The max level boss pretends to be new in unlimited games

Chapter 164 Chapter 164 Travel to Mingshan

"I, I don't..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the player felt something wrapped around his neck, and a feeling of suffocation came over him. Just when he thought he was about to be strangled, the thing that was strangling him relaxed again.

But before he could take a breath, the suffocating feeling came again.

This reminded him of a word: Lingchi.

Although there was no knife to cut the flesh piece by piece, the feeling of being near death repeatedly was like Ling Chi's.

This woman is so ruthless!
The player now regretted that he had not committed suicide as soon as he was targeted by Shi Zhen, thus suffering these tortures.

At this moment, he could no longer remember the promise he made when he joined the organization and could not be loyal.He just wants to be happy and happy.

"I, I really don't know...but, I have news, a deal..."

Before he could finish his intermittent words, the familiar feeling of suffocation came again.

This woman, she is not human! ! !
The player was so angry that he vomited blood, but he did not dare to compromise on the conditions anymore. Taking advantage of the rope to relax, he quickly said: "The God of Terror has found a few organization bosses to spread the news. As long as the spirit of the game returns, integrates into the game and sacrifices himself, then Allows the game to continue running without shutting down."

As soon as the words fell, the power wrapping around his neck and around his waist disappeared.

He got his wish and fell into the abyss.

I wonder if he had regrets and regrets at the moment of his death.

But these are not what Shi Zhen cares about.

After being stunned for a moment, Shi Zhen smiled slightly and raised his head to look at the blue-gray sky: "You are still so stupid. You have already used this trick. Do you think it is really good for you if I am completely dead?" Think about it with your pig brain, who wants to replace you now?"

Above the clouds, somewhere higher and beyond reach, the God of Terror watched with an ugly expression as Shi Zhen turned around and escaped from that little test.

The God of Terror murmured to himself: "So you really came to admitted it..."

There was pain and struggle on his face, but in the end, he turned around and used the special messaging method in the game to deliver a message to the organization behind him; he said that Shi Zhen had entered the game and she was unwilling to keep the game running. She selfishly just wanted to survive on her own. !

This news spread at an extremely fast speed, and players who entered the game also used different methods to collect information.

Suddenly, the whole game was boiling.

Most people were dazzled by the news that the game could still be open. Even because Shi Zhen was the soul of the game, they felt that it was normal for her to return to the game.

It's abnormal and wrong for her to come out!
Everyone began to share Shi Zhen's coordinates with each other, and went to the scene where Shi Zhen was to intercept her and force her.

Although a few sober people found the news odd.

The God of Terror himself said that the game has suffered irreversible damage, how can it be solved by investing a game spirit?If it can be solved, wouldn't the God of Terror himself be the spirit of the game now?Wouldn't it be better for him to sacrifice?

The more I think about it, the weirder it becomes.

The smart ones have guessed that the repair is simply a lie. The God of Terror wants to mobilize the power of all players to force Shi Zhen to death.

Shi Zhen can't die yet.

Now she is the only one fighting against the aliens.

But these voices of explanation and analysis were quickly drowned out by the outcry of anger.

Some players in the Mingshan scene have also received the news, which is spreading at an extremely fast speed.

Tang Qianya had just joined forces with a player and came out of the small test. Tang Qianya originally had a good impression of him and planned to introduce him to Shi Zhen. Unexpectedly, he received some news when he came out, and he was immediately filled with indignation: "That Shi Zhen is so selfish. Oh! She was originally a game, why not go back!"

"If I meet her, I will beat her back hard!"

This male player has a very sense of justice on his face.

Tang Qianya also needs to take a stand like him.

Tang Qianya felt uncomfortable as if she had swallowed a fly.

Why do you think this is a good person?blindness!

She turned around and left, feeling very anxious. She wanted to tell Shi Zhen the news.We can't let Sister Zhen be plotted against.

But the crowd outside was huge, but Shi Zhen was nowhere to be seen.

At this time, the real door of Mingshan opened and the passengers all walked in.

Tang Qianya was afraid of being squeezed in by the crowd, so she deliberately stood farther away.

The male player who had teamed up with her before didn't know what the misunderstanding was, and strode towards her: "Are you waiting for me? I know that you women are timid and can't do it without a man by your side. Let's go, I'm done, I'll take you Go in." Tang Qianya looked at this man with disgust.

Turn around and take a few steps to the side to distance yourself.

The male player frowned: "Why are you being so petty? I was busy with business so I didn't pay attention to you. I said, if you don't accept the young lady's temper, I don't want to be with you."

Tang Qianya couldn't bear it anymore and yelled: "Are you a narcissist? Since when did I have a relationship with you? I don't like you at all!"

The male player's face turned red and he was very embarrassed.

Seeing people passing by paying attention to them, the male player felt very embarrassed and hummed: "Which man have you fallen in love with again? You think I am inferior to others and you want to get rid of me, right? I tell you, I am dumping you now , I despise a slutty woman like you."

After that, he strode towards the entrance.

Tang Qianya was so angry that tears welled up in her eyes.

How can there be such a shameless person!
It was nothing, but he threw dirty water on it.

Moreover, in relationships between men and women, women are always criticized harshly.

He ruined her reputation with just one word.


Just when Tang Qianya was shaking with anger, a cold voice floated into her ears: "If you don't fight now, will you let him completely destroy your image?"

"Zhen, Sister Zhen?" Tang Qianya turned around, but saw nothing.

It doesn't matter, she already knows what to do.

She clenched her fists and quickly caught up with the male player: "Hey!"

The male player turned around and saw her running up, with a look of pride on his face, but he still said with disgust: "What? Regret it? I won't forgive you easily, unless you prove that you haven't been fucked by many men -"


A crisp slap sound.

Tang Qianya hit it and felt that the turbid air in her chest dissipated a little.

So he raised his hand and slapped the man four times with "snap, slap, slap", which turned the man's face into a pig's head, and he couldn't even see the original appearance.

Tang Qianya spat in his direction: "You are like a pig. You kneel down and beg me without even bothering to take a look. Get out! If my aunt hears you fart all over your mouth again, I will kill you!"

The male player was beaten because he didn't react for a moment.

When he heard this, he was also furious.

In his opinion, it was an honor for her that he was willing to deal with a thing that was ridden by thousands of people.Don't say that he arbitrarily slanders people, no good woman would take the initiative to form a team.

This is clearly a bitch slut.

When I see a man, I can’t wait to spread my legs.

The male player thought angrily, preparing props in his hand, ready to destroy Tang Qianya at once.

He was about to take action, but was horrified to find that his limbs seemed to be tied up by something, making him unable to move.

And all his props and powers were taken away.

He has become a useless person! ! !
A complete loser!
who did it?
The male player looked at Tang Qianya fearfully.

I never thought that this bitch would pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

Now is not the time for revenge, wait until later...

As he thought this, his knees softened and he knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Auntie, it was my fault. I made it up. Please forgive me, I will never dare to do it again."

Tang Qianya took a step back in disgust: "Get out! Don't dirty the place where I stand."

The male player wanted to kneel forward and hug her, but an irresistible force knocked him out.

He was kicked out of the game!
(As soon as Sister Zhen takes action, she will know if there is any! Hehe)

The sun has stopped moving, so I will start updating the singles today.

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