
Chen Jingchi raised his eyes, his eyes filled with disbelief and heartache.

Just now, on his way here, his mind was filled with the future between him and Lin Jianyue. He felt that even if the two could not become a legitimate couple, it would not matter. As long as he can stay with Lin Jianyue, that's enough.

But in just a blink of an eye, his beloved girl told him that they were done.

End? How can it end?

"General." Lin Jianyue looked at Chen Jingchi. She naturally knew Chen Jingchi's pain and reluctance, and she was not the same.

After experiencing such a bad relationship, the moment she opened her eyes, Lin Jianyue thought she would never touch love in this life. It was Chen Jingchi's protection and tolerance time and time again that made Lin Jianyue know that there were really people in this world who loved and protected her like this.

Lin Jianyue opened her heart carefully. She really thought that she and Chen Jingchi could go very far.

But they didn't expect that they would end so soon.

"Yueyue, don't say such things. We don't want to separate or end. I know your hatred and revenge are my fault. How about we think of other ways?" Chen Jingchi suddenly hugged Lin Jianyue and hugged her tightly. , for fear that if you let go, you will never have a chance again.

Lin Jianyue raised her head slightly, so as not to let tears fall in her eyes.

She was so proud of the general, but now he was begging for him in such a humble way. Why didn't she feel bad for him?

"General, you know, you all know that I am rotten to the core, but you are not. You are a general with majestic revenge. You shouldn't change yourself because of me. I also know that I can't change you. !" Lin Jianyue's voice was a little choked, but she spoke with great determination.

She knew that she couldn't be soft-hearted. Even if she was soft-hearted and the two reconciled, everything would not go back to the past, just because they both had things that they couldn't let go of.

"Yueyue." Chen Jingchi wanted to deny it, but found that he couldn't deny anything at all.

Lin Jianyue was right. Even if he could tolerate it at this moment, could he really watch Lin Jianyue bring chaos to the Dongshan royal family in the future? Can he really accompany Lin Jianyue to overthrow the royal family regardless of the situation?

Chen Jingchi knows that he can't. He has loyalty and integrity in his bones.

Even though he knew very well that Lin Jianyue's behavior was due to the absurdity and badness of the royal family, he could not fail to protect the overall situation like Lin Jianyue.

"I have liked you, and I have been properly placed in my heart by you. General, I am satisfied!" Lin Jianyue said, with a smile rising on her cheeks, expressing relief and satisfaction.

Chen Jingchi slowly let go, even though he was full of reluctance, Chen Jingchi knew that now he could only let go.

"I'm sorry, I failed to protect you!" Chen Jingchi stood in front of Lin Jianyue. He reached out and gently touched Lin Jianyue's cheek. His usually deep eyes were trembling with pain at this time.

"General, there is no need to blame yourself, I understand everything!" Lin Jianyue shook her head. From the beginning to the end, although she was angry, she did not blame Chen Jingchi at all.

Because she had fallen in love with Chen Jingchi like this from beginning to end. If Chen Jingchi really ignored the common people for herself, then Lin Jianyue would doubt whether it was worth it for her to fall in love with this person.

"I" Chen Jingchi just looked at Lin Jianyue deeply. There were so many things he wanted to say, but he couldn't say anything. His throat hurt as if there was a knife.

"I really love you very much!" Chen Jingchi said hoarsely. Lin Jianyue was the first girl he fell in love with, and maybe the only girl he fell in love with in this life. Chen Jingchi didn't regret it, he only regretted his incompetence. . "I know!" Lin Jianyue smiled and nodded, her smile full of recognition. When getting along with Chen Jingchi, she knew very well that she was loved.

"From now on, if I encounter any trouble, as long as I don't violate morality, I will never give up!" Chen Jingchi said. This was a promise he made to Lin Jianyue.

From now on, as long as Lin Jianyue wants to do anything, does not harm the people, and is not contrary to Chen Jingchi's loyalty, he can help Lin Jianyue at all costs.

"Okay!" Lin Jianyue nodded. Even if she felt that she would never seek Chen Jingchi's help in the future, she would not refuse Chen Jingchi's kindness at this time.

"General, it's time to go!" Lin Jianyue reminded.

She knew that Chen Jingchi was reluctant to leave, and she also understood that Chen Jingchi wanted to stay here for a while, but it was time to break off. Even if Chen Jingchi stayed here until dawn, it would not change things.

"Yes, it's time for me to go!" Chen Jingchi smiled bitterly, his laughter full of desolation and helplessness. This upright man was also so emotionally lonely.

"Yueyue." Chen Jingchi glanced at Lin Jianyue, said "take care", turned around and disappeared into the night.

After Chen Jingchi left, Lin Jianyue fell down on the chair, her face pale, as if she had lost her life.

The pain and discomfort in my heart were severe. No matter how calm Lin Jianyue acted in front of Chen Jingchi, in fact, she was reluctant to let go of this relationship in her heart.

It's just that Lin Jianyue is rational. She knows very well that if her relationship with Chen Jingchi continues at this time, she will really feel resentful in the future.

Since they don't want to be a resentful couple, letting each other leave when they like each other the most may be a good memory for the two of them.

Outside the house, Lin En wanted to come in several times, wanted to persuade Lin Jianyue to think about it, and wanted to say some words of comfort, but she looked at Lin Jianyue sitting there alone and did not enter the house after all.

Just because Li En saw with his own eyes how Lin Jianyue accepted and fell in love with Chen Jingchi step by step. She thought she finally had someone beside her who knew both coldness and hotness and who sympathized with her, but she didn't expect that things would turn out like this. situation.

Li En only felt that any words of comfort seemed pale at this moment.

Lin Jianyue actually sat in the room all night, just staring at the void with lifeless eyes.

It wasn't until the sky gradually brightened and the lanterns were extinguished that Lin Jianyue moved.

Just as he was about to stand up, he found that he had not moved for too long and staggered to his knees on the ground.

"Miss!" Li En rushed in quickly and helped Lin Jianyue. Only then did he realize that Lin Jianyue was cold all over. Li En quickly helped Lin Jianyue back to the boudoir, his eyes red.

After Lin Jianyue returned to the boudoir, the figure who had been guarding her all night also quietly left the princess's mansion.

Chen Jingchi's eyes were full of worry, but at this time, he no longer had any position or identity to care about Lin Jianyue. Just like last night, he stayed with Lin Jianyue all night, but he didn't even dare to show up.

Because he knew that they were over.

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