Chapter 119 One is true and the other is false

After the explosion, Zhao Yang cursed.

Even though his physique has been continuously strengthened and he is already a level 3 superpower user, he was still blown to pieces and his body was covered in blood and blood.

If an ordinary person was bombed, he would definitely be reduced to scum.

Zhao Yang had just recovered from the shock when he saw many people rushing towards him, very nervous about the old man.

Zhao Yang remembered the black energy just now and looked over.

Sure enough, he saw Shi Zhen standing beside the old man.

The old man raised his hand to signal those people to stop.

Then he held Shi Zhen's hand cordially and said, "Zhen Zhen, can I call you this? Are you willing to cooperate with us again and return to the special department?"

"You were wronged by what happened before. I'm sorry."

"People with superpowers suddenly appeared, and we have no experience in managing people with superpowers, so we didn't do a very good job in screening. I guarantee that as long as you are willing to go back, you and Yaoming will have the same status. Special Department, in the future It’s your responsibility.”

"I trust you and the country trusts you."

The old man held Shi Zhen's hand and said with tears in his eyes.

As a high-level person, she knows more information that ordinary people don't know.It becomes clearer about Shi Zhen’s possible identity.

She admires it.

It was also shameful that Shi Zhen was forced away by some villains.

Shi Zhen has no human emotions, she is already a string of data.So no matter how emotional the old man said, she remained expressionless.

This made many people waiting outside feel dissatisfied and angry.

One even wanted to come over again.

Zhao Yang took a few steps forward to block it.

No one can interfere with Sister Zhen’s decision-making!
Although I don’t know what happened when he entered the game, seeing that Sister Zhen didn’t even dare to reply, I knew that she must have suffered a lot of grievances.It's a shame that he wasn't around at the time and couldn't protect Sister Zhen.

This time, he would not let others bully him again.

Zhao Yang was covered in blood, but he still firmly blocked the front.

It looked inexplicably tragic.

However, he soon ruined the mood himself.


There was a muffled sound, and Shi Zhen and the old man looked over together, and saw Zhao Yang lying on the ground, with his legs bent, like a big frog.

"Sister Zhen, I can't." Zhao Yang fell too hard and couldn't get up. He raised his head and said weakly.

Shi Zhen was silent for a moment and said to the old man: "He is usually very reliable."


Shi Zhen: "I will take action if necessary."

Old man: "Okay. That's it."

The old man stretched out his hand towards Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang subconsciously held it.He heard the old man say to him: "Welcome the deputy minister of our special department to return to the team."

"No, I can't." Zhao Yang tried his best to refuse, and also wanted to persuade Shi Zhen to change his mind.

He just heard that it was Shi Zhen who suggested that he be the deputy minister.

He doesn't want it, he doesn't care about it, he just wants to be with Sister Zhen.

But after Shi Zhen arranged a position for him, it was like a mother bird that had finally settled its chicks and could fly high with confidence.Shi Zhen's figure flickered and left the ruins as fast as the naked eye could catch.

"Sister! My only sister!"

Zhao Yang cried so loudly, he looked like an abandoned dog.

He remained lying on his face crying and was carried back to the special department to meet with the members.

A long time later, when Zhao Yang led the special department to kill everyone with iron-blooded methods, the news that he burst into tears when he appeared for the first time spread everywhere.Earned the nickname "Crying Minister".

But that’s all for later.

at the moment.

Zhao Yang was still trying to contact Shi Zhen and asked Shi Zhen to take him away.

And Shi Zhen, after catching up with Zhou Yaoming, was arguing about how to get information out of the mouth of the person who planted the cold bomb.

Shi Zhen wanted to be quick and easy. She entered that person's body and read all his memories just like she did to Ma Meier.Look at it all, mentally and physically.

Zhou Yaoming believes that the case should be sent back to the department for interrogation.

"Too slow." Shi Zhen shook his head.

"This is the rule." Zhou Yaoming refused to give in.Shi Zhen was only willing to say a few words because he was pretty good, but she didn't expect him to be so persistent.Shi Zhen raised her hand, wanting to knock Zhou Yaoming unconscious and take him away.

Zhou Yaoming did not resist and allowed Shi Zhen's attack to fall on him.

Before falling unconscious, Zhou Yaoming looked at Shi Zhen with sad eyes: "I am here for you."

Shi Zhen turned around indifferently, holding the assassin in one hand.

The energy invaded and skipped the meaningless miserable life experience. Finally, in the recent picture, he saw a person covered in a black robe contacting him, asking him to throw xx person after seeing xx person at xx time and place. A package.

Then it's all about waiting until you get caught.

This part was meaningless, Shi Zhen quickly skipped it and got out.

The assassin fell limply to the ground, breathless.

He killed someone again.

Shi Zhen looked at the dead people on the ground, and this idea clearly appeared in her mind.

Zhou Yaoming's tangled and sad eyes before he fell into coma also appeared at the same time, as if to say: Don't make the wrong mistake again.

But the next moment, a faint blue energy suddenly burst out from the dead human body.

That energy seemed to be able to dissolve the black energy that made up Shi Zhen's body. Although Shi Zhen resisted in time, one of his arms was eaten away.

That moment of hesitation and hesitation disappeared immediately.


"Tigress, are you here? Why have you become so ugly?" In the small villa, the little boy was watching with interest the players in the horror story, screaming in fright and making all kinds of ugly appearances, when he suddenly felt something Something entered, and when he looked up, he found that it was Shi Zhen, who was very happy. When he saw Shi Zhen's appearance clearly, he frowned again, with a look of disgust on his face.

"Change back quickly!" the little boy urged.

Shi Zhen looked at her new image through the mirror.

A sallow face, a shriveled body, short sleeves, baggy and ill-fitting trousers, and khaki rubber shoes.

She looks like an ordinary hardworking rural woman.

She adjusted her black hair again, turning it into dry yellow like dry grass.

The back is slightly lifted.

Suddenly, a silent and shrinking woman appeared in the mirror.

No one who sees her will connect her with Shi Zhen.

Shi Zhen was extremely satisfied, and then turned around to answer the little boy's question: "To catch bad guys."

"Who is it? Where is it? I'm going too." The little boy became excited.

Story House is interesting, but boring after watching it for a long time.He needs new stimulation.

Shi Zhen is very skilled at fooling children: "I really need your cooperation. You pretended that you disliked the fact that there were too few players and it was not fun enough, so you took the initiative to arrest people. I am just an ordinary person who was accidentally caught by you."

"and then?"

"Then, you can take out a new version of me and hide it with you. Hide it carefully. Don't tell anyone."

"and then?"

"The bad guys are here to test you."

"Not bad, not bad, very exciting! I want to play."

The little boy danced with joy. He ran to his toy box and rummaged through it, and found out a few bones, a beautiful head, and some strange potions.After tinkering for a while, a woman who looked exactly like Shi Zhen took shape.

However, the created Shi Zhen's eyes were dull and far less agile than the original owner.

Fortunately, it was just hidden and nothing needed to be done.

The little boy quickly came up with an idea and placed the fake Shi Zhen in the heart of the House of Horror Stories.

In this way, fake Shizhen can appear in every horror story told by players.

It would take a lot of effort for the bad guys to catch her.

Thinking of the scene where he made the bad guys look good, the little boy chuckled proudly.

After laughing enough, he thought of Shi Zhen and wanted Shi Zhen to praise him for his cleverness, but when he saw it, Shi Zhen was gone.After searching again, Shi Zhen had already entered a horror story house. She was the fifth person, the minimum number of people who had just arrived to open the story house.

The little boy said "Hey" and wanted to follow. The story began.

He couldn't enter and could only watch from the outside.

The little boy puffed up his cheeks in depression, but soon, his attention was attracted.

The story of the tigress entering is a bit scary.

(End of this chapter)

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