When you get closer, you can see clearly that they are all zombies.

The endless zombies.

Even if those two people had some ability to deal with zombies, so many of them would be enough to swallow them up.

They didn't dare to delay, so they turned around and ran towards the flying carpet.

An Qin directly took out his pistol and pointed it at it: "If you go further, don't blame me for sending you to the west!"

The two of them said nothing, stepping on the plants as thread to sew their way out.

Unexpectedly, the plant was very fragile and could not bear the weight of a person. It broke as soon as I stepped on it.If the people around him hadn't held him back, he would have fallen into the crack.

This player suspected that Anqin was responsible.

Not even this convenience is given to them.

This man's heart was filled with anger and he said: "Since we are going to die, let's die together!"

He pressed his hands against the plant.

The two players who were cooperating with the plants to promote the growth of plants became horrified when they found that the power they had stimulated was swallowed up.

The flying carpet was flying with no way forward, so I could only use my powers to stay in the air.

But this pair of superpowers consumes a lot of money.

The player controlling the flying carpet couldn't hold it any longer and said to An Qin: "Brother An, I'm sorry."

The flying carpet shook, throwing Anqin and the others to the ground on the side of the crack, and then he controlled the flying carpet to escape forward.

He didn't know where he could escape.

At least, stay further away than everyone else first.

In this way, even if he dies, he will be the last to die.

The player controlling the flying carpet thought so, but he didn't expect that something like an octopus tentacle suddenly protruded from the crack, wrapped around him and dragged him down.

He was dragged down more than ten meters before he could even cry out for help.

Just when he thought he was certain to die, a gunshot rang out and the octopus's tentacles were hit by bullets.

However, the tentacle only shook, instead of letting go of him, instead it accelerated and pulled him down.

But soon, several more plant vines swam over and wrapped around him, pulling him up.

The two forces started a tug of war.

However, the power of the vines was too weak. Soon, the flying carpet was pulled down several meters, and the vines were about to be broken.

The player burst into tears.

He knew that the person he had just left behind was helping him.

At this moment he regretted it greatly.

If he had known...he would never abandon others and escape on his own.

But there is no regret medicine in the world. I just hope that I will be smarter in my next life.

He mustered up the courage to shout to the ground: "Leave me alone! Run away!"

The vines snapped.

He dropped several meters in an instant.

It was pitch dark all around.

Gudong, Gudong, Gudong, it was so quiet that you could hear his heartbeat.

This is going to die.

Just when the player closed his eyes in despair and prepared to welcome the arrival of death, he suddenly felt that the flying carpet was being caught and lifted up.

Lift it up quickly.

When he was thrown to the ground, saw the blue sky again, and breathed normal air, he was still a little bit confused: Am I alive?

He quickly stretched his head to see what was going on.

I saw a small purple sickle.

This player's heart palpitated just by looking at it.

He instantly understood that he was able to survive because An Qin used Death's sickle.

He was filled with gratitude.

He kowtowed to An Qin: "Brother An, from now on, my life is yours. I will do whatever you want me to do, without saying a word!"

Anqin was a little embarrassed. He pointed at the two players standing not far away who wanted to kill them before and said, "They helped you."

After speaking, he touched his nose and said, "I haven't had time yet."

Anqin raised his hand and put away Death's sickle.

The flying carpet player was shocked and surprised, and then looked complicated, but he also turned around and kowtowed to the two people: "Thank you."

The two men came over.

The man who had cut off the plant before took the initiative and said, "Let's cooperate."

At this moment, the zombie wave was approaching them.

You can already see the zombies running at the front.

An Qin readily agreed: "Okay." The three assisting players quickly got up and got busy. This time everyone sat on the flying carpet. The two people consciously stood at the back and started to attack the nearest zombies.

They don't know whether they have special powers or special props that can turn zombies into ashes.

Anqin glanced at it and then looked away. He had no interest in prying into other people's secrets.

He aimed at the zombies and shot two people he didn't care to deal with.

Just like this, with mutual cooperation, they returned to the entrance of the Hope Base.

The door had been shattered by the vibration.

Anqin thought for a moment and ordered: "Go in."

The flying carpet flies into Hope Base.

Surprisingly, the large crack disappeared after entering the base.

The ground inside the base is still intact and flat.

The player who happened to be driving the flying carpet could hardly hold on any longer, so Anqin simply asked him to put away the flying carpet and everyone walked.

He still carries Lanlan on his back.

As he walked, he thought about which house to choose to hide in.

Lan Lan, who was lying on his back, suddenly said: "In front."


Anqin was a little reluctant.

Although the stone house did not make him feel any threat, he intuitively felt that it was dangerous and he could hide as far away as he could.

Following his own ideas, he walked into a path and saw that he was running opposite to the stone house.

Lanlan was anxious.

He actually struggled to get down and crawled over by himself!
An Qin was unprepared and let Lan Lan fall to the ground. He squatted down anxiously to help her up and saw that her eyes were half open and half closed, trying to wake up.He suppressed his anger and explained to her: "It's too dangerous over there. We can't get involved."

Lanlan didn't look at him, but looked persistently in the direction of the stone house: "Go!"

Anqin struggled for two seconds between knocking Lanlan unconscious and carrying her away or obeying her. He took a deep breath and said to the others: "You guys find a place to hide. Lanlan and I will go to the base headquarters to have a look."

Several players cooperated under the command of Anqin and successfully survived the zombie wave and the big rift crisis.

It's time to convince him.

Hearing what he said now, they all expressed their intention to go together.

In fact, it's not necessarily safe to stay here.

Because it is impossible to determine how long it will take for the zombie wave to come.

It's better to try your luck at the headquarters.

Seeing their persistence, An Qin said nothing more, but reminded: "Life and death are determined by fate. You are responsible for your own choices."

Several players said it was no problem.

They started walking towards the stone house.

I didn't feel anything at first, but when I got a little closer from behind, I felt great pressure preventing me from moving forward.

Fortunately, I can still bear the pressure.

Staggering and bleeding from the corners of their mouths, they arrived at the door of the stone house.

The heavy iron gate became a problem.

The flying carpet player sat down on the ground, a little frustrated: "You can't get in without the key, so all your efforts are in vain."

Anqin looked at the door up and down, and with the mentality of giving it a try, he summoned the death scythe.

He held Death's sickle and slashed at the iron door.

What he thought was that the Death God's scythe was a purple-gold item and should be indestructible.

If you don't push it, it's a small case to deal with.

Anyway, I can’t talk about it anymore.

Unexpectedly, when Death's sickle was about to hit the iron door, it suddenly turned a corner and came back to slap An Qin in the face.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

So does Anqin.

After the death's scythe was finished, the curved scythe twisted, silently conveying two words: Silly Cha.

Everyone was petrified again.

Then they saw Death's sickle squeeze into the crack of the door, pulling it up and down, and there was a "ding-dong" sound as it fell to the ground.

Anqin pushed the door open with a try mentality, and it opened!
Once the door lock is cut off, the blocking of the iron door is no longer a problem.

An Qin: It’s a good knife.

So spiritual, smart and powerful.

He was extremely itchy.

But he also knew that this was something he couldn't control. He pushed open the door and put away Death's scythe, and walked in with Lanlan on his back.

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