I became the strongest beater in the thriller game

Chapter 105 Leather and Textile Factory

Su Yun finally confiscated it.

Yu Nan was puzzled, and Su Yun said: "Keep it, it doesn't cost anything."

The side missions in the dungeon are almost over, and no other missions should be triggered. In addition, after this time, the double value of ordinary workers in the factory has reached the standard. As long as they use their skills, under normal circumstances, there will be no danger.

Six thousand points is still too expensive no matter how you think about it.

Even if it's not his own points.

Seeing Su Yun's insistence, Yu Nan had no choice but to take the blood-restoring medicine back to the system toolbar, and enthusiastically helped apply the medicine while saying: "That man named Hengtian, I disabled him, if he dares to attack Sister Su Su again If you do it, I will destroy him."

Yu Nan spoke in an understatement and didn't find Hengtian difficult at all.

Su Yun keenly grasped the key word: "Cripple?"

The little girl was stunned, her face turned red, and she hesitated: "It's just that his left hand was gone. He wanted to save his right hand and blocked it with his left hand." He is also a cruel person.

Hengtian is indeed a problem.

He is holding a gun in his right hand, and there is a blood-restoring medicine in the copy, so his injuries can be healed, and there is no guarantee that he will not attack again.

After all, a pistol is a long-range attack weapon and is very lethal.

Qie Hengtian had no good intentions towards her from the beginning of the copy.

Su Yun raised his eyes in confusion, "Do I look like I'm going to blame you?" Yu Nan looked as if she was embarrassed to speak up.

In the real world, observing rules and regulations is the minimum moral standard, but this is in the copy world.

In the dungeon world, kindness sometimes puts oneself in danger. Su Yun has always adhered to the concept of not offending others but me. The current situation...

Su Yun narrowed his eyes.

But Yu Nan didn't think so, that was the impression he gave people at the moment.

Will blame the little girl for her "cruel" behavior.

...No need.

Although she doesn't need to pay attention to what others think, Yu Nan is a good partner and she doesn't want to cause any unnecessary trouble during the cooperation.

Yu Nan: "Huh?" The expression on the face with a little baby fat was blank.

She thought of her strange strength and rough movements that were not expected of a cute little girl, so she reacted as she had just done out of habit, pursed her lips, and was particularly frustrated.

Su Yun smiled and said, "You are very powerful." His eyebrows were curved and gentle.

It was the answer that the little girl wanted to praise in the audience at that time.

Yu Nan's depressed mood disappeared. She looked at Su Yun in surprise, her cheeks bursting red, she quickly covered her face, and then opened her fingers to look through the gaps between her fingers.

Su Yun's eyebrows were smiling, warm, gentle and focused, and Yu Nan's eyes were peeking at her.

She has a pair of eyes that are too gentle and affectionate.

Yu Nan's mind was filled with screams, and she suddenly noticed the beauty of the scars on her cheeks, which were considered a bit of war-damaged makeup.

She is OK again.

This damn uncontrollable face control attribute.

"You are very powerful," Su Yun stated the facts, "You protected me."


Yu Nan: "Ah, sister Susu, please stop praising me. If you praise me any more, I'm going to lose my temper!"

Su Yun held his cheek with one hand and looked at her with a smile.

In the employee canteen, the canteen aunt sneakily took out the bulging thing in her arms. It was a broken arm, and the blood from the wound had solidified.She picked it up when no one was paying attention when everyone was electing the factory director. Although it was dirty, it was still edible after being washed.

The cafeteria uncle's nose twitched: "What fresh hooves, why are there just so many?"

The aunt in the cafeteria grinned, "Hey, hey, just be satisfied with the fresh meat you picked up for free. You can sell it for hundreds of dollars at least."

Although the price has dropped, the portion of such rare meat is small. In addition, since the principal has not been paid, it is still a profit no matter how you think about it. It is just more profit than before the change of factory director.

The cafeteria uncle looked at the broken arm and pondered, "With such a big incision, it will bleed too much, right?"

The two of them looked at each other in tacit understanding. The aunt in the cafeteria looked in the direction of Hengtian's escape with a strange expression on her lips.

After finishing the wound medicine, Su Yun's health bar began to slowly increase. As expected, Li Huizhen arranged the dormitory for Qian Fugui and came to the office again.

She was a little surprised when she saw that the two of them hadn't left yet. Then she adjusted her expression and stepped forward to hand Su Yun the floor key and real estate certificate in Qian Fugui's name that she had taken from Qian Fugui.

Su Yun touched the real estate certificates with emotion.

I have been working for many years, but I am still not rich. On the contrary, the copy states that I "got rich overnight".

Hengtian cannot stay.

Su Yun placed the cursor on Zhong Hengtian's name in the probationary employee list, "The factory will no longer recruit this person."

[System Warning——]

[Task: Successfully stay in the textile factory (failed)]

[Since the player is no longer an employee in the factory, the mission will automatically fail. All NPCs in the instance will attack the player, so please be prepared]

[Task: Qualified Worker (Failed)]

[System warning: The main task failed, and the guaranteed points of the copy are cancelled]

[The player's points balance is 1800, please try your best to survive until the 444 bus arrives]

There was a buzz in Hengtian's head, his face went blank, he came to his senses and kicked the wall hard.

Su Yun!

He cursed in a low voice, and his voice alerted the surrounding NPCs. The NPCs did not deliberately slow down their footsteps and ran towards his hiding place from different directions very quickly.

This time it seemed more serious than the previous notice from Qian Fugui expelling him from the dungeon. Even if Hengtian hid silently, the NPC could find him accurately, just like the NPC's acuity in the last few days of the dungeon.

In the end, NPCs surrounded Hengtian, and bullets were ineffective against the crazy NPCs. He finally used up all his points, which only delayed his death.

When the old couple in the cafeteria found Hengtian, Hengtian had been bitten by the crazy NPC until there was no good piece of meat.

The two NPCs in the cafeteria looked at the expressions of the two NPCs in the cafeteria as they looked at the rotten ingredients as they gradually lost their vitality, and they took their last breath.

Heng Tian regretted it until his death. He should have killed Su Yun at the beginning of the dungeon. According to the earl's character, she would definitely avenge him. He had to tell the earl that he must pay attention to Su Yun in the dungeon, preferably at the beginning. Just behead him.

Even the queen wants to accept Su Yun as a believer.

[Player Hengtian is confirmed dead, points are cleared, weapons and props are cleared, and skill drops are recovered]

The NPCs dragged the remaining bodies back to the factory canteen one by one.

The two of them looked ugly, and they couldn't stop complaining when they were cleaning up, "You should have followed earlier, look at how much money we will lose!"

The aunt in the cafeteria glared at the person who was talking about it and said: "You talk a lot, why don't you go by yourself? Who can recognize the meat you pick up for free if it's well washed and tastes good?"

The man snorted coldly, thought for a moment and sped up the movements of his hands, "Hurry up and clean up, there will be pigs to be slaughtered later."

"Next time if you see something like this, you should hurry up! Now that the new factory regulations are out, it will be hard to make money."

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