sister Shuang and the others have tried every method. ]

[Others have indeed done their best. ]

[Isn’t there still half of the soul left? Not dead. ]

[A good person loses half of his soul, so he must be stupid even if he doesn't die. ]

[Pity. ]


"Then let's do it." Su Fuqing took out the big scissors, clicked them twice, and got closer to the monster.

The monster raised his head to look at her, his body shaking even more.

Su Fuqing opened the big scissors, and the monster suddenly rushed forward with force, knocking her away, but it still couldn't escape the grip of Su Lingling and Lou Shuang.

"Sorry, I didn't hold it down just now." Lou Shuang said with an apology on his face, "Are you okay? How about I take action?"

"It's okay." Su Fuqing shook off the hand that was hit by the monster and moved forward again.

This time, Su Lingling and Lou Shuang directly pressed the monster with force until it lay on the ground with its limbs spread out, making it easier for Su Fuqing to take action.

Just when Su Fuqing was about to take action, the monster raised its head and roared, and then those present saw a cloud of white smoke coming out of its mouth.

The cloud of smoke floated over the heads of Xu Xin and the man lying on the other side, circled around, and then split into two equal halves, entering their bodies respectively.

Su Fuqing stopped her hand: "Is this...vomiting out their souls?"

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