
The person who walked in didn't see anything clearly. First, he was choked by the smell of blood and couldn't breathe.

He quickly raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose.

An Qin was the first to adapt and noticed the large blood pool in the center.

How much blood does it take to form?

This number of players is definitely not enough.

Thinking of this, the nausea surging in Anqin's chest felt better.He quickly searched around and saw a hill-like pile of animal and human corpses on the side of the blood pool.

Those humans are in the scene, and there are only two players.

An Qin immediately looked away after seeing that there was no one he was familiar with, and he searched for Shi Zhenlai.

The hall was empty.

The danger felt outside disappears once inside.

It seems like this is an ordinary stone house.

Such a change did not reassure Anqin, but instead made him increasingly vigilant.

He took out Death's scythe.

It feels a little safer to hold it in your hand.

"It's very dangerous here. If you're scared, it's best to wait outside."

No one said a word.

Nobody moved either.

Anqin understood their thoughts and did not persuade them.He carried Lanlan on his back and walked cautiously along the blood pool.

He was going to see if there were any traces of fighting on the other side of the blood pool.

Shi Zhen was so strong that she couldn't be taken down directly.

At the same time, he was a little panicked. He couldn't even defeat Shi Zhen, the spirit of the game. How strong a person could take action?
A name was coming out of my chest.

At this time, the Death Scythe, which had been quiet all this time, suddenly started struggling.

Anqin almost couldn't hold it.

Anqin was even more panicked.

The reaction to Death's scythe was so great. Could it be that the God of Terror is really here?
I learned about the scandal about the God of Terror, and now I bumped into the scene where he killed someone and silenced him.

None of them can survive.

An Qin bit the tip of his tongue and became angry.

If an egg hits a stone, it will kill you, and you will be covered in dirt before you die.

He deliberately made it look like he was struggling to stop Death's scythe. His posture was awkward, swaying left and right. He quietly held the pistol with his other hand, covered it with his sleeve, and fired a shot in the direction Death's scythe wanted to hit.

Energy bullets are silent.

But Anqin clearly heard the crisp "bang" sound,
Anqin suppressed his ecstasy and aimed at that position with several more shots.

There was no sound this time. The energy bullets dissipated directly after hitting the air.No trace.no response.

Without any time to think, An Qin immediately adjusted and fired in the direction of the twisting direction of Death's sickle.

"Boom, boo, boo."

A very soft but clear sound was caught by Anqin's ears.

His spirit was shaken and he hit the God of Terror!

If you don't die today, you can go out and play for a year.

An Qin became more and more focused, shooting one shot after another.

Suddenly, the bullet hit somewhere, and the sound of "boo" turned into "swipe".

I saw the air in front of me sliding down like a curtain.

A cage made of white lines appeared in Anqin's sight.

The person standing in the cage is Shi Zhen!
The death scythe in his hand struggled even harder.

Anqin couldn't hold it at all.

He simply let go.

The god of death's scythe flew out and aimed at the cage with a slash.

Cut out!
The cage was not damaged at all.

The god of death's scythe was a little anxious and continued to cut at different angles.

Still useless.

The cage cannot be destroyed.

Anqin was stunned.

What material is this cage made of?Even purple-gold level props can't be helped.

But what surprised him most next was the spirituality of Death's scythe.

After finding that it couldn't be cut open, it actually flew in and landed on Shi Zhen's hand.

Shi Zhen originally stood with his eyes closed.After holding the death's scythe, he opened his eyes slightly.

She raised her sickle and hit it against a white railing in front of her.

The railing, which had been powerless before, flickered twice and disappeared.

Shi Zhen followed the same pattern again, and after finding an opening through which to get out, she stopped and walked out.

After she left, the whole cage twisted and deformed.It seemed that he wanted to lock her back, but Shi Zhen turned back indifferently, raised the sickle in his hand, and the cage immediately disappeared.

An Qin saw something was wrong with the cage and kept silent.

Shi Zhen didn't explain anything.

She was completely overdrawn at the moment.

That cage was specially designed for her.

A data flow was formed, she was locked up and couldn't get out, and it was slowly devouring her energy.

But even if Anqin doesn't come, she will be leaving soon.

Because the person who did it had too much time to take care of himself.

Shi Zhen already knew who was going to deal with her and who was colluding with foreign enemies.She couldn't figure it out. She couldn't figure out why they wanted to destroy the human world since they were all human beings.

It's a pity that she can't enter the control center in her current state.

It doesn't matter, someone will ask for her.

Shi Zhen looked away from the void and walked quickly towards Zhao Yang and the others.

Several of them were used as carriers of data flow, and their bodies were burned.Already dying.

Zhao Yang struggled to open his eyes and grabbed Shi Zhen's hand: "Don't, don't worry, let's go."

He was telling Shi Zhen to leave them alone and run away first.

Shi Zhen felt sour and warm emotions welling up in her heart.

She was obviously an energy body, but she felt her eyes were hot and she wanted to cry.

"I will save you." Shi Zhen promised.

She pushed Zhao Yang's hand away and turned around to tell An Qin: "Take them outside."

Anqin nodded and prepared to call other players to come over and help.

The other players were not familiar with Shi Zhen, although they could tell from the scene just now that this ordinary-looking woman was probably an expert.However, a master cannot let people die.

The two players with special powers said coldly: "There is a wave of zombies outside."

To give Shi Zhen face, she explained the reason why she refused to go out.

Shi Zhen thought for a moment and gave An Qin the sickle of death: "It protects you."

Everyone had heard some information about Death's Scythe before coming in.

I know it's strong, but it can only take on one zombie at a time.

What's the use in a zombie wave?

Several people's faces showed distrust.

An Qin was a little embarrassed.

He said angrily: "If you don't want to help, don't follow me if something happens later!"

He bent down, first held Zhao Yang under his arm, and then pulled Lanlan's eldest brother.

Seeing that it was very difficult for him to carry two people with her on his back, Lan Lan said weakly: "Put me down. You take the eldest brother and the others out first."


Anqin couldn't let Lanlan leave his back.

Saving these people is incidental.

If the cost of saving them was Lanlan's death, then he would rather not save them.

Lan Lan didn't know that An Qin regarded her as his lost sister. When Lan Lan saw that he didn't listen to her, she simply shifted her weight to the side and fell down.

An Qin was so anxious that he let go of Zhao Yang's hand and went to save Lan Lan. Zhao Yang tripped over the edge of the blood pool and fell into it.

Gurgling, the blood pool boiled.

The surrounding temperature rose rapidly.

An Qin's face turned pale, and he looked at Shi Zhen carefully. He had just messed up.

Shi Zhen was about to go upstairs when she heard the noise and turned around, her red eyes almost bleeding.

Anyone who looked at her felt like their souls were soaked in blood.

Almost separated the soul from the body.

Fortunately, Shi Zhen didn't target them.

So as long as you lower your head and stop looking at each other, you'll be fine.

The movement in the blood pool is getting louder and louder.

Zhao Yang sank.

It never surfaced again.

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