Chapter 120 The Embryo Goddess (1)

Staying in the game was a decision Shi Zhen made the moment she was attacked.

By reading the assassin's memory, the mastermind behind the assassination was able to predict his actions in advance.This can no longer be explained by a simple coincidence.

If you think about it more carefully, do all your actions have the shadow of being secretly promoted by the other party?

Who is he?
where is he hiding
Shi Zhen couldn't think of it, but decided to break out of her usual thinking mode.

If the other party can set up a trap and let her walk in without noticing, it means that he knows her very well.

She knew nothing about the other party.

The best way at this time is to force the other party out!
"Shi Zhen" is missing, which is not in line with the other party's speculation, so the other party will definitely find a way to determine Shi Zhen's whereabouts.Is there a more humble means of searching than using gamers to explore?


Therefore, Shi Zhen decided to change her image and stay in the game, secretly observing the traces of the mastermind behind the scenes.

As for Zhao Yang and the others, with their new identities and the protection of Zhou Yaoming, they should be fine in a short time.

The country probably had more information than she thought, so after she broadcast the news that foreign enemies had sneaked in, the country immediately chose to believe her.


She can no longer trust her.

She couldn't afford to be wrong.


Shi Zhen entered the hut filled with viscera, and the decoration inside was equally bloody.

Leg bones cut into sections, arms torn off at will, faces with noses cut off, ears hung up as decorations...

There were already four people inside.

They each sit with their open mouths.

Sharp teeth covered them from top to bottom, and their faces looked bad.

Seeing Shi Zhen come in, with her hair dyed silver and a nose ring, the young-looking man urged: "Hurry up. You just need to start."

Shi Zhen behaves like a confused and ignorant ordinary person.

She was trembling all over, looking at everything in the room with trembling eyes, her face turned pale with fright: "W-where is this? I want to go home. Kidnapping means going to jail. If you let me go, I won't be able to do anything. Did not say."

"Tsk, newcomer? How come there is a newcomer coming in?" Silver-haired Earrings frowned in confusion.

But others can't wait.

Only five people can start, and only after they have started can they pass the level, and only after they have passed the level can they get the purple-gold level props.

No matter where this comes from, it’s important to turn it on!
A very beautiful person with a milky white complexion and a male and female figure swung a rope from his sleeve. The rope seemed to be alive and automatically wrapped around Shi Zhen, then pulled her to an empty mouth and sat down.

As soon as Shi Zhen sat down, she felt an invisible force fixing her here.

She couldn't break free.

And among the five of them, a white curtain began to appear. On the curtain was written "Story Story" in three large blood-red characters, with a compass underneath.

The compass spun rapidly.

Shi Zhen ignored it and continued to struggle hard.

Everything here was so scary and strange to her.

These people are simply like vicious perverts.

But no one expected that the pointer would stop towards Shi Zhen.

After several players were stunned, some were angry. The first opportunity to tell the story was taken away, which meant that their chances of being the first to pass the level were reduced.

It is better to kill her!

Anyway, she is a stupid woman who knows nothing!
Just before this person was about to take action, Shi Zhen, who had been struggling and panicking, suddenly calmed down. She looked into the void and asked: "Really? I just need to tell a scary story to scare others, and I can do it." leave?"

"Okay. I'll tell you."

"I know a story about the Embryo Goddess."

As Shi Zhen spoke, the scene in front of everyone changed.

They appeared in a desolate village with houses built on loess mud.

As the narrator, Shi Zhen’s perspective is looking down from the sky.She doesn’t participate in the story, she only sets it up.

"In the past, in Huangtu Village, villagers had the habit of worshiping the goddess of pregnancy. It is said that as long as you are sincere, you can get whatever fetus you want.

The villagers were very happy at first. Every time a couple got married, they would prepare a generous ceremony to seek blessings from the Goddess of Pregnancy.

At that time, there was a custom in rural areas of inheriting the birth of a boy, and almost all newlyweds sought to conceive a boy.

Those who have sons want more sons, so they also seek to conceive a male child.

Over the past few years, all the juniors in Huangtu Village will be men.The villagers in Huangtu Village were very proud at first, which showed that their village had a strong yang spirit and they were very competitive in marrying wives from other villages.But I don’t know why, all these grown-up boy dolls are not good.Not to mention getting my wife pregnant, they can't even do that.They just have a man's body but don't have the power of a man.

The villagers of Huangtu Village were panicked. If this continues, Huangtu Village will never survive!
Everyone went to ask the Goddess of Pregnancy for help, and the Goddess of Pregnancy appeared and said that everything they had now was their own.In order to satisfy them, she changed the original female fetus into a male fetus.There is no way to change it back.If you want to change, you can only ask for a female fetus.

But all the young men in the village are not good enough.

This is how to do.

The village chief thought about it and came up with a solution. There were no young women in the village, but the fetus goddess was.As long as more men from other places are found to impregnate the fetus goddess and give birth to daughters, the village's dilemma will be solved.

So the village chief and the villagers made a show, crying and kneeling, and the deceived Embryo Goddess appeared again, and polluted the Embryo Goddess with the most filthy things, causing her to lose all her magic power.Then she was tied up and locked up in a small house, and many men were found to humiliate her.

The village chief's plan went smoothly, and the fetus goddess became pregnant with a daughter.

On the night when the whole village of Huangtu Village was waiting and looking forward to the birth of the baby girl, the Fetus Goddess ate her daughter, turned into an evil god, and slaughtered the entire Huangtu Village.

She stayed in Loess Village, she was still trapped and couldn't leave.

Anyone who enters Huangtu Village by mistake will be brutally killed by the Empress, the Fetus Goddess.

Unless someone can quell her resentment, Loess Village can be saved.


The other four players appeared at the entrance of Huangtu Village.

They heard the background of the story.

His expressions turned ugly.

Because they are all men, and the Fetus Goddess has a deep hatred for men.

This... is so damn hard.

The beginning of hell, right?

The four of them stood at the entrance of the village, unwilling to go in.

But the sky is getting darker and darker, which seems to be an urging.

The silver-haired nose ring stomped his feet: "This kind of folklore story is the most annoying. It's not fun at all. You can't just beat it to death to pass the level."

The androgynous person raised a smile on his lips and said, "Who says it can't be done?"

The silver-haired nose ring was dumbfounded: "Didn't you listen? Then the queen is already an evil god. God, we are also delivering food together."

"How do you know if you don't try? I like challenging challenges." After the male and female debater finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to the others, "Hello, my name is An Qin. I am a man."

The silver nose ring reached out and touched him, and said grumpily: "Just call me Xiaotian."

Seeing this, the other two also introduced their names.

A man whose muscles were about to burst his clothes and looked like the Hulk from the movie had a surname of Huang.

The other one had a good-natured face. He frowned and criticized the villagers for being too drastic and excessive.His surname is Han, and he claims to be a professor of humanities.

After the introduction, it was already dark.

There is a thick ink color brewing in the clouds, which makes people feel dangerous.

"Let's go in." An Qin suggested with a smile.

The other three had no objections.

Isn't this story just for them to enter? As long as they hold on and are not frightened by that womb goddess, they can get out until the end of the story.

This is not a scene, this is just a story within a scene.

As long as you're not afraid, you'll be fine.

The four people had different thoughts, but they all seemed much calmer.

They walked into Huangtu Village.

As soon as they entered, the black clouds in the sky roared down and swallowed everything outside into black.

Shi Zhen, on the other hand, felt like she was being pulled hard by something, and she was getting into something uncontrollably.When she shook, she realized that she had entered the body of the Fetus Goddess.

She is the storyteller as well as the participant.

She scares one of the four, and she clears the level.

She couldn't be scared, she failed, and the four of them won.

However, there are no other win-win solutions.

As long as the five of them can resolve the grievances of the Embryo Goddess and turn the horror story into an ordinary legend.Only five people passed the level.


This story naturally sets up the confrontation between the Embryo Goddess and the four players, and they would not have thought of doing this.

Even if Shi Zhen told them, they wouldn't believe it.

How should it be guided?
Shi Zhen fell into thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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