Chapter 141 Battle Royale (12)

The voice that sounded in my mind was exactly the same as Shi Zhen's.

And after the words fell, the zombie animals that had ignored them started besieging them like crazy.

Zhang Yuan mobilized his potential in the crisis, activated the catching net, caught all the zombie animals that rushed towards him, and threw them into Murong's jade basin.

But just this time, neither of them could hold on. One's mouth was bleeding, and the other was unable to stand.

The mistress muttered to herself with dull eyes: "It's's over this time..."

Shi Zhen felt that An Qin had been observing her, and she guessed when An Qin became suspicious because of her indiscretion.If she takes action next, Anqin will most likely be able to guess her identity.But--

She couldn't just watch the people around her die.

Shi Zhen took a breath and took a step forward.

Unexpectedly, An Qin stopped her.

He turned to Zhang Yuan and asked: "Wu Shang can control high-level zombies, but can he control these animals?"

Zhang Yuan was confused.

She doesn't know wow.

She didn't even know why Wu Shang could control him.

Wu Shang himself was confused.

Only Shi Zhen heard clearly that An Qin was hinting at her.

Slightly relieved.

She doesn't want to be exposed yet if she can.

So Shi Zhen also stood up and faced Wu Shang: "Try it."

Wu Shang's zombie transformation has faded somewhat.

At least the face looked human, but the cheeks were sunken and his life force was greatly drained.

Hearing Anqin's suggestion, he stood up unsteadily: "I'll try it."

Zhang Yuan was full of worry: "But you..."

I want to say that you don’t even know what happened before and how to control it.

But speaking out would be equivalent to exposing his weakness to Murong and the others.

Zhang Yuan was struggling, Wu Shang knew what she was afraid of, but from the moment she was selected to enter the game, who was not prepared to die in it?

He has too.

Wu Shang staggered forward, standing in front of the collapsed truck.

At this time, the second wave of zombie animals also rushed over.

Wu Shang opened his arms and said silently: Stop!Stop!Stop!

He didn't know if it was useful. When he communicated with the three zombies before, his mind was muddled. The medicine he used was too strong and he was basically unconscious.

Only later did I find out that he had actually controlled three high-level mutant zombies.

He wondered if the medicine Zhang Yuan found in the secret room of the ward was very special.

He wanted to gamble.

Give it a try.

The zombie animal had no intention of stopping and rushed faster and faster.

Wu Shang was almost facing the zombie rabbit that had been jumping at the front.

There was bright red meat hanging between the rabbit's front teeth. It was unclear whether it had just bitten a normal animal or a human.

It seems the bet was wrong.

Wu Shang closed his eyes and prepared for the rabbit's bite.

Suddenly, there was a gasping sound from behind.

Then came the excited voice of the mistress: "Brother Ang, I really have you! You are so strong!"


Could it be... Wu Shang opened his eyes excitedly and found that all the zombie animals on the opposite side had stopped.

Despite their ugly appearance, each one of them is very docile and well-behaved.

This time Wu Shang looked carefully and found that there were very thin black threads coming out of his body. These thin threads penetrated into the bodies of the zombie animals, and the zombie animals stopped.

Wu Shang felt that this should be the key to his ability to influence the high-level zombies, so he opened his eyes wide and observed and felt more carefully.

Feel your body's reaction.

Suddenly, the mistress behind jumped up: "Damn it, I was so scared that I forgot. We have silk props that can control these animals."

Murong patted the back of his head: "Think before you speak! How many threads do you have? Can you control so many animals?"

The mistress was unconvinced and said, "I can just control the elephants, tigers, and wild wolves and let them turn around and attack the weaker animals."

"Isn't that enough? That's easy to say. If you are so dissatisfied, go ahead and give it a try. If you cause a mess later, you will have to pay for it with your own life. No one will care about you." Mu Rong said angrily.

Seeing that the boss was so angry, the mistress stopped speaking harshly.

But he quickly approached Wu Shang again: "Brother Angkor, how did you get the aura of such a high-level zombie? You teach me, I simulated it, so you can relax."

Wu Shang said sincerely: "Brother Xiaosan, it's not that I want to hide something, it's that I haven't figured it out yet."

Before the mistress's face darkened and he was about to get angry, Wu Shang followed: "I was bitten by a zombie and my condition is critical. Yuanyuan found a serum in the single room of the nursing home. She didn't know what type it was. She held it in her arms Inject me with the idea of ​​​​a gamble. Then, I can influence other zombies."

The mistress listened and analyzed.

I don’t think Wu Shang’s words were like lies.

If there were really props that could affect zombies, the battle royale scene would no longer be a difficult scene, but would become a paradise for players to gain experience.

The mistress said with a reluctant look: "Okay. Then next time you encounter a similar serum, tell me."

"I'm not just doing this for myself, I'm just thinking that it all depends on you, Angkor, even a tough guy can't stand it."

Wu Shang showed a moved expression: "I understand, brothers three."

The crisis was over, and there were two voices in the team regarding what to do next.

Both Murong and Zhang Yuan decided to leave immediately, as far away from here as possible.

Shi Zhen wanted to see what caused the riot of zombie animals.

She was the only one with such a bold idea, and Mu Rong patiently persuaded her: "Big flower girl, I know you don't want to miss the opportunity. But some opportunities are life-threatening. In a horror game, the most important thing is not to be greedy. "

Shi Zhen understood what Mu Rong said was reasonable.

However, she is not human.

"Okay, you go first. I'll chase you after reading this. Don't worry, I have the scythe of death. I can escape no matter how dangerous it is."

After hearing what Wang Dahua (Shi Zhen) said, Murong didn't speak again.

If she goes on to say it, it seems that she is hindering others from becoming stronger.

"Then you, be careful."

Murong called the mistress and the others, Zhang Yuan called the bald head, and Wu Shang gave the zombie animals instructions to move to the west, and the bald head carried them away.

The group of people were also afraid that Wu Shang's control would suddenly fail, so they walked quickly.

Shi Zhen watched for a few seconds, turned around and was about to move forward, suddenly paused and looked back at a big tree: "Come down."

no response.

When she pressed her waist, a small purple sickle flew out.

A figure hurriedly slid down the tree trunk.

It's An Qin.

He raised his hands to apologize and said, "Big flower girl, calm down. It's me."

"Didn't I promise to protect you, boss? I just saw that you wanted to leave alone, so I planned to follow you quietly to protect you."

An Qin said his plan in one breath.

Shi Zhen didn't say whether she believed it or not. She turned around and continued moving forward indifferently.

Anqin saw her showing a completely different side from before, and said in her heart: It's coming, it's coming, the thing that lives in her body has appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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