Chapter 122 The Embryo Goddess (3)

"Let me see the sincerity first."

After the husky female voice finished saying this, she left in a daze.

Anqin and the others waited until the terrifying pressure was felt before they dared to straighten their backs.

Xiaotian sat down on the ground without any image and complained: "Old Han, what kind of promise are you making? We want to kill her, not help her!"

"Are you sure of killing him?" Professor Han changed his previous taciturn image and asked sarcastically.

Xiaotian was choked, but soon he raised his neck and shouted: "Then if you mess around like this, we won't be able to pass the level! Purple-gold level props, just wait and see others take them away!"

This is so sad.

Anqin and the others frowned, sounding very uncomfortable.

The yellow light flag was damaged, and my biggest reliance this time was gone, and I was feeling agitated.Hearing this, he smiled coldly: "With so many opinions, why don't you come with us? If you have the ability to pass the level, I don't have any objection to you going to get the purple-gold items. If you want to stay and be a troublemaker, I I don’t mind sending you on your way early!”

After all, the activity stretched all the muscles in the body.

Xiaotian, who has silver hair and a nose ring, looks like a malnourished child compared to him.

Xiaotian couldn't resist him and looked towards Anqin.

An Qin was thoughtful for a while and asked Professor Han: "Old Han, tell me about your discovery."

Professor Han was very excited at this moment. He did not show off his words and directly showed everyone his magnifying glass: the deeply buried story.

Gold level props.

Everything in the world has a story.As you use it, you can read its story.But be careful not to let it find out.Otherwise, you are likely to become a story within a story.

After everyone saw clearly the function of the magnifying glass, Professor Han said excitedly: "I used this to take pictures of the villagers and the Embryo Goddess. The story of the villagers is that after they were killed, they turned into resentful spirits that could not escape because of the Embryo Goddess. Reluctant to let them go, they want to kill their souls and make them disappear completely. They want to find living men who enter Huangtu Village to possess them, and let the men be their substitutes. They use their identities as men go out."

"That's not right. Doesn't the Fetus Goddess hate men and want to kill all the men who appear in Huangtu Village? Why can they change their identities and escape?" Xiaotian couldn't help but interrupt.

Professor Han smiled mysteriously and said: "The Empress of the Fetus God hates men, but as long as she changes into a woman, she can leave smoothly. Of course, the premise is that the man who enters does not participate in humiliating the Empress of the Fetus God."

Xiaotian didn't understand again: "The Fetus Goddess can still be... isn't she very strong?"

Professor Han sighed and said: "This is the reason why I can make a deal with the Empress of the Fetal Goddess. The evil spirits of the villagers gathered together and cast a curse on the Empress of the Fetus Goddess. She will be dragged into the original world at a fixed time every day. event.

And the man who accidentally enters Huangtu Village will be influenced by the villagers and become one of the people who insulted the Fetus Goddess.

Because the Embryo Goddess was born under the worship of the villagers, she could not escape reincarnation. "

"Then why would she believe us?"

"Because, I saw her story. She didn't believe it completely. Didn't she want us to show sincerity?"

As soon as he said this, the other two people, An Qin and Huang Guang, also became energetic.

How to show sincerity?

It's not like they just killed a few villagers.

That's too hard.

What if they risked their lives to seriously injure themselves and become the goddess of pregnancy, but she wouldn't let them go?
Fortunately, Professor Han is worthy of being a professor. He thinks quickly and already has an idea: "Let's wait for time, enter reincarnation, and change events."

When Xiaotian heard this, he nodded: "This is simple. Okay."

Professor Han looked at him as if he were a fool, but said nothing. Instead, he took out four knives and divided them into pieces for Xiaotian Anqin. After dividing them, he told him: "If you find that you can't control yourself, just cut yourself." .”

"Cut here, understand?"

Professor Han made a cutting gesture on his crotch.

Xiaotian was so frightened that he dropped the knife in his hand: "You are crazy!"

It's just a story. If you don't clear it, you haven't cleared it. There are still two chances.There's no need to be so ruthless as a eunuch!

Professor Han's face became stern: "If you disagree, speak up now and we will divide into groups. Don't let bad things happen to everyone when the time comes."

An Qin and Huang Guang also hesitated.

The main thing is this, this, it’s too cruel.

An Qin asked thoughtfully: "Is it necessary?" Professor Han nodded solemnly: "If we blaspheme the Embryo Goddess, no matter who among us, we will lose her trust. Are you confident that you can beat her?"

When Huang Guang heard this, he felt the same. Compared with being a eunuch and living, the eunuch was not that unbearable.Put away the knife and be the first to express his position: "I listen to you."

Xiaotian was still hesitant.He couldn't help but look at An Qin.

An Qin is more thoughtful. After carefully reviewing Professor Han's words, he asked: "Is there any other way? In addition to cooperating with the Empress of the Fetal Goddess, we can also cooperate with the villagers."

"What benefits did the Embryo Goddess give you to help her like this?"

An Qin's face lost all its beauty at this moment, and he stared at Professor Han like a cold poisonous snake.

Xiaotian and Huang Guang thought of something and stared at Professor Han in unison. They were both prepared to kill Professor Han if he couldn't explain it.

Call him a traitor to trick everyone.

Professor Han's expression changed slightly. He didn't expect An Qin to be so sharp.

However, the reason is not a secret that cannot be told.

I didn't say it before, I just didn't think it was necessary.

He said calmly: "The body of the Fetus Goddess is that woman. She said that this can be a win-win situation."

This is news that surprised everyone.

I've never heard of a narrator being included in a story.It is always the narrator who is on the outside watching their reactions to the story and adjusting the plot.

Nothing like this has ever happened.

An Qin couldn't tell whether what Professor Han said was true or false.

But there was no time for him to think.

Because the fixed reincarnation time of Huangtu Village every day has arrived.

Before being pulled in, An Qin grabbed the knife and said to Xiaotian and Huang Guang: "Listen to him first!"

If you try and make mistakes, you will end up becoming a eunuch.

There is still a chance for revenge.

The four people were pulled into reincarnation at similar speeds.

Xiaotian was more unlucky. He hadn't thought about it yet. When he heard An Qin's words and wanted to pick up the knife, it was too late.His fingertips brushed against the knife.


While standing in the dimly lit and narrow cabin, Xiaotian couldn't help but curse.

It's okay, I can hold it.It’s not like I’ve never seen a woman before.

Xiaotian encouraged himself in his heart.

After he got used to the light here, he began to look around the room. He saw a slim woman lying on a thin wooden board against the wall of the room.

A scent of heather slowly spreads.

He felt that the blood all over his body began to heat up, and something was making noise in his body.

feeling bad.

He unconsciously walked towards the woman step by step.

So beautiful.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman.

Glowing white skin, oval face, cherry mouth, and big watery eyes that are innocent and charming.

Xiaotian swallowed loudly, his reason was disappearing quickly. He forgot everything except that this woman was for him to enjoy.

He walked to the board and raised his hand, ready to tear the thin cheongsam on the woman's body first.

(End of this chapter)

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