Regarding the cooperation between the leather textile factory and the zoo, after the staff report, as long as they are willing to go to the textile factory to verify, it will be clear that there is no intention to send staff to modify the cooperation.

Su Yun's identity cannot be exposed, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

The task of "Three Good Students" seems very simple. It requires visiting seven rare animals. The game does not clearly stipulate that the task cannot be completed in one day.

Su Yun began to wonder whether the copy would be settled directly if she stayed in the fog for a few days as the director of a leather textile factory.

Or, she will be pulled into another game by the game party.

It seems very likely that the game will not allow players to take advantage of loopholes and explore the world in the fog.

This means that there are things in the middle fog that the game side does not want players to know about.

At the moment when Su Yun was lost in thought, the little girl next to him was already fast asleep. He could hear her gentle and even breathing. She was sleeping in a regular posture, with her little one pressed against the wall, and she put her hands on her belly cautiously. at every turn.

There is a gap in the middle of the single bed.

At this time, a low, suppressed cry sounded from the next room. It was a woman's voice.

Su Yun opened her eyes. The room was not very soundproof. Not only was she crying, she could also hear the dull sound of something hitting her body. The crying was louder, and there was also a man's low curse.

The voice was somewhat familiar, reminding Su Yun of the man in a suit and the woman next to him who was obviously afraid of him.

The little girl frowned in her sleep and showed no sign of waking up.

The sound of beatings, scolding and crying did not stop. The woman seemed to want to open the door and run out. When she reached the door, she was dragged again. She was dragged from the ground at the door back to the bed. Su Yun frowned, got up and got out of bed, and controlled the move with gentle movements. Kaihan Xiaoxiao brought the square table to block people and opened the door.

As soon as he went out, he met the eyes of Ye Qing who was guarding the door with his arms folded.

Ye Qing asked: "Miss Yun, are you sleeping with Xiaoxiao?"

Su Yun nodded, and Ye Qing seemed to be relieved, smiled gently at Su Yun, and said, "Thank you for informing me."

After he finished speaking, he kicked open the door to the next door without any hesitation.

The lights in the room were on, and the scene inside was exposed to the two people's sight.

At this moment, the man was grabbing the woman's hair with one hand, and beating the woman's body with the folded belt in the other hand. His expression was ferocious and twisted, and he was still cursing in a low voice, with spittle flying everywhere.

Bad words were blocked by the system, and it was not difficult to piece it together from other words. This person was blaming him for being embarrassed today, and the woman did nothing. All of this was due to the woman.

Without the soundproofing of the door, the woman's cries could be heard clearly. She shrank and begged for mercy. Her clothes were a little messy, and her exposed skin was covered in black and blue as she dodged and struggled.

The man only hit his body that was covered by clothes, and usually no one would see anything unusual in the eyes of others.

The man looks more like a monster now than the monster in the copy.

A monster in human skin.

When the woman saw the person coming, she seemed to have seen a savior. When the man's movements stopped due to the two of them, she shrank and hid in the corner of the bed, as if she wanted to hide her embarrassing side.

The man came back to his senses, raised the belt in his hand, pulled the woman's hair, and tried to hit her again. The woman screamed and cried, covering her head with her arms. This time, before the belt could fall, Su Yun and Ye Qing He rushed into the room.

Ye Qing stopped the man's movement. He held the man's wrist with one hand and lifted it up. Because he was more than [-] meters tall, he was a head taller than the man in the suit. This action made the man's feet only have the toes touching the ground. His face turned pale with fear and he looked very funny.

Su Yun took off his coat and put it on the woman.

The woman cried, her body trembling uncontrollably, her hands clenching her factory uniform, but she still did not forget to thank Su Yun. Even if the man was stopped, he still looked at Ye Qing arrogantly, "Who are you? It's none of your business if I beat my wife! Let me go!"

Ye Qing didn't say anything, and threw the man out the door like a chicken.

The man in the suit was thrown so hard that his eyesight turned black and he screamed in pain. He couldn't get up for a long time.

This series of sounds woke up the other players. The door light next to them was turned on. Jiang Yi opened the door and walked out. Zhang Xiaofan stuck his head out at the door of the room and did not dare to come out.

The door of the first room opened later. The man who got off the car and the man who escaped from the fog opened the door. They looked at what was happening here from a distance.

Seeing this, the woman opened her mouth, and finally looked at Ye Qing and Su Yun, "Thank you, thank you." She choked with sobs, and finally covered her face and burst into tears.

This may be the first time that someone can stand up for her when she is beaten.

Su Yun frowned: "She is just your wife, not your property, and not someone you can beat if you want." The voice was cold.

When the man in the suit saw people watching, he lost his dignity and became even more unconvinced, "She is my wife. No one can care whether I hit my wife or not, and I didn't hit you! Besides, this is a family matter, none of your business!" Let me tell you, no one can take care of the family affairs!"

Jiang Yi frowned, confused, "He has treated you like this, why don't you get a divorce?"

As he said this, the woman cried louder. She looked up at Jiang Yi, tears flowing down uncontrollably in her eyes, "I have left, I can't leave."

She looked at Su Yun and said, "I can't leave you."

"He pretends to be a good husband outside, but no one believes me. He scolds me for being ungrateful and saying that I can't leave. He won't grant me a divorce during the cooling-off period. If I ask for a divorce, he will beat me. He also threatens me that if If I dare to mention divorce again, he will kill my parents. He will come to me wherever I run away. Even if I die, he will kill my parents."

She seemed to have revealed the grievances she had hidden for many years, crying until her eyes were red, but she still shrank in fear in the face of the man's fierce gaze.

The man angrily scolded the woman, but was stopped by Ye Qing. Ye Qing was so strong that the man did not dare to rush over like this. He could only insist that the woman was his wife and it was a family matter.

Jiang Yi was very angry, "Scum!"

He suggested to the woman: "You should collect evidence and call the police."

The woman couldn't stop crying. Judging from her expression, she had never thought of this.

Su Yun took out the tissue from his bag and handed it to the woman, saying warmly: "Wipe it."

The woman took the tissue and wiped it. Su Yun smiled at the man in the suit, but his eyes were cold.

"If a player dies in the dungeon, the player will also die after leaving the dungeon, and it will be disguised as an accident by the game."

Su Yun's voice was calm, the woman's crying stopped, and even the man's scolding stopped. She thought for a while and added: "If the player is left in the dungeon permanently, the game will remove the player from the dungeon." Erasing all traces of its existence in reality.”

"But the last one is what I heard and has not been verified."

When she said the last few words, her eyes were looking at the man in the suit, which could even be called gentle, as if she was discussing a very common matter, but there was no warmth in her eyes, which made the man feel a chill on his head. Goosebumps crawling all over my body.

A man like this uses the woman's parents as a threat, so the woman does not dare to gamble. Perhaps the evidence of domestic violence has been destroyed by the man.

"Nonsense!" The man was obviously panicked and couldn't believe it.

The corners of Su Yun's lips curved beautifully: "I really haven't seen it before. You can try to see if it's true or not."

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