【warn! warn! Player illegal operation detected! Players are requested to stop this behavior immediately! 】

[Players please stop this behavior immediately! ! ! 】

【3! 2! 1! 】

[The system will immediately severely punish players Su Yun and Yu Nan——]

[The system detects that the dungeon has been opened and will release the players immediately! 】

"*! Sister Susu!"

The system's warning sound was sharp and ear-piercing, and there was a roar in his ears. Amidst Yu Nan's panicked and worried voice, Su Yun's vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

When Su Yun opened her eyes again, she was still lying on the uninhabited road that seemed far away from the leather and textile factory.

There was a mist all around, like the mist on a winter morning, only enough to see me at arm's length, but not much more.

Yu Nan was not seen around.

To be precise, there is no one else but myself in the fog at the moment.

Including the car that took her and Yu Nan out of the leather and textile factory and the guests were not here either.

Su Yun tried calling Yu Nan's name, but never received a response. Instead, the sudden sound attracted a tall and huge monster wandering in the fog.

In mid-air, the face that looked like a rotten dead tree looked down at Su Yun quietly. While staring at Su Yun, the huge black eyeballs were still turning from time to time. They were full of deathly aura without any light. The two contrasted with each other. , Su Yun is like a small animal.

Under the strange pressure, Su Yun's nerves were still uncontrollably tense.

The monster's eyes finally fixed on Su Yun. It seemed to be confirming something. Its breath full of putrid smell sprayed on Su Yun's face. In the end, it seemed as if it didn't see Su Yun. It didn't attack Su Yun and turned around to leave. .

Su Yun's heart panicked for a moment and beat rapidly uncontrollably.

She was worried about the little girl she didn't know well. Not to mention Yu Nan's intention to approach her, she was a good partner. When they went deep into the fog outside the factory, the little girl was still doing her best to protect herself according to the requirements of cooperation. .

She recalled the system prompts she heard before she fell into coma. She and Yu Nan had been punished by the system for "illegal operations" and were about to be placed in other dungeons that were about to be opened.

Maybe Yu Nan is already in the copy, not sure.

This is considered an area outside the dungeon. Will time pass like the dungeon? After all, when the player enters the game, in reality, time stops at the moment he enters the dungeon.

But for some reason, Su Yun was still at the place where he was when he fainted. It was clearly visible here, and there were traces of the car running over him on the ground.

Everything starts from what happened before.

After completing all the tasks at hand, Su Yun sold the information about the continuous tasks to the remaining players in the factory. Faced with the revealed prop rewards, the players did not hesitate and spent their points to buy the information from Su Yun. , when the player learned that the last task required a large amount of money, the player decisively exchanged points for the money she had in her hand.

Su Yun's prices are fair and affordable, and he earns a net profit of [-] points.

There was basically nothing going on in the factory, and all that was left was the doubt that lingered in my heart.

Finally, during the day today, a customer who placed an order in the factory came to the factory to check the progress of order completion. Su Yun had an idea. In addition to the customer's order, she learned part of the customer's background and learned that the customer's company was in the business of selling high-end fur. Su Yun took the customer's car on the pretext of discussing cooperation, and during the day

This was a very risky thing. Su Yun did not force Yu Nan to participate, but Yu Nan had long been curious about what would happen after getting into the fog outside the dungeon, so she had to follow him no matter what.

Su Yun said hello to Manager Li, and then took the guest's car out of the factory gate with Yu Nan.

In the mist, you can vaguely see the extremely long road in front of the car, as well as the poplar trees planted on both sides of the not-so-wide road. Except for the absence of birds and insects, everything looks very ordinary, too ordinary to be everywhere. A copy of the thriller game Crisis.

But their appearance attracted giant monsters wandering in the fog. Su Yun and Yu Nan sounded the alarm, always vigilant, and prepared to fight for their lives. However, the NPCs did not take it seriously. They saw the monsters, but they did not stop. The cars were passing by, as if they didn't care.

The huge monster suddenly blocked the way of the vehicle, leaned over suddenly, and stuck a dark eyeball on the window glass. The driver rolled down the window the next moment, and Su Yun and Yu Nan subconsciously held their breath. The heart was beating rapidly and uncontrollably in the chest. The next moment, a high-level protective cover covered the entire car.

Yu Nan used the unused high-level protective shield dropped from the copy in his backpack.

You can see through the car window that the monster has a body as dry and dehydrated as a dead tree, but its eyes are moist, without any luster in the thick fog.

The corner of the monster's mouth grinned. When it saw Su Yun and the two of them, its happy expression instantly retracted, and it looked very confused. Finally, when Yu Nan took out the Yanyue Knife, the monster seemed to have lost interest, straightened up, and left.

Yu Nan was confused. She took back the Yanyue knife in a daze, and asked Su Yun in a daze what the situation was.

Su Yun didn't know either.

This was the first time she had come into direct contact with a monster in the fog. Before, she had observed it through the fog and had not observed the reason.

Not long after the monster left, the vehicle started moving slowly again.

Su Yun looked at the NPC in the car and fell into thinking.

Perhaps the monster regarded them as NPCs, and NPCs seemed to be the "same kind" of the monster and could not be eaten.

Yu Nan muttered: "How long does it take for your company to arrive? After signing the contract, our factory director Su Su will rush back to the factory."

The woman sitting in the passenger seat said: "Come on, come on, we'll be there in half an hour. Don't worry, little sister."

The leather and textile factory seems to be connected to other places. The only thing unknown is how these customers, or NPCs, can accurately determine where their factory is and which direction they are driving in the thick fog. .

For example, what NPCs see is different from what players see.

Other than that, everything was fine until the car was suddenly intercepted after driving for more than ten minutes. It was like an invisible wall that the car's tires could not drive past even if the car's tires made several deep marks on the dirt road. .

The NPC's face turned pale with fear in an instant, and they seemed to be afraid of something.

It was also at that time that the warning sound sounded by the system to determine whether Su Yun or the two had violated the rules.

The car body was squeezed by an invisible force and began to deform and collapse inch by inch.

The NPCs were trembling uncontrollably with fear. They looked directly at Su Yun and Yu Nan, and finally drove them out of the car with anger and resentment.

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