I became the strongest beater in the thriller game

Chapter 107 Leather and Textile Factory

Late at night, in the staff dormitory on the second floor of Building [-] in Area A, the man was woken up by urination in the middle of the night. The wall clock on the wall showed two o'clock sharp this morning.

The pointer was ticking, and the player's roommate was snoring loudly. He smacked his lips in his sleep, turned over, and soon started snoring loudly again. In comparison, the NPC roommate's sleeping appearance was much quieter, and he slept normally. Well-behaved, motionless, and even the sound of breathing could not be heard, like a dead person without breathing.

The man trembled with excitement from his thoughts and felt that his bladder was about to explode. Finally, he boldly went to the toilet at the end of the corridor on the second floor to solve his physical problem.

He got out of bed quietly without disturbing any roommate's rest, then opened the door and walked out, quickly running to the toilet.

After he closed the door, the npc roommate sat up straight, and they turned to look at each other numbly.

Recently, the boss has reformed the factory system, so the NPCs are all amiable. They even talk and laugh with the players who sleep with them, and sometimes wake them up when it is time to go to work.

It's very much like the dormitory friendship in student days.

After a few days, he has been a little relaxed recently. He feels a bit cold in the middle of the summer. He is currently the only one alive in the toilet. When the cold wind blows, he shivers uncontrollably and gets goosebumps all over his body. He rushes to the bathroom. Wash your hands in the toilet and leave.

While turning off the faucet, the closed compartment door behind him creaked and slowly opened.

The man's heart jumped to his throat for a moment. He knew the danger in his heart. The fear made him want to turn around and run away, but he still couldn't control his stiffness and turned his head to look over. His eyes moved along the ground until he saw the sound coming from the ground. The toe of a woman's high-heeled shoe was peeking out from the noisy black stall door. Even late at night, under the moonlight, the red high-heeled shoe was still eye-catching, a finger's length from the ground, slowly, flatly, extending forward. , as if someone was floating forward with his feet off the ground.

Until the toe of the shoe was completely exposed, the pale instep came into the man's field of vision.

They were a pair of women's feet, and through the abnormal paleness, one could clearly see the dark blue blood vessels on the insteps.

However, although!This is just an ordinary boys' dormitory, where are the women?

Fear ran down his back, past his heart, and straight to his forehead. The man finally regained control of his body in fear. He took a deep breath, screamed in his throat, and ran away.

I ran back to the dormitory in one breath, closed the door and locked it, and then gasped for air.

I didn’t say the boys’ dormitory was haunted.

But it seems normal for copies of thriller games to have things that cannot be explained by science.



The man finally managed to control his heartbeat without bursting his eardrums, when he heard another sound mixed in with the ten needles.

It was like the faucet in the room was not turned off, but it was a bit strange. It was two o'clock in the morning, and the toilet and bathroom were not connected. Who could not sleep in the middle of the night and ran to wash their face to wake up?
Due to the reform of the factory system, even the NPC roommates went to bed very early and were in better health than their players.

The sound was very close if you listened carefully, as if it was coming from...

His eyes moved up, and it was the player's roommate sleeping next to him who was also on the upper bunk.

Under the moonlight, there was a human-shaped bulge on the bed, as if he was sleeping on his side with his head covered.

No snoring.

The other roommates were also lying on the bed, sleeping, in exactly the same position as when he had just woken up from peeing.

No, the ticking sound did come from the upper bunk, but not only that, there was also a sound coming from the washing area on the balcony.

The man walked towards the balcony. The further he went, the more he could see something soaking in the pool on the balcony. Suddenly, his feet seemed to have stepped on something sticky, like water, but thicker than water. Looking down, It was so dark at night that it was hard to see clearly except for some water stains.

There seemed to be a trace of blood in his nose.

However, men's work stations are special. They are specialized in processing various animal skins that have just entered the factory. The first step of washing them in water will inevitably bring a trace of blood smell.

But in this thrilling game copy...he just saw Ah Piao!

His heart started beating abnormally again. He deliberately ignored the unknown liquid under his feet and walked towards the balcony.

Unfortunately, he, a rhinitis patient, got into the horror game.

After turning off the faucet that was not closed tightly on the balcony, there was only the sound of water dripping, the sound of the hands of the clock on the wall moving, and my own breathing and heartbeat that still had not slowed down.

There was something leather soaked in the balcony. It was just like the skins he had dealt with that had just been cut from animals. There was fat on the edges.

But for a moment, he couldn't think of any animal with such...smooth skin, as if the hair on it had been shaved clean, and who would soak the skin in the pool in the middle of the night?

It's such a small piece of skin, there's no need to mess around with the dormitory pool, and the roommates are all sleeping now.

The man felt bitter in his heart. He couldn't help but lift the strange skin. The skin felt smooth and delicate, and even... a little warm.

The smell of blood hit his face. It was not the fur that was transported into the factory for processing from outside. It was different, too fresh.

The smell he could smell showed that it was very, very strong.

Coupled with this feel, and the constant ticking sound of water dripping from the player's roommate.

There was the sound of high heels and a gentle and rhythmic knocking at the door.

The "ghost" in the toilet followed me.

The man's face turned pale in an instant. He put aside the unknown piece of skin in his hand and quickly ran to the bed.

All the "people" in the dormitory were still asleep. He climbed onto the bed and confirmed that his suspicions were all wrong.

He carefully lifted the quilt of the player's roommate across from him, and in an instant he touched a sticky liquid in his hand, and what caught his eyes was a person, but he was as dark as water.

The man who frequently rolled over and snored remained motionless.

The man tremblingly put his hand close to his nose, and the bloody smell penetrated into his nostrils. He could no longer control it, and a scream rushed out of his throat, and he rolled off the bed with his hands and feet.

There was a quick and urgent knock on the door. As soon as the man who had just gotten off the bed looked up, he was faced with the other four roommates who were supposed to be sleeping soundly. Their cold and dull eyes, the corners of their mouths began to raise strangely. The wide smile made his heart beat like a drum and sting.

As if it could no longer withstand the extremely fast knocking, the door opened with a bang.


The man turned his head stiffly and saw a pair of red high heels.

The man's pupils suddenly contracted, then dilated and expanded.The workers in the crocodile leather workshop have been working overtime recently. Regarding the order from the generous customer, the time is about to come, but her request is not to have a bag made of crocodile skin.

It was obvious what the guests meant at that time, but it was impossible for them to have any other thoughts about Su Yun and Yu Nan.

These two people can be regarded as their benefactors. Their double value is enough, and it is too late to protect them, let alone harm them.

The workers came up with an idea and went to other workshops to buy other leathers, add their own designs, and worked overtime to make dozens of bags.

Dozens of bags have different designs, which can meet the requirements with a high probability.

Su Yun didn't make any preparations. It was as if she had not accepted the task. She only focused on making the factory's system more detailed and worked hard as if she wanted to stay in the factory forever and be the director.

Yu Nan looked very curious, but Su Yun didn't say anything, and she didn't ask.

On the night of the last day when the task was due, the black car drove into the factory. The car stopped and six people got out of the car. The five men were all dressed in the same style and followed the woman respectfully.

Su Yun and Yu Nan had already arrived at their workstations in the crocodile workshop. The lights were not turned off in the factory today. The female workers who filled her and Yu Nan's vacant positions had gone back to rest, including those who did not take up the task later.

Regarding her arrival, the workers thought it was a sudden inspection by the factory director and were a little nervous.

Su Yun's intention was to go to bed early and get up early and not to work overtime. This made them feel guilty and stopped what they were doing as if they had been caught.

Regarding the customer order, Su Yun glanced at the workers' workstations, which were filled with various leather bags. Originally, they were only making some crocodile supplies that they usually made. It's a waste of time waiting for guests to come. It's better to make something and make some money.

At present, the performance is still counted. After all, it is a counting job, but the quantity cannot be changed or faked.

Su Yun's eyes finally rested on those leather bags with very special skin colors. The styles were very beautiful. From a distance, the leather was extremely delicate, and it was impossible to tell what kind of animal skin it was.

She took a closer look and saw that it seemed to be shaped using something else, but the outer skin was very soft and could not be shaped by itself.

There is something made of leather like this at every work station.

In addition, the meaning of the woman's words before was too obvious, and the npc was not a fool, so it was impossible not to see it.

I couldn't help but have a bad guess in my mind.

Wang Qi stepped forward in high heels, blocking Su Yun's sight. The red high heels she wore were very eye-catching at night. Su Yun remembered that this person usually wore flat shoes for travel.

When Wang Qian saw Su Yun's eyes falling on the shoes, she also looked at them. She smiled extraordinarily softly and said, "I had a hard time with my child before. As soon as the order was settled, I gave the baby some extra pocket money." , and asked her to buy what she wanted to eat, but the child kept the money and ran to buy me a pair of high heels, which were just the right size."

She took two steps, like a little girl receiving a gift for the first time, showing off her treasure, her words and deeds were full of joy, and she said: "Director Su, look at it, does it look good?"

Su Yun was drawn back to his eyes by these words and was a little touched, "It looks good."

Su Yun remembered that before the relationship between herself and Su's mother was so tense, her first salary was to buy a piece of clothing for Su's father and mother Su. The clothes cost a few hundred dollars and were not expensive, but Su's father and mother Su The two of them were very happy.

Su's father's performance is not as obvious as Su's mother. Su's mother is similar to Wang Qi. She wears that dress when she goes out for a walk. When anyone asks about the dress, she will immediately say that her daughter bought it and she has good taste and other compliments.

Like a child.

Su Yun laughed a little. It should be said that the two people have inexplicably similar personalities. In fact, Su's father is not much better. He doesn't care about what he wears. He always tells everyone that this is his precious daughter's first salary. The clothes she bought for him showed off like a child, and until the clothes fell apart and couldn't be worn anymore, he didn't want to throw them away. When he and his family had an argument and left, the clothes were still hanging in the closet.

Yu Nan stared at Wang Qi, her eyes unfocused and she didn't know what she was thinking.

At this time, the guest who had given the mission arrived, followed by several men in black suits dressed as bodyguards.

The woman was still smiling when she entered the workshop, but when she saw Su Yun and Yu Nan, her smile fell and her expression became extremely unfriendly.

Seeing that Su Yun didn't move, Wang Qian spontaneously went up to her, "Boss Chen, you're here. We've prepared the bags you want. They are all made of fine leather and the styles are designed by the sisters. There is no such thing in the world." , each one is unique, and you are guaranteed to be impressed when you take it out.”

Wang Qi led the person to the workstation. She held up the skin-colored leather bag in front of the woman and said, "Look at the leather, workmanship, and style."

The woman's eyes followed the bag, and her expression was obviously a little relaxed. She was not in a hurry to answer, but critically examined the skin-colored bags on other work stations. The woman was very disdainful of other bags.

Women are not very satisfied with those skin-colored bags either.

The woman walked around without saying which package suited her liking, and there was no reminder that the task had failed. She finally stopped between the workstations where Su Yun and Yu Nan were.

The woman's eyes glanced at Su Yun and Yu Nan, and she raised her eyebrows: "Where are your works?" The corners of her mouth painted with scarlet lipstick rose. During Su Yun's silence, the arc became wider and wider, looking a little... It was weird, as if she was waiting for Su Yun and Yu Nan to say that she didn't make the package she wanted and was satisfied with.

The result is obvious, these two people didn't even make a package at all.

He took her money, but she didn't make a bag, and her money wasn't easy to get.

Yu Nan was alert, and even Wang Qian and several other workers sounded the alarm.

Su Yun was different to them. He was not an ordinary player who could be hunted and killed at will.

Su Yun put on an appropriately friendly smile on her face. She did not answer the woman's question, but looked at her and Yu Nan's skin with a bit of scrutiny, just like the woman's eyes.

The woman's face turned ugly, her brows furrowed, and the bodyguard behind her was about to move due to the woman's emotions.

Su Yun smiled: "Miss Chen looks very young, like a girl who has just entered college." Her eyes were appreciative and her tone was sincere.

The woman was stunned, not expecting that Su Yun would suddenly praise her.

Su Yun's praise was straightforward and had no technical content, but he couldn't stand it. Women like to hear this, and the malice on his face softened a lot. Seeing this, Wang Qi and others also praised the woman's skin, which was very good, like a college student. little girl.

Yu Nan somewhat understood what Su Yun meant, her eyes lit up, and she also joined in the fun and praised her. She spoke in a sweet voice like a little sister, and said coquettishly: "Sister, my skin is natural at first sight, I'm so envious. "

"I've stayed up a few late nights recently, and my skin has aged many years, and I can't get it back." Yu Nan, who fell asleep every night, said this with a long sigh, feeling particularly melancholy.

Su Yun: "Your skin doesn't have a single flaw, and you can't guess your exact age. It's perfect."

The woman was elated by the praise, but she has not forgotten her original purpose.

Su Yun looked at the leather bags on the workstation and said, "Those skins are not perfect, so how can they be called perfect bags?"

She looked at the woman with a smile on her face: "Do you think so?"

Thank you for your monthly ticket, thank you for your love ~ healthy and happy ヾ()~
After changing it, the unlucky brother was frightened to death.

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