The atmosphere in the bus was subtle and depressing. The veteran players were silent, while the new players didn't know the current situation. No one explained the current situation. They appeared inexplicably in such a scary and weird bus, as if it was an abandoned bus. In the car, I couldn't help but start to become suspicious.

Fear crept into my heart and became more and more intense.

From what they initially thought was a farce, they began to think of murder by gangsters, or kidnapping and trafficking.

After many years of education, I have never thought about the existence that cannot be explained by science.

Without exception, both of these are things that people in peacetime cannot accept.

"Sister, I want to go home. Can you let me go home? My mother is sick and I have to go back to take care of her. I haven't finished my homework yet."

A boy in a blue and white school uniform who looked to be in his teens said timidly. His eyes were red, and when he saw Su Yun's gaze, he shrank back and leaned against the car.

"I'm asking you a question!" The man looked sulky, "You lock people in a car without their consent. You are kidnapping! I don't care what company you are, just drive the car back quickly, otherwise you, the crew, will be waiting to eat Let’s file a lawsuit!”

The door of the bus was not big, so it was obviously not possible for two people to walk side by side. The man blocked the door and had no intention of getting out of the way.

Su Yundao: "Get out of the way, there is no crew here."

The man had no intention of letting Su Yun get in the car. He looked Su Yun up and down and noticed the lace hanging around Su Yun's neck that seemed to be a work permit. He then reached out to get it.

Su Yun turned sideways and looked at the man calmly, but his eyes were a little cold. The man was a little less arrogant at the sight, but he still refused, "Take out your work permit, I will report your crew now." ! Don’t even think about broadcasting this show of yours, just wait for the lawsuit!”

He had a mobile phone in his hand and spoke righteously, but he had no intention of making a phone call.

He even seemed very proud, like a good man who was knowledgeable and outspoken.

Su Yun raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Then you can report it."

This is a rubbish game that has a bug itself, but the players are blamed for it.

The man choked and unconsciously held the phone in his hand a little tighter.

"She looks like a worker from some factory."

A boy wearing a blue and white school uniform spoke. He pushed up his short-sighted glasses on the bridge of his nose and stared at the man quietly.

The boy seemed to be a polite and good-natured student. He was probably around ten years old. He seemed to be in the same school as the timid boy.

He acted very calmly and pointed out calmly, "There are no cameras on the bus. If it is a prank show, the effect has already been achieved, and they will not let this scene go in vain."

"Also," he pushed up his glasses, turned on the screen of his mobile phone, and faced the man, "the time on the mobile phone has not changed. I can only see the lock screen interface. It cannot be unlocked or make emergency calls. This is not something humans can do. Arrived."

Summary: "This is not a prank show, nor is it a kidnapping or trafficking case involving robbers or the like."

The boy looked at Su Yun. The fog behind Su Yun was getting thicker, and some parts seemed to be weirdly distorted.

There seemed to be something in the fog, something dangerous.

The boy looked at the man and said, "Uncle, isn't it wrong for you to make a direct conclusion like this and embarrass a girl?"

Following the boy's words, many people in the bus looked at the man.

A woman in her twenties who was sitting on a double seat got up from her seat. She walked up to the man and carefully pulled his arm, "Husband, forget it, she looks like she doesn't know anything. "

The man's cheeks were hot when he was told that, and he was stared at by so many people. He was a little worried about his face. He waved the woman away vigorously, "Go away, you have long hair and short knowledge. You know nothing. People like them are afraid Taking responsibility is, of course, pretending to be innocent!”

The woman was so shaken that she almost couldn't stand upright. She had to be helped by the boy with glasses before she could stand still.

She also wanted to persuade a man not to embarrass a woman. As soon as she took a step forward, she saw the man glare at her. The woman shuddered and immediately sat back obediently.

The players on the bus were a little dissatisfied with the man's violent behavior, but no one said anything. The man coughed awkwardly, then made up for it himself, and then put on the look of seeing through everything, and said plausibly: "But We were all in the car together, she was the only one who got on the bus halfway, so even if she wasn’t from the crew, she would definitely know the way back!”

He sighed and spoke as someone who has experienced it: "You are just a student and don't understand the hard work of adults. We all have to go to work tomorrow and support our families. How can we waste our time here! You If we are delayed, we can still make up classes, but if we are delayed, our perfect attendance bonus and year-end bonus will be gone, our wages will be gone, our jobs may not be guaranteed, and we won’t even be able to drink the northwest wind!”

"Everyone says it's true!"

The boy frowned.

His words caused hesitation and hesitation in the other new players, and their suppressed fear gave rise to anger. Some people began to agree, pointing the finger directly at Su Yun.

Su Yun took everything in her eyes, but didn't care about the aggressive man. She looked past the man in suit blocking the car door and looked at the players in the car.

Except for the new player, everyone else was basically silent. It was the same as when she first entered the dungeon. It is not difficult to infer that the new player was not informed of the game situation.

She thought for a while and then calmly stated: "This is a terrifying game called the God-making Game that cannot be explained scientifically."

The man's expression froze and the corner of his mouth twitched, "What nonsense are you talking about? You have watched too many novels and movies, right? God-making games? Thriller games? Are there any other ghosts or gods?"

He suddenly darkened his face, "This is indeed some crappy prank show. I'm telling you, the crew, to drive back quickly! We don't have much time to spend with you here!"

Su Yun ignored the man's anger and told the other newcomers on the bus: "The bus is the means of transportation leading to the game instance. When a game is over, these two buses will come to the entrance of the instance to wait... for those who survive." Players, if you are still alive by then, you will return to the real world."

Regarding the definition of the real world, this statement may not be accurate.

The prompt from the system at the beginning taught Su Yun that he was still jealous.

The expressions of the new players changed as they grasped the key words in Su Yun's words.

"Survived? W-what do you mean?"

Su Yun looked at the source of the sound and answered patiently: "By completing the dungeon tasks, you can get game points as reward, and one game point can be exchanged for 1000 RMB. You can understand that this is a gamble with your life in exchange for a high price." A game with extra rewards.”

There should be no wage earner who can refuse the temptation of high pay, especially when there are people at home waiting to eat. This way, you can at least get some financial relief and treat the next game seriously and cautiously.

Sure enough, someone was forced out of their fear and asked, "How many points will you be given?"

The person speaking was a woman, wearing an apron that was washed out and stained with stains. There were oil stains on the sleeves. Her hair was pulled up with a pair of grippers. Her figure was a bit fat and out of shape, her skin was rough and dark yellow, and her face was very haggard. , like a housewife.

Su Yun spoke in a gentle tone, "The basic dungeon guarantees a hundred points, the advanced dungeon guarantees a thousand points, and so on. In addition to the guaranteed points, there are also side tasks that players need to trigger by themselves."

"Oh, thank you, sister."

Su Yun added: "The time in the dungeon is not connected with the time outside. In reality, time stands still for the player when he steps on the bus."

Some people seemed to believe it, with worried expressions and some unnoticeable yearning.

Yearning for money.

Some people didn't believe it. The man in front of Su Yun was looking at Su Yun with a constipated expression.

Anyone with any brain would know the content of Su Yun's words and the anomalies on the bus and cell phone.

Su Yundao: "That boy is right, I am just an ordinary worker, not a staff member of the program team as you think."

She smiled: "Now, please step aside, sir."

There was no warmth in her smile, as if if the man still didn't get out of the way, she would choose a less polite way and force him to move.

The man was a little hesitant. His arrogance just now was very strong and the limelight was just right. If he suddenly took it back, people would think that he was afraid of this woman and would lose face.

But the woman in front of him now didn't feel like a soft persimmon that he could handle easily. He doesn't really dare to confront anyone, let alone a situation that he will never admit to being wrong.

"What this young lady said is true."

A baby voice came, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time. His voice was dry, with a slight tremor, and some Sichuan accent.

Everyone looked over at the same time.

The speaker was a girl. She was wearing a red gauze dress. She was about the same height as Yu Nan. She was neither fat nor thin. She had baby fat on her cheeks and was red. She looked like she was still in high school. student.

Her body movements were completely opposite to the flamboyant red she was wearing. After speaking, the little girl leaned against the man sitting next to her, then leaned against her again, squeezing him so that her side was close to the bus compartment, as if She wanted to stuff herself into the man's arms and avoid looking at her.

Su Yun thought of a word in an instant - social fear.

The man next to her...

It looked out of place.

The man was very good-looking, with gentle eyebrows. He was wearing a long-sleeved Hanfu. His hair was very long, like splashes of ink, reaching to the seat in front of him. He was half-tied with a hair tie. The romantic beauty of the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

The man lowered his eyebrows and looked at the girl who was sitting just up to his chest and was still subconsciously planning to hide him. His eyes were gentle and helpless, but he obediently held the little girl in his arms to protect her.

As if he noticed Su Yun's gaze that was too long, when he looked up, he smiled and nodded slightly, and then returned his gaze to the girl.

This looks like a young couple in love.

Su Yun looked back.

Perhaps this person likes to wear national costumes and is free to dress, but his aura and clothes fit too well. If their seats were not too far back and the little girl was just in the way, he would have been very eye-catching. exist.

Someone asked: "What if the game fails?"

In a life-threatening game, you don’t actually need to ask. You can know the price of failure with just a little thought.

The new player looked at the two people nervously, the "only two" people on the bus who knew the game and were willing to give them answers.

The car was silent for a while.

The person closest to the driver's seat and closest to the car door is a man. The man who blocked the door before and made trouble for Su Yun was enough to attract their attention. No one paid attention to him, an ordinary passenger, let alone such a highly tense situation now. , new players are looking forward to getting a negative answer from the two of them.

The man's face was pale, his eyes were straight, his lips were trembling uncontrollably, and his body was shaking minutely.

His eyes were fixed on the driver's seat. The person sitting there was not a driver, not even a person. It looked like a doll sewn from the skin of something. The workmanship was extremely poor, and the skin looked like it was quilted. It was cut into many parts and sewn along the broken edges. There were obvious black and red marks on the stitched areas, like... a doll sewn from human skin in a horror movie.

The pale skin of the dead, coupled with the dry red hair that was obviously dehydrated, on such a slowly moving bus that was obviously abandoned but strong, made the strings in the man's mind tense to the extreme.

Moreover, the steering wheel of the bus did not turn even a bit.

Some people on the bus have obviously noticed the abnormality in the driving position, but no one wants to think in a non-scientific direction. They would rather believe that the bus is equipped with an autonomous driving function, and the body and interior have also been made with old craftsmanship, making it a "show". "Group" did this in order to scare them and attract attention.

Everything is artificial.

They think so out of self-protection, naively and firmly.

Until Su Yun and the girl revealed that this was a copy of a horror game called the God-making Game.

Fine cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and the sweat slipped into his eyes, which made the man move. He wiped it stiffly and slowly.

Under everyone's eager eyes, the girl finally said, "I'm going to die."

"If you violate the rules of the game, you will be killed by the NPCs and monsters in the game, just like those horror novels and TV shows."

The tense string in the man's mind suddenly broke. He stood up suddenly and ran towards the car door. He vigorously pushed away the man in suit who was blocking him, knocked him down, and said in a broken voice: "Fuck me, I I can’t stand it anymore, I want to get off the car, I want to go back!”

Su Yun dodged the charging man and gave him a backhand pull at the same time. However, the man's strength was too strong and he rushed too fast. He hit Su Yun and staggered. His hands were faster than his brain and he subconsciously grabbed the armrest to prevent him from falling. Go down.

After the man rushed out of the bus, he didn't mean to stop and ran straight into the mist behind the bus.

The people on the bus were a little dumbfounded by this sudden turn of events.

In the direction where the man ran away, the fog became thicker and thicker.

The veteran players were silent. There was only one way to die when entering the fog. Maybe the woman who suddenly appeared was a boss, but the new player was definitely not. He would definitely die.

New players murmured and asked: "Why is there such a heavy fog? There is this fog all the way."

But looking at the expressions of those veteran players, new players can guess a little bit.

There are monsters in the fog, the monsters that the girl said can eat people.

Su Yun got into the car. She noticed the doll in the driver's seat and sewed the doll's skin...

Su Yun's eyebrows twitched. It was difficult not to remember the bag made of human skin.

Red-haired human skin doll.

For example, the puppets in the Puppet Tourist Town and the driver in the leather and textile factory who led them into the factory are all about dungeon-related themes.

There's a little hint, but it's of little use.

Su Yun calmly looked back and found an empty seat to sit down.

The woman stepped forward and pulled the man in the suit up from the ground. The man in the suit cursed quietly, waved the woman away and walked to his seat to sit down.

The bus has not yet started, and the new player came to his senses, feeling depressed and a little collapsed due to the topic of death.

Someone said: "I don't want to play this game, can I quit this game?"

The girl's previous words seemed to have exhausted her courage for many days and she was unwilling to speak again. Su Yun said: "Okay."

The new player had hope in an instant, but before he could be happy, he heard Su Yun continue, "We need [-] million points."

New player: "..." Even more desperate.

When the bus started to move, a hand suddenly grabbed the door that was about to close.

The car door opens.

The players in the car were startled and looked wary.

The man who originally ran into the fog was seen panting and walking onto the bus, and the bus door was closed.

The man sat down in his original position. He faced the questioning and wary looks of everyone, his expression was a little awkward, "Well... the fog outside is too heavy, and I don't have a good sense of direction. If I get lost... well, I'm still human. It was so safe that I ran back.”

"What this girl is talking about is a god-making game. It's too mysterious. If it's really the crew, we all have to pay compensation! It's so unkind. I took a car home from get off work. I didn't expect to encounter this thing and waste my time. My wife will have to miss me when I get home, and she will definitely think that I am out drinking again, ugh."

(End of this chapter)

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