Chapter 142 Battle Royale (13)

Anqin followed closely.

Shi Zhen ignored him and kept walking in the direction she sensed.

Turn left, turn right, turn left, turn right.

I don't know how many turns I turned when a huge pit appeared in front of me.

It is at least 100 meters in diameter and bottomless.

But an extremely dangerous aura emanated from inside.

An Qin took one look from a distance and was so frightened that he started to run away. He waited until the feeling of danger faded away before shouting to Shi Zhen: "Dahua, let's go quickly. We can't explore this place!"

"This pit may be related to the rumors of the battle royale!"

"What rumors?" Shi Zhen, who was about to move forward, stopped when he heard these words and turned around to ask.

Anqin's eyes fell on her waist.

The meaning is very clear: you can die yourself, but don’t waste purple-gold items.

Shi Zhen patted her waist, and the beautiful lavender sickle flew up, reluctantly circling around Shi Zhen's head several times before flying towards An Qin.

An Qin was flattered and caught it, feeling extremely embarrassed: "Big flower girl, you... you are too polite."

"Don't worry. Handing over the sickle and going out are all my own. After you go out, Lanlan won't make things difficult for you." Shi Zhen said.

When An Qin heard Wang Dahua say such sophisticated words, he became even more certain that the person he was communicating with now was the old monster.

He was no longer polite and told everything he knew: "There has been rumors about a terrifying existence locked deep in the battle royale for a long time. It came from the mouth of the first player to clear the battle royale. of.

He said that because of that terrifying existence, only one person could pass the level at a time.

But with the appearance of the God of Terror, he takes care of everyone.Some props have been circulated. Using props, you can leave the battle royale scene after clearing the level.

Of course, these props are not in large quantities and are very precious. They should be used once and less once.So the difficulty of the battle royale has been maintained. "

Shi Zhen nodded.

Without asking why Anqin knew so much, she jumped into the pit.

"Hey, you—"

Anqin made a gesture to retain him, but failed to retain him.


Shi Zhen jumped down, but because she was an energy body and had no weight, she could not fall.So she thought of a way. She lay on the inner wall of the pit and slid down like a gecko.

The cold wind blew over and penetrated Shi Zhen's body.

She didn't notice anything was wrong at first, but when she was halfway down, the cold feeling caused by the cold wind blowing through her body became more obvious, and Shi Zhen stopped.

She is an energy body. She does not have a human body and should not feel hot or cold.

She felt cold.

This wind, no.

Shi Zhen thought for a moment and took the initiative to face the biggest gust of wind.

The wind penetrated her body, making her feel frozen for a moment.

She began to avoid the wind, and a problem arose. Her movements became slower.

I don’t get much wind now, so it’s not very noticeable.

But given the depth of the pit, when she fell completely, she predicted that her movements would be slowed down by at least a second.

Don't underestimate this second, just in case there is some trap waiting for her underneath.

She may not be able to break free.

It seemed that this pit was designed for her.

After Shi Zhen figured it out, she simply stopped being cautious and balled up her body, like a black energy ball, and smashed it down quickly.

The wind above lost its target, and after whistling for a few times, it also followed downwards.

However, there was something unknown below. As they approached, they were all ejected and scattered into wisps, continuing to wander in the sky in search of targets. "Click - click -"

After the black energy mass landed on the ground, a clear cracking sound was heard.

Shi Zhen regained his instinct and straightened up, his face darkened.

I saw that the bottom of the deep pit was covered with something icy blue.

She had just landed on it, and it was reasonable to say that she had no weight, but the pressure caused the ice blue to break apart, revealing the dark blue liquid flowing below.

Shi Zhen thought of something and walked quickly towards the center of the pit.

Sure enough, I saw an ice-blue man lying with his eyes closed, looking peaceful.

Its facial features are similar to those of humans, but the ice-blue skin is full of dark blue liquid.

The liquid began to boil when Shi Zhen came closer, and the eyelids of the person with his eyes closed trembled, as if he was about to wake up.

Shi Zhen watched indifferently, but the hand hanging by his side was trembling.

She recognized it.

This is the extraterrestrial visitor who originally chased them.

There are not many of them, but because their bodies are made of liquid, they can be put back together again if they are broken, so they are basically immortal.

The only drawback is that the number is too small, so they rarely take action themselves. Instead, they wander around the universe, plundering every living planet, leaving some of the creatures on that planet soaked in dark blue liquid, allowing these creatures to The structure has changed beyond recognition, it is violent, murderous, and extremely aggressive.

Then put these cultivated creatures into the new planet they are ready to invade.

Never missed a beat.

However, when they conquered the Earth, even though they won, it was a miserable victory.All the monsters they cultivated were consumed, and humans were unwilling to be used. In the final battle, they carried capsules of fire oil, and the mountains of corpses and seas of fire...

A small number of them were used as seeds, and they escaped in a spaceship while taking advantage of the attention of foreign enemies at the last stop.

It was an experience that made blood flow all over the body just thinking about it.

Shi Zhen had thought countless times that if one day she encountered a foreign enemy, she would kill one of them even if it cost her life.

But now, the foreign enemy she once hated so much was right in front of her, but she looked at it, turned around and left without any hesitation.

"Shi Zhen, you are such a coward."

"You don't even dare to take action. Have these years of comfort made you as timid as a mouse?"

"Kill it quickly! Kill it quickly! Don't you want to avenge Brother Qi, Lao Fang, Uncle Huang, Xiao Tangtang...?"

"You don't want to? You don't want to? Ah! It turns out you are the traitor who hides deeply!"

After the voice said "traitor", the cries of various familiar people sounded in Shi Zhen's mind.

Although she is no longer a human being, she still retains emotions in her memory.

She couldn't help but be affected.

But Shi Zhen still walked in the opposite direction, step by step, very firmly.

The ice-blue ice beneath her feet seemed to be unable to bear her weight and was cracking little by little.

Dark blue liquid flows below, like a beautiful yet dangerous siren.

As long as Shi Zhen accidentally gets involved, she will be assimilated into a monster that only knows killing and has no sense.

And the voices in her head were still ringing, all of them voices of familiar people, accusing her and scolding her.

Shi Zhen seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. She tilted her body and one foot was about to step into the dark blue liquid. Suddenly there was another sway and she staggered to the other side to stand still.

The people observing secretly were very angry, almost, just a little bit.

Seeing that Shi Zhen was about to step out of the bottom of the pit, if she missed this time, she would be plotted against her again, who didn't know when.

The people in the dark are worried.

Just listen, "Wow--"

Behind Shi Zhen, the dark blue liquid suddenly rolled up into waves and hit her!
(End of this chapter)

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