After Su Yun and Yu Nan got out of the car, the invisible thing squeezed and instantly crushed the advanced protective shield used by Yu Nan. Coupled with the harsh system warning in his head, Su Yun's wound burst and hurt. It didn't give me any more clarity, and I fainted as soon as my vision went dark.

Before she fainted, it was still Yu Nan's curse words and concerned shouts that were blocked by the system, but the voice sounded a bit suppressed, and it probably wouldn't be much better.

Su Yun came to his senses.

Only one can be confirmed at the moment.

This is an area that the system does not allow to explore. It comes down to the player's operational violations.

But as a factory director, she reached cooperation with other factories within one day to seek greater benefits for factory workers. This is a very reasonable and legal thing, isn't it?

At least its original judgment is enough to prove that this does not violate the regulations, on the surface.

This time it was not all without gain, at least I learned two things.

One: There is a high probability that the copies are connected one by one.

Second: As long as you have an identity other than the identity released to the player by the system, that identity is relatively important at present. For example, the director of the leather textile factory, the monster will recognize Su Yun and Su Yun as two people who can come and go freely in the dungeon. NPCs will not harm them.

The monsters in the fog are always guarding only the players in the dungeon. Their nature is a bit like gatekeepers.

I don’t know if the first one has any connection with the so-called trial operation of the game.


But she was still a little worried about the little girl who had been following her. Yu Nan had always been playful and free-spirited, doing whatever she wanted, and had not done anything to harm herself.

She is a great person to work with.

Su Yun tentatively searched around. The fog was too thick and relying on sound would only attract monsters and would not get any answers.

She thought of her skills and originally didn't plan to use them on Yu Nan, but now...

Su Yun looked forward and couldn't see anything except the fog that was so thick that it couldn't be dissolved.

As long as you use skills on Yu Nan, it will not be difficult to find Yu Nan's whereabouts.

As long as it's not too far away.


[System prompts that the skill is banned and cannot be used]


Su Yun frowned, having a bad idea in his mind about the system's punishment.

She immediately opened her personal panel.

[Player: Su Yun]

[Appearance: 100 (your appearance is stunning, the favorability value of all dungeon NPCs +10)]

[Strength: 40 (based on the normal value for women of the same age)]

[Speed: 60 (recommended to be used with skills, you are a remote control)]

[Skill: Thread-pulling (pseudo-god level, banned/locked, unavailable)]

[Health: 47 (Due to the player using the skill to pull the thread, the system deducts 50 health points, which can be recovered after leaving the game. Your health is not very healthy at the moment)]

[Spirit value: 68 (your mental value is still healthy, please always pay attention to whether the health value is within the healthy range)]

[Props: Lucky Dice (Advanced)]

[Total points: 450000]

[Number of points currently held: 31080 (currently insufficient points, unable to make a wish)]

[The system warns that the player is very angry due to illegal operation. In view of the player's first offense, [-] points will be deducted from the player as a penalty! (Disappointed, human being. For the sake of your first mistake, I forgive you this time. You can’t do it again. Don’t try to test the rules)]

[System prompts that mission rewards are settled in advance, random weapon reward*1, high-level prop reward*2, random prop or weapon drop*1, players can draw from personal panel-backpack-prop column]

Su Yun took a deep breath. At present, it seems that the dungeon has indeed been settled. Although there are still a few days until the end of the dungeon, for Su Yun who has completely completed all the tasks in the dungeon, it is just a time to hang out like the last period of the Puppet Tourist Town, just like a holiday. .

In addition to the points settlement for the missions, there are also two thousand points earned from the players, respectively, from selling follow-up information on the consecutive missions and the hundreds of thousands in rewards.

Under normal circumstances, her points should be more than 4 points after deducting consumption.

What a dog.

Rubbish system, a high-level copy was wasted.

Su Yun pursed his lips and tried to calm down.

At that time, in the fog, a bus came slowly. The lights on the bus were dim, but they could not dispel the thick fog.

Su Yun stood still, maintaining vigilance in his heart.

The bus was approaching. Without waiting for Su Yun to stop it, the bus stopped firmly in front of Su Yun with a scoff. Then, the door slowly opened, and Su Yun could see the numbers displayed on the front of the bus clearly.

Su Yun was very familiar with that number, bus number 414.

The weird bus that led her into the replica of Puppet Tourist Town was also the starting point for the thrilling game journey.

The people in the car looked at Su Yun with different expressions.

Most remain wary, even hostile.

The bus basically only picks up people at the bus stop. People who don't get on the bus by themselves usually suddenly appear on the bus seat. Players who get on the bus early will be lucky enough to see this magical scene.

In the mist, or in other words, picking people up halfway, each of them is seeing them for the first time.

As we all know, there are monsters in the fog. As long as you step into the fog, you will become the monster's food and you will not survive.

But she was standing in the fog unharmed, on the way into the dungeon, and the bus stopped in front of Su Yun. It was obvious that she was stopping for Su Yun so that Su Yun could get on the bus in time.

It was so strange that they had to start to wonder.

Could this be some NPC disguised as a player?
This is too rude. Do you think they have low IQ or do you think they are blind?

Although this is a beginner level, there are a lot of experienced players, so we still know this with common sense.

Su Yun is currently wearing a factory uniform originally issued by the factory. The long sleeves are rolled up and the brand name is hidden under the clothes. His long hair is tied high behind his back. He looks fresh and capable.

There was no dirt on her clothes, and her cheeks were fair and clean, like a beautiful female worker who loved to be clean.

Bus No. 414 is full of players.

At a glance, there were about twenty people, roughly equal numbers of men and women.

The expressions of the new players were very different from those of the experienced players. When they met Su Yun, some looked like they were lost and when they met the local residents, their faces were filled with questions and ardent hopes.

Some are angry.

It looked so familiar that the new players on the bus thought they had been kidnapped and forced to participate in a farce. They became so angry and anxious that they wanted to send a lawyer's letter to the "crew".


"Are you a member of the crew?"

Su Yun raised his eyes and took a look. The person who spoke was a man, with a questioning tone in his tone.

I don't want to bother.

She was still in a depressed mood where her "work" was in vain and her points were wasted.

1000 points, [-] million coins.

1000 million...pain.

There was only one thing that was certain at the moment, Yu Nan was probably entering another dungeon.

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