Of course Tang Qianya knew that she was not the one who made the move, and immediately looked to her side.

She was a little disappointed when she didn't see Shi Zhen.

But soon, she covered her mouth in surprise, and she heard Shi Zhen say in her ear: "Act as usual."

Tang Qianya wanted to nod and noticed that many people were looking in her direction.

Thinking of those people's hostility towards Shi Zhen, she immediately thought that Shi Zhen's whereabouts should not be exposed.

Maybe it was because of this concern that Shi Zhen didn't show up.

You can't even do bad things that hinder you.

Tang Qianya raised her head and walked toward the door with a cold expression.

It seemed like she was the one who just threw out the entangled male player.

Others could not see her depth and unconsciously made way for her to go in first.

Mingshan Scenic Area, a sign made of five large characters stands next to the gate.

Suddenly, Tang Qianya felt something being stuffed in her hand. She pulled it out and saw that it was a bright yellow rolled up soft leather object.

Unfold it, and it contains a detailed and clear tour map of Mingshan.Each scenic spot is carefully marked next to it, and there are brief small words to introduce it.It even explains clearly which attractions are suitable for purchasing which specialties.

Although I didn’t say what those specialties were bought for, there is a large group of tombs at the top of Mingshan Mountain.

At the entrance to the tombs, a monster with a long mouth was built.

Tang Qianya vaguely felt that the specialty might be put into the monster's mouth to bribe the monster.

Because the characteristics of Mingshan can only go up but not down.

The tombs are at the last attraction.

The key to leaving Mingshan Scenic Area may be in the tombs.

After Tang Qianya read it, she originally wanted to put it away.

This map is very precious. Owning it is equivalent to getting the secret to clearing the scene.

But halfway through, she suddenly thought that if a player benefited from this map, then he would have accepted Shi Zhen's favor.

At that time, did he still have the nerve to yell at Shi Zhen?
Tang Qianya decided to give it a try.

Otherwise, she couldn't think of what else she could do for Shi Zhen.

Tang Qianya turned around and raised the bright yellow soft-cover map in her hand to the passengers behind who were about to enter the scenic area: "Here is a customs clearance guide for Mingshan. You can read it if you want, but I want you to remember, I share that we just don’t want too many people to die, and we don’t want anyone to defend us when aliens attack.”

I don’t know how many people listened to her words.But Wuyangyang's people rushed towards her, and most of them wanted to snatch the map and keep it for themselves.

Tang Qianya was stunned by the shamelessness of this group of people.

Her strength has always been the lowest, and now she can't resist someone like this.Just when Tang Qianya was annoyed that she had done something wrong and stupid, she saw two players helping her stop those people.

However, the two female players were not very strong and were quickly pushed away and even injured.

Tang Qianya wanted to save them, but a player had already broken through and rushed in front of her.

With a ferocious face, he stretched out his hand to snatch the map.

Tang Qianya's heart skipped a beat, a cluster of flames burst into flames, and the Mingshan Travel Guide was instantly burned to ashes.

The player who missed the draw was very angry: "You are looking for death!"

He aimed a slap at Tang Qianya's face.

Unexpectedly, the hand suddenly reversed its direction strangely and slapped him in the face.

Then, "Pah, pah, pah", everyone who wanted to grab the map was slapped.

All of them had swollen faces.

Bleeding from the corners of the mouth.

It looked miserable.

They stopped and looked at Tang Qianya with fear and suspicion.

Is this woman so powerful?
Tang Qianya didn't look at them. She walked over with trembling hands and pulled up the two female players who were stopping everyone from competing. She said softly: "Let's go together."

Tang Qianya straightened her back and declared domineeringly: "You can enter again in half an hour."

Some people were unhappy and covered their faces in protest: "Why? Mingshan doesn't belong to your family."

He rushed forward regardless, hoping to enter the Mingshan Scenic Area before Tang Qianya.

Unexpectedly, an invisible wall of air bounced him back.Not just him, but others too.

However, it was later discovered that only the players were left outside and the passengers were able to enter.

Excluding some who have cleared the level and left, there are now a total of 8 players left.

Two of them were with Tang Qianya, so there were five others standing on the opposite side.

Tang Qianya's eyes were contemptuous: "Since you have become trash, you must keep your duty as trash."

After saying that, he took the two female players and walked in.

The two female players were very excited when they saw that they had easily passed the air wall.One was younger and more lively, and looked at Tang Qianya with admiration: "Sister, you were so domineering just now!"

Tang Qianya's smile was stiff and she felt extremely guilty.

What she said was all taught by Sister Zhen.

She was really afraid that her aura wouldn't be able to hold up.

So after saying that, I ran away.

When she heard being praised, she had the urge to tell them that it was Sister Zhen who was domineering, not me.

As the words came to her lips, she saw a shadow of Shi Zhen appearing in front of her, waving to her.

Tang Qianya calmed down immediately and it was important to pass the customs.

Stop talking nonsense.

She handed the map to the two female players to look at carefully, and then walked forward.

Mingshan Scenic Area, after entering, looks like a beautiful mountain.

A stone step winds up, with different beautiful scenery on both sides of the step.

Looking at it, I unconsciously relaxed my heartstrings, as if I were really out for a sightseeing trip to relax.

Even if the rational mind jumps out and reminds: This is a horror game, it cannot be really simple and safe!
But my heart just couldn't tense up.


As I walked, I passed by a small pool formed by the flow of mountain springs.

Clear and translucent.

A female player who was traveling with me ran over with a soft cry, couldn't wait to take off her shoes and socks, and put her feet into the water.

Tang Qianya felt something was wrong, and when she wanted to remind her, it was already too late. All she saw was a dense number of small transparent fish gathering together and willing to eat the female player's feet.

Xiao Yumen's body gradually turned from transparent to blood red, and the flesh and blood on the female player's lips was disappearing. She felt no pain and was enjoying it very much. She called to Tang Qianya and the others: "Come and take a dip together. The water here is very comfortable."

There was fear on the faces of the two people who saw her feet being chewed until only the bones were left.

Tang Qianya was also scared, but she couldn't ignore it.

Gritting his teeth, he handed the map to the other person: "You go first."

She walked to the water's edge and stretched out her hand, intending to pull up the person who was soaking her feet.

Unexpectedly, the person soaking the feet was so strong that he directly grabbed Tang Qianya's hand and pulled her into the water.

Although Tang Qianya was on guard, the disparity in strength caused her to fall into the water.

But just for a moment, she was immediately pulled ashore by another force.

Not only her, but also the one who soaked her feet was pulled out.

It was only now that she felt the pain after soaking her feet. Seeing her bone-white feet, she was so frightened that her face turned white and she screamed in fear.

The fish in the pool ran out of food and were so crowded that they wanted to climb ashore.

The water waves are brought to the shore, and instead of flowing back, they spread forward.

The strange fish followed the waves and approached them.

Tang Qianya and the other one grabbed the female player who was still in fear and retreated.

The strange fish didn't chase me until I retreated to the steps.

The intact female player frowned and was worried: "How can she... go up?"

"What do you think?" Tang Qianya swallowed what she wanted to say and asked calmly.

There are still tens of thousands of words left. This copy is over and the whole thing is probably finished.Thank you all for your companionship and support all the way, thank you~

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