Chen Jingchi was standing there. The girl he loved was clearly right in front of him, but Chen Jingchi felt that there was a thousand pounds of weight under his feet and he could not move.

After finishing his official duties today, Chen Jingchi thought deeply about Lin Jianyue, so he took advantage of the night to come to the Princess's Mansion.

It's not that I want to do anything, I just want to be closer to her and wish I could stay together day and night.

But Chen Jingchi never expected that when he came to the Princess's Mansion full of longing, what he saw was the woman he loved chatting happily with another man.

If it was just like this, Chen Jingchi would only be a little jealous, but what shocked him was what Lin Jianyue and Shen Weixun said in their conversation.

A gentleman should not eavesdrop on other people's conversations, but Chen Jingchi overheard everything.

It turns out that Lin Jianyue and Shen Weixun were responsible for the prince's imprisonment this time, and the two were even planning how to bring down the prince. And he had no idea about all this, and even Lin Jianyue was hiding everything.

"Why?" Chen Jingchi locked his eyes on Lin Jianyue and asked.

Lin Jianyue's expression was so plain. She shrugged fearlessly, "As you can see and as you can hear, I not only want to bring down the prince, I want him to die!"

At this time, Lin Jianyue put aside her usual quiet coat, revealing her viciousness and melon teeth.

Chen Jingchi looked at Lin Jianyue, took a deep breath and advised, "Do you know what the consequences of doing this will be? His Highness is the crown prince of Dongshan Kingdom. If you frame him, aren't you shaking the foundation of the country!"

Listening to Chen Jingchi's words, Lin Jianyue smiled self-deprecatingly, her smile full of vicissitudes of life.

"Are you educating me? In Jiulin City, you have not seen the virtues of the prince. How can such a person be worthy of being a prince? Do you really not know whether it is a blessing or a curse for Dongshan State to have such a prince?"

If others had said these words, Lin Jianyue might not feel so uncomfortable, but these words were said by the man she was sure of and liked. This was an extremely uncomfortable thing for Lin Jianyue.

"The prince's moral character is indeed hindered, but the prince is the only one who can be a prince today. If he really shakes the East Palace, there will definitely be a fight, and then there will be a bloody storm in the court!" Chen Jingchi said, approaching Lin Jianyue, Holding Lin Jianyue's shoulders, "Yueyue, stop!"

Chen Jingchi is not a fool. How could he not know that the prince is not a good prince, nor does he have the kindness and wisdom to be a king? But except for the prince, there is no other prince among the princes who can take on this important responsibility!

"Stop? You want me to stop?" Lin Jianyue covered her mouth with one hand and kept laughing. Although she was laughing, her face was full of sadness.

"What about the innocent people in Chengjiapu? Has the prince ever thought of stopping? The prince of a country actually coveted the people's wealth and secretly assassinated them. So many people were brutally poisoned, including women, young people, the elderly and even children. Why don't you let the prince stop!" Lin Jianyue shouted.

The incident in Chengjiabao seemed to be over, but it was always there in Lin Jianyue's heart.

Those living beings were originally living happily in Chengjiabao, but it was the prince who killed innocent people for his own selfish desires. Will the hatred of these people be given up?

Chen Jingchi was shocked. He naturally knew that Chengjiabao was attacked by bandits and suffered heavy losses, but what Chen Jingchi didn't know was that the person behind this incident turned out to be the prince.

"Sorry!" Chen Jingchi's voice was filled with sorrow.

"Now you still want me to stop? Chen Jingchi, ask yourself, what kind of person is the prince? He has no compassion or love for the people. If one day he ascends to the throne, do you think the people will What's coming? Since he won't be a good king, why should I hesitate? Why can't I avenge myself?" Lin Jianyue asked, her emotions already breaking down. Chen Jingchi looked at Lin Jianyue, who was a little collapsed at this time, and felt so heartbroken that it was difficult to breathe.

He knew how difficult it was for Lin Jianyue to do all this, and he also understood that a woman had to be careful when planning to win over the crown prince.

He felt sorry for her.

Lin Jianyue looked at Chen Jingchi. She looked at Chen Jingchi with eyes full of pity, but she couldn't say anything to comfort herself. In an instant, Lin Jianyue understood what Chen Jingchi meant.

At this moment, Lin Jianyue's eyes tightened. She shook off Chen Jingchi's hand, tears welling up in her eyes, her eyes full of disappointment.

"I understand. Do you, General Chen, feel that my methods are vicious? Yes, you, General Chen, are aboveboard. How could you be so open to my petty tricks!" Lin Jianyue smiled sarcastically.

"I didn't mean that!" Chen Jingchi quickly explained. When he saw Lin Jianyue crying, he panicked and wanted to wipe Lin Jianyue's tears, but at this time, Lin Jingchi turned away and refused to let Chen Jingchi touch her.

"Then what you mean is that I can't act like this, just because he is the prince of the East Palace and he does any evil things, do I have to be grateful? General, I am not you, I don't have such a broad mind, I am just a A little girl who must retaliate! I will make him pay for how the prince hurt Cheng Jiabao! Don’t tell me that shaking the prince means shaking the foundation of the country. The entire royal family is rotten. At worst, the royal family will be replaced! "

Lin Jianyue spoke angrily, but Chen Jingchi felt that Lin Jianyue's words were extremely rebellious.

Lin Jianyue knew very well that she and Chen Jingchi were fundamentally different. If she were Chen Jingchi, fighting for the imperial court with her life outside, and all she got in exchange was the royal family's suspicion and suppression, and she even had to spend her own money and effort to comfort the wounded soldiers, Lin Jianyue would have developed a disobedient heart a long time ago.

But Chen Jingchi wouldn't. Even if the royal family treated him like this, he never showed any anger or unwillingness, and he was even as loyal as ever.

Lin Jianyue appreciates Chen Jingchi's loyalty, but she is not Chen Jingchi, so she can't do it.

"Yueyue." Chen Jingchi just looked at Lin Jianyue in pain. He didn't know how to speak. He had always been stupid, and now he didn't know what he could say to change everything.

"The prince did indeed do something wrong, but maybe we have another way!"

"Is there any other way to expose it to His Majesty? How do you think His Majesty will deal with it? General, stop joking!" Lin Jianyue smiled, and her smile was extremely sarcastic.

At this moment, the two of them had opposite ideas, but neither of them could change at all for the other.

"Will you expose me for what happened today?" Lin Jianyue asked, and at the same time, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

If Chen Jingchi was really loyal enough to expose her, then Lin Jianyue would definitely not be able to let Chen Jingchi walk out of here.

Don't blame her for being cruel, she has to be cruel.

"I can't persuade you, and I can't help you. Naturally, I won't expose you! Yueyue, my responsibility is to protect Qingyang Country, and your current behavior is shaking Qingyang Country, you and me." Chen Jingchi suddenly said no. Went down.

But at this time, Lin Jianyue immediately said, "You and I, let's stop here! General, take care!"

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