Chapter 121 The Embryo Goddess (2)

"It's here."

After An Qin and the four of them entered Huangtu Village, they searched for clues and found the Temple of the Embryo Goddess.

But what I didn't expect was that there was no fetal goddess in it.

Xiaotian, who had a silver-haired nose ring, had a bad temper and hit the base of the statue of the Empress of the Fetus, shattering the stone carved into a lotus at the base.

"Pretend to be a ghost." Xiaotian snorted from his nostrils, full of disdain, "Hiding you, if you can, stay away for the rest of your life, or I will punch you to death."

While Xiaotian was raging, other players were listening to what was going on in the temple.

Still nothing.

How to do?
Several people communicated with their eyes, and suddenly, the same female voice that told the story before sounded in their minds: "After Huangtu Village was closed for many years, four outsiders entered Huangtu Village to escape the heavy rain. They saw the faces of every household in the village. The windows were pasted with drawings requested from the Temple of the Goddess of the Fetus. They were curious and decided to go to the Temple of the Goddess of the Fetus to find out.

They didn't know that their appearance had awakened the sleeping goddess of the fetus.

A pair of eyes were staring at them. "

After hearing the last sentence, the four players looked up and saw a pair of huge blood-red eyes embedded on the top.

The blood-red eyes realized that they had been discovered and no longer hid.

There was a "rustling" vibration on the entire roof, something was about to come down.

"I'll attack, you cover."

An Qin's beautiful face showed excitement and enthusiasm.

He likes killing monsters and stuff the most.

However, when he stood up and pointed a pistol at his bloody eyes and shot, several other people also took action.

A long iron hook penetrated the roof and hooked towards the body with big blood-red eyes.The roof was as thin and brittle as if it were made of paper, and a big hole was ripped out of it.

Crash, a bunch of black shadows fell down like dumplings from the sky.

Huang Guang, a burly and muscular man with a close-combat figure, took out a small yellow flag with characters written on it from his pocket and put pressure on the black shadow.

Golden solemn characters flew out one by one and stuck on the black shadow.

Each black shadow in the sticker is like a drop of water meeting the blazing sun, turning into steam and disappearing.

But there were too many dark shadows, densely packed together.

And I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but every time one ghost disappears, two or three ghosts appear, and there are more and more black ghosts.It's just that they overlap and there is no visible increase.

Anqin couldn't resist at first. He only had a pistol. He cursed and stepped back.

They agreed to cover, but each of the three was more afraid of falling behind than the other.They all want to get rid of the monster first so that they can get the information about the Embryo Goddess that the monster may carry.

But these things are like fucking ants, endlessly connected.

An Qin retreated, and Xiaotian realized that his hook was not working hard. They were just shadows and could not hook anything, so he retreated.

The pressure suddenly fell on Huang Guang. He gritted his teeth and asked Professor Han, who did not take any action and only looked at him with a magnifying glass: "Are you going to get up? If not, I will withdraw."

Oh shit.

Can't stand it.

The characters on his little yellow flag were almost used up, but not even one-third of the black shadow was covered.What a big loss.

Professor Han finally put away his magnifying glass and ran out like a rabbit: "These are the men who have died in Huangtu Village for many years. Their souls are trapped in the village and cannot get out, and they need to find substitutes!"

"Damn it!" Huang Guang discovered that all the hatred of the black shadow now fell on him.I was so angry that I wanted to vomit blood.

He wanted to run away like the others, but as long as he dared to make similar moves, the shadows would definitely pounce on him and swallow him.We can hold a stalemate now, but the yellow flag is still a bit of a deterrent.

How to do?
Layers of cold sweat broke out on Huang Guang's forehead.

He quickly recalled the props he owned. There were many that could be used to deal with supernatural beings, and what he had originally obtained were similar powers.

But the yellow flag is the most powerful among them.

Others, when taken out, are also served as food.

Is it just like this?

Huang Guang felt that his powers were being consumed so much that he could no longer hold on.

At this moment, the players who ran out ran in one after another.Although he knew that this possibility was very small, he couldn't help but hope that they were here to save him.

As a result, Xiaotian was cursing as soon as he jumped in: "What's going on? The Goddess of Pregnancy didn't show up earlier, but she showed up later, and now she appears!! She's ridiculously strong!"

"Should we be wiped out as soon as we come in?"

An Qin used the sealing prop to temporarily block Xiaotian's crow's mouth.

He walked towards Huang Guang: "How long can we hold on? I have a plan."

Huang Guang gritted his teeth and his veins popped out: "You damn thing!"

"Oh. Since you didn't speak, I thought you didn't want to cooperate." Anqin shrugged and said quickly, "I want to lure this thing out so that it can have sex with the Empress of the Embryo Goddess, and we can take the opportunity to hide away."

Huang Guang wanted to ask if it would be effective. If he were not lured out, he would become cannon fodder on both sides.

"Tear off", all the characters on the yellow flag flew out.The yellow flag couldn't withstand the attack of the black shadow, and the cloth tore.

If you wait any longer, you will just die.

Huang Guang gasped and said, "You guys cover me."

Anqin happily took out his pistol: "Don't worry. We are one now."

To show his sincerity, he fired two shots outside.

There was tremendous pressure coming from outside.

Huang Guang felt the power of the Embryo Goddess, shouted "drink", turned around and ran out holding the small yellow flag.

An Qin Xiaotian and Professor Han took action at the same time, blocking the black shadow for a moment, preventing it from catching the yellow light.

The next second, the three of them stopped their hands and jumped out like rabbits.

The black shadow was completely enraged, and dozens of pairs of blood-red eyes appeared on its huge and bloated body.

It floated out as light as nothing and caught up with Anqin and the others.


Can't move.

Anqin and the other three were in a panic.

A black shadow covered it, getting closer and closer.

Seeing that they were about to be "swallowed", a cold female voice shouted: "Get out!"

The black virtual image saw something terrifying and ran away in a mess.

An Qin and the others narrowly escaped death, but they couldn't think of any luck, because the one who just spoke out was the Empress of the Embryo Goddess.

I originally thought that the two sides could fight back and forth several times, and they could take advantage of the chaos and run away.Unexpectedly, the powerful black shadow would scare him away as soon as he encountered it.

The Embryo Goddess gave them the feeling of being unfathomable and unable to fight.

Are you going to die in the story today?
Anqin was a little desperate.

Although Professor Han next to him looked pale, his tone was very calm and he said: "No, this is not a scene, this is a story in the scene. As long as we are not frightened by the story, we will not die."

Is that right?

An Qin, Xiaotian, and Huang Guang wanted to believe what Professor Han said.

However, the Fetus Goddess came over!

She's going to take action! ! !
Waiting for death is not the style of veteran players.An Qin and the others showed ruthless looks in their eyes, as they were about to resort to life-saving measures.Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Professor Han stopped them: "Wait a minute."

Professor Han raised his magnifying glass to look at the Embryo Goddess, and muttered something like crazy.

Suddenly, he said loudly: "I know your obsession and resentment! We can help you!"

The terrifying pressure stopped for a moment.

Her face could not be seen clearly, and a woman wearing a cheongsam and bare feet spat out a few hoarse words in her throat: "Lie, and your soul will be crushed!"

These words penetrated their souls with a strange and cold power.Make your soul tremble unconsciously.

Professor Han lowered his head to show respect, but his tone was still calm: "You killed the villagers of Huangtu Village, but the resentful ghosts turned into by the villagers trapped you here, making you repeat the pain you had before. You want to get out, We can help you."

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(End of this chapter)

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