Chapter 140 Battle Royale (11)

Murong has a good constitution and will regain her energy after lying down for a while.

It's just that the power consumption is too great, even if you take the medicine to restore the power, you still have to lie down for a while.

Murong was a restless person, lying around was too boring. She remembered something and went over to ask Zhang Yuan: "Hey, little sister, is it difficult to use the props you gave Wu Shang? If it's not too difficult, it can be done." Can't you sell me two?
To tell you the truth, I have a brother here who knows how to imitate.It's just that he is not strong enough and can only fool little zombies. Big guys like that can't be fooled. "

Zhang Yuan looked a little embarrassed.

How could anyone poke and prod at someone's secrets like this?

It doesn't say it, it doesn't say it doesn't.

Mu Rong still didn't know how to look at her face, so she started to calculate by herself: "It's hard to say that this kind of prop is difficult to say in other scenes, but in this scene, its value is very precious. I will pay...300 million in cash to buy one."

Zhang Yuan was moved.

300 million, a lot of money.

Even though she is a glamorous superpower, she doesn't do things like killing people and buying goods. Every time she earns some money, she immediately spends it to buy props. She is extremely poor.

My bald wife is pregnant. With 300 million, she can buy a comfortable house.There is still some left to support the baby.

Zhang Yuan wanted to nod the deal.

But, what the hell does she know!
Zhang Yuan tried her best to smile and said: "The props belong to Wu Shang. I can't make the decision. I will discuss it with him when he wakes up."

The bald man's loud voice shouted at this moment: "Wu Shang wakes up! Wu Shang wakes up!"

Zhang Yuan wanted to slap him on his shiny forehead.

This idiot.

Murong's eyes lit up: "The timing is just right. Girl, just go and ask. The deal will be done earlier, and our strength will be increased earlier."

Zhang Yuan smiled weakly and let the bald man help her go to Wu Shang.

Because they had to discuss something, the three of them went to the back of the truck.

Others move closer to the front of the car and give them space.

Shi Zhen noticed that An Qin had been secretly looking at her, and the two happened to be close to each other. She asked, "Is something wrong?"

An Qin quickly denied: "No."

However, he glanced at Shi Zhen again and in Zhang Yuan's direction.

Shi Zhen ignored him.

He looked forward for a while and reminded everyone: "Get ready."

The mistress experienced the battle in the nursing home. Although he did not contribute much, his heartstrings were tense throughout the whole process and he almost died of exhaustion.Finally able to relax now, he lay down with his limbs spread out and asked lazily: "What are you preparing for? There is no danger now."

The large truck that was moving smoothly suddenly jolted.

Everyone was thrown up and down.

Others who were prepared grabbed things, but those who were unprepared, such as the mistress, were thrown onto the carriage with a bang, and their foreheads were red.

"What's going on? Why can't you even pull a cart?" The mistress felt that Wang Dahua was laughing at him. He was so angry that he covered his forehead and stood up before scolding him.

"Huh?" The mistress was dumbfounded.

What about the three zombies?

He was about to turn around and ask others if they had seen where the three zombies had gone. Suddenly, the large truck shook again.

This time it wasn't a slight shake, but a force that flipped the car directly to one side.

Everyone rolled out of the carriage.

Before they could see clearly what was happening, they saw the big truck standing up again, and it was about to fall down on them!
"Boss!" Xiaosanzi and the others ran towards Murong with all their strength, preparing to lift Murong to avoid it.

Zhang Yuan and the others were originally at the back of the car, but after they fell out, they fell directly outside. The car fell and could not crush them.It should have been very safe, but for some unknown reason, Zhang Yuan and Baldhead looked frightened and desperately pulled Wu Shang towards Murong and the others.

An Qin saw that something was wrong, and immediately reached out to Shi Zhen: "Big Flower!"

Shi Zhen didn't retreat but moved forward, rushing forward and holding her hands against the carriage.

She saw that the large truck that was about to fall was being supported by her.

Everyone was so shocked that they forgot to speak.

Shi Zhen said shyly: "During the story meeting scene, I gained superpowers and my powers are endless. I just accumulated enough superpowers."

Explained why he took action now.

But no one thought anything was wrong without an explanation.

The nursing home is full of masters, and it makes no difference whether she takes action or not.The mistress got up, patted the dust on his trouser legs, and pretended that it was not him who had just been frightened out of his mind.He swaggered towards the front of the car and said, "I want to see what is causing trouble, pushing our car."

At this moment, Zhang Yuan and the others had arrived at Murong, with a look of frightened crisis on their faces as they said to Murong: "There are so many zombie animals... so many, so many..."

At first, everyone couldn't imagine how much it was.

But soon, they felt the earth tremble.

Mu Rong didn't care about letting people look at her, and shouted at the top of her lungs: "Run!"

"Boss, it's too late!"

The mistress had already climbed onto the front of the car to see clearly what was going on, and turned to Murong with a pale face.

"Dong dong dong..."

The earth trembles more and more frequently.

The large truck that was supported seemed to be shaken by the impact.

Shi Zhen looked like she couldn't hold on anymore, and reminded her to "hide back", then she stopped and ran back.

The large truck crashed to the ground.

The scene on the opposite side was clearly presented before everyone's eyes.

There are many, many animals, all of which are zombies.

An elephant with only a skeleton left, a monkey covered in ulcers, a stinking bison, a hare with red eyes and exaggerated teeth...

A swarm of bees rushed ahead.

And the impact they felt came from the elephant.

Now the truck is overturned, and the elephants are stepping on the truck, ready to eat these delicious humans.

Murong quickly took out the jade basin and asked Zhang Yuan: "Sister, can you still hold on?"

At this moment, I have to hold on even if I can’t hold on.

Otherwise, just wait until you become a zombie!

Zhang Yuan took out the catching net.

However, she triggered it twice, and the net failed to move.

Not enough powers.

Zhang Yuan's face turned pale.

The first batch of elephants and wild wolves rushing in front are almost approaching everyone!

The mistress gave a low growl and hurriedly turned into a zombie. Then he rubbed something off his body and quickly stuck it to the others, giving them a zombie aura.

Murong cautiously faced a zombie elephant. Good news, the zombie elephant ignored her.

The others quickly and carefully stepped aside.

Although I don’t know what happened, let these animals live if they want.

Everything went smoothly at first, but a zombie wolf that ran ahead came back again for some reason.

It went straight to Shi Zhen, sniffing around.

Seeing this, the mistress spat twice and prepared to wipe it on Shi Zhen's clothes.

Shi Zhen couldn't bear it at all. She avoided the mistress when he tried to touch her with something.This time he still ducked to the side.

The zombie wolf became excited, drooled black, opened its mouth and rushed towards Shi Zhen.

The mistress was so angry that she stamped her feet: "You deserve it!"

She was kind enough to help, but she didn’t know what to do!

Of course Shi Zhen would not be hurt by a wild wolf.

If there weren't others here, she wouldn't even fight back.

She is an energy body, and wild wolves cannot bite anything.

But now, when you pretend to be a person, you have to pretend to be a little bit more like yourself.Shi Zhen slapped her waist, and the god of death's scythe flew out, easily cutting off the head of the zombie wolf.

However, at the same time, Shi Zhen heard a voice in his mind saying: "Shi Zhen, you are indeed alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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