Chapter 143 Battle Royale (14)

At this moment, Shi Zhen was feeling confused due to the influence of the voice in her head.Coupled with the previous Yin Feng sneak attack, her reaction was slowed down.

She saw the waves coming towards her, but she couldn't react.

He waited blankly for the waves to hit him.

The whole person was swallowed up by the dark blue liquid in an instant.

The people observing in secret saw Shi Zhen missing and smiled proudly.Just as he was about to leave, his eyes suddenly froze.

She saw a person struggling to swim inside. The person grabbed Shi Zhen and they were moving to the edge.

Only a small trace of these dark blue liquids are the liquids in the real alien bodies.The rest is just an illusion created by her using the data flow.

But Shi Zhen was so lucky that she managed to avoid that small ray of light without touching it at all!
Is there such a coincidence?

She didn't want to believe it.

But there was no time. There was too much movement here and it would definitely attract the man's attention.She has to go back.

Xiao Zhen, hiding her secret, walked away with a look of jealousy.

Shi Zhen closed her eyes and sensed a very slight fluctuation in the data. She waited for a while and waited until Zhao Yang dragged her to the edge of the pit, where there was no water for the time being, then Shi Zhen opened her eyes.

Zhao Yang was about to reach out to touch her breath, and when he saw that she was awake, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground: "Sister Zhen, you just scared me to death!"

"I almost thought I was going to get cold."

Zhao Yang looked scared and babbled.

Only then did Shi Zhen realize that the person hidden under the shell of the icy blue field she saw was actually Zhao Yang.

If she hadn't controlled herself at that time, Zhao Yang would have been a corpse.

Only now did Shi Zhen realize how vicious the person who had secretly influenced her was.

However, Shi Zhen didn't say this to Zhao Yang. After Zhao Yang calmed down, he asked, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Yang slapped his forehead: "Well, Zhou Yaoming said you would enter this scene and asked me to bring you a prop. Aren't there people around me, so it's hard to move. I just took advantage of a zombie wave and pretended to be attacked. Scatter, separate from everyone. Then I'll find you.

I don’t know what happened, but I suddenly fainted. When I regained consciousness, I couldn’t move my whole body and was sealed in a liquid. "

Zhao Yang looked at the rapidly ebbing water, pointed at one of the water that was a little darker than the others and said, "That's the one, the same!"

As he spoke, he pulled Shi Zhen to hide behind him. He found that there was a mountain wall behind him and he couldn't retreat. He moved forward to block Shi Zhen and said nervously: "That liquid is so evil that it makes my brain explode. It's all negative." Emotions. If you can, don't touch them. My head is still buzzing and uncomfortable right now."

I don't know if the wisp of liquid targeted Zhao Yang or for some other reason. After Zhao Yang finished speaking, the wisp of dark blue liquid flew out of the water and headed straight towards Shi Zhen.

Zhao Yang gritted his teeth: "Fuck you!"

Jump up and prepare to block yourself.

Although being washed away by all kinds of evil thoughts has left him with a psychological shadow, he can't let Sister Zhen get caught up in this crap.

But Zhao Yang overestimated himself and fell down as soon as he jumped.Feeling weak.

And as the dark blue liquid got closer, all those evil thoughts emerged, urging him to kill, kill, kill.

"Run, hurry, run." Zhao Yang lay on the ground and squeezed out a few words through gritted teeth.

Shi Zhen faced the liquid directly without dodge.

Suddenly, Shi Zhen stretched out her hand, and a ball of black energy turned into a large net and captured the dark blue liquid.

The dark blue liquid was in the net, rushing left and right, but could not get out.

And when the outside of the net is covered with a layer of black energy, those negative emotions are isolated.

Zhao Yang felt like he was on the verge of death and came back to life.

His face turned pale, but he did not forget to give Shi Zhen a thumbs up: "It has to be my sister Zhen, she is so strong!"

Shi Zhen didn't talk nonsense to him and said directly: "Where are the props you got? Put them in."

Zhao Yang's face froze slightly: "What props, I..."

Shi Zhen said seriously: "I treat you as a friend and always have. I don't want you to lie to me one day." Zhao Yang's expression really changed this time.

There is fear, guilt and panic.

He pulled out an empty amber bottle shaped like a drop of water.

This bottle is sealed and has no mouth.

But when Shi Zhen put the bottle into the net, the dark blue liquid was automatically sucked into the bottle.

Soon not a drop will be left.

Shi Zhen put away the big net.

On the road far apart, Zhang Yuan made a strange "ah" sound.

Murong turned his head and asked her, "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Zhang Yuan felt that the lost catching net was back. She shook her head: "It's okay."

This side of the pit.

After Shi Zhen filled it, she handed the bottle to Zhao Yang and reminded: "Get out immediately. It is dangerous to leave it on you."

Zhao Yang was moved and guilty, and looked at Shi Zhen with tears in his eyes: "Sister Zhen..."

Shi Zhen originally didn't want to think about anything. She has never been a person who likes to explain, but looking at Zhao Yang's appearance, if she doesn't explain it clearly to him, I'm afraid he will feel uneasy.

Normally it wouldn't matter, but he had just been washed by the dark blue liquid, and Bao Buqi was affected by the negative emotions taking over.

Shi Zhen stopped preparing to leave and said to Zhao Yang, "I know you didn't listen to them."

Zhao Yang burst into tears.

There is something in the battle royale scene, but he is not the core character and no one talks to him.I just gave him this thing and told him to follow Shi Zhen closely if he met Shi Zhen after entering.

Nothing else needs to be done.

But he is not a fool. Doesn't he know that there are probably people who want to seek benefits from Sister Zhen?
He was about to refuse, but Han Mingli scolded him for being stupid.

If he doesn't go, someone else will.

If he took it, he could at least give Sister Zhen a heads up.For others, it's just pure calculation.

So he agreed.

But he felt very sorry, as if he was collaborating with others to scheme against Sister Zhen behind his back.

He originally wanted to enter the battle royale scene, so he would not go to Sister Zhen and wait until the end of the scene.

Unexpectedly, he deliberately got rid of the people who came in with him and prepared to paddle, but was captured.

And now, he pretended to take away important things.

Thinking of the violent emotions in the dark blue liquid, Zhao Yang shuddered and pushed the bottle firmly towards Shi Zhen: "Sister Zhen, you better hold it. I'm afraid if I take it back, bad people will use it to do bad things. .”

"Leave it to Zhou Yaoming. The contents here have been studied clearly and are of great benefit to mankind." Shi Zhen did not say that this was the liquid in the body of the alien, lest some stupid people do something.

"I'll take you up." Shi Zhen grabbed Zhao Yang's shoulders and climbed up lightly.

After a few breaths, the two of them stood on the edge of the pit.

Shi Zhen pushed Zhao Yang: "Let's go quickly."

Zhao Yang sniffed and was about to say a few words of farewell when his whole body was slapped by Shi Zhen and he almost fell into the pit.

He was thinking about something when he saw Shi Zhen going to the opposite side.

Just in the blink of an eye, whoosh, you are on the other side.

Zhao Yang: "!!!" My sister is so handsome!The distance between me and Sister Zhen is getting farther and farther.When can we catch up?

(End of this chapter)

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