I became the strongest beater in the thriller game

Chapter 106 Leather and Textile Factory

In the game hall, the Earl and his group, who had always been very arrogant, were shocked when they saw Hengtian's name in the list of players in the dungeon.

The earl was a little confused. Her fingers unconsciously tightened until they turned white, and her nails dug into her flesh without even noticing.

Hengtian is dead.

He was just asked to cause some discomfort for the new player who had attracted God's attention, and he died in the dungeon. There are now more than ten unknown old players in the dungeon.

Heng Tian died just like that.

The man who was completely obedient and who cared about her in his eyes and heart suddenly disappeared.

Unbelievable, that player named Su Yun.

She is even afraid to log out of the game lobby now, so that she can "delay" Hengtian's death in reality.

In the unknown space, six shadows whose true appearance could not be seen gathered around the round table again. They looked at the same copy - the leather textile factory.

In silence, only the weird, twisted and inhuman shadow behind him revealed something called emotion.

A shadow was the first to break the silence: "He no longer pays attention to his favorite believers."

There was silence again.

They were not surprised by this. The little monster was used to being alone, so it was unreasonable to suddenly want to recruit followers.

The current situation makes them feel at ease.

A shadow said: "Oh, this is your believer, a useless thing."

A shadowy figure whispered: "Why don't you open and pick up which pot?"

The queen didn't pay attention to the other two, and slowly shook the fan in her hand, as if she was in a trance: "This player is called Su Yun."

"And your followers."

The shadow that was named was alert, "What do you want to do?"

"This little one likes me. I want to leave her behind to play. Don't try to trick her."

A shadow said: "I can let my people target her to vent your anger."

The queen shook her head, "I think this game is very interesting. That little monster has taken a liking to an interesting person."

She paused and sneered: "Old man, don't you know how many pounds your followers weigh?"

"You! You are better than your followers. He died after only three days. There is no new player who can use it first. You are a waste."

Queen: "Haha."

"I'll kill you sooner or later."

She stood up, "It's time for my little thing to be sad."

After leaving these words, the shadow faded away from the spot.

Two of the remaining five phantoms left one after another, and when there were only three left, the silent phantom spoke out: "I found a way to weaken that little monster."

In the copy, Su Yun asked Li Huizhen to arrange accommodation for the initially unemployed workers. Factory uniforms were distributed uniformly the next day, including factory uniforms suitable for Qian Fugui. The current office on the first floor of a building was used to provide a small number of external connections to the factory. Where customers place orders, workers form their own teams or take orders individually.

The second floor is used as a place to explain factory rules and factory benefits to newly hired workers, and the office has been moved to the broadcast area.

Then transfer Yu Nan from a probationary employee to a regular employee.

The system prompt that the initial continuous task was completed sounded, and the little girl smiled happily. She was not very concerned about whether the continuous task was completed or not.

After the performance competition is cancelled, other players who have not taken advantage of the situation will be judged to have passed the probation period and completed the basic tasks.

The NPCs in the dungeon treat players who violate the rules as food rations. This cannot be changed, and those NPCs also showed that there is a problem with the meat in the canteen. As long as they don't seek death, the main task of the dungeon of the Leather and Textile Factory will be easily passed.Su Yun and Yu Nan returned to the original dormitory. They knew that the room was originally occupied by Qian Fugui. Time was in a hurry and they probably didn't have time to change the things in the room. In addition, they didn't know Hengtian's situation, so they had to stay in the dormitory. It's safer than in Area B where there are fewer people.

The lights in the dormitory were still on, and the workers who were difficult to see in the "awake" state were resting in the dormitory. They were not asleep. They opened their eyes when they heard the noise coming from the dormitory. When seeing Su Yun, everyone was extremely excited without exception. Their joy had not faded from the changes in the evening, and they kept thanking Su Yun for the good news he had brought to the workers.

Su Yun checked the dual values ​​​​of several people in the dormitory. When he saw that they had passed the test or above, he felt relieved, washed up, and went to bed.

I didn't see my roommate crawling onto the bed again in the middle of the night.

The next day the factory implemented new regulations and most of the workers were at work. Li Huizhen called some people to rectify one building as planned. Each worker who worked on the factory was given extra compensation. At noon, she gathered the team leaders chosen by the workers and replaced them. .

Wang Feng and other former team leaders who were replaced had objections. Dozens of people gathered in the office to cause trouble and hindered the office's rectification progress. Originally, Li Huizhen went downstairs to stop the group of people, while Su Yun stayed upstairs to check the factory's system and some information. .

The noise of trouble downstairs was still continuing. Su Yun had no choice but to go down to check the situation. When he came downstairs, Wang Feng and others were being threatened by Yu Nan with a knife. Su Yun sincerely gave two suggestions. .

Either they stay working in the factory or they leave on their own.

Su Yun's words coupled with Yu Nan's knife, Wang Feng and others chose the former, patted the ashes they had made by rolling on the ground, and went back to their respective stations to go to work.

Li Huizhen was grateful to Yu Nan for solving the trouble. In addition to the new position Su Yun gave Yu Nan, she suggested that the factory add a security system so that trouble could be solved in time.

So the security personnel were replaced and four more were recruited so that they could be on duty in two shifts, and Yu Nan naturally became the captain of the security team.

After doing this, under Yu Nan's puzzled eyes, Su Yun transferred the property certificate and corresponding key of a building to Yu Nan.

[System prompts, congratulations to the player for completing the continuous mission: obtaining performance No. 1 (advanced)]

[Task reward: 2000 points]

[The rewards will be distributed to the player's account after the instance is settled, please pay attention to check them]

[Has automatically accepted the subsequent task: Own a suite (advanced)]

[Task introduction: You are the best employee in the factory, your next goal is to own an apartment in the factory]

[Task duration: until the end of the copy]

[Task reward: 3000 points (points increase for consecutive tasks)]

[Congratulations to the player for completing the task: owning a suite (advanced)]

[Task reward: 3000 points, random high-level props dropped]

[Task rewards will be uniformly distributed to player accounts after the copy is settled, please pay attention to check them]

Yu Nan was shocked, blinking at the real estate certificate he had just received, then looking at Su Yun, repeated twice, and rushed towards Su Yun, "Sister Su Su! How did you know that the task was completed in this way? Wuwu My sister is so amazing. She was taken away for the first time and I was so moved."

Su Yun was so shocked that his pupils shrank. He hesitated between throwing the two away or holding them back, and reluctantly chose the latter.

After all, he was holding the person who was jumping on him to prevent him from falling.

After that, the little girl wandered around the security booth without any problems, stood up on tiptoes and patted the shoulders of the new security personnel, saying with a deep expression: "Good job, young man, you will save yourself decades of detours!"

Security guard: "?"

Su Yun, who happened to see this scene: "..."

With more people, efficiency is faster. The new department of the factory was renovated that day, and a notice was sent over the radio. After that, when there were customer orders, the workers could take the orders and complete them at any time, and the wages were still the workers' own.

That night, the newly hired security personnel invited the vehicles that drove in outside the factory into the office. Su Yun understood the guests' thoughts and discussed cooperation.

The factory manager who was hands-on and did not show off was deeply loved by the workers, and the money for completing the orders was also given to the employees who took the orders. For a time, the workers loved Su Yun very much, and their trust and favorability reached the full level. Value, a reassuring value that does not require Su Yun to use his skills at all.

Su Yun was thinking about the factory's business chain.

In other words, for those guests from outside the factory, what could be beyond the fog?
(End of this chapter)

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