The woman was shocked. She stopped crying completely. There seemed to be some emotion in her eyes. She looked straight at the man with a ferocious face, and finally made up her mind, her expression became determined.

The woman wiped the tears on her cheeks with the tissue in her hand, tied up her hair again, bowed deeply to Su Yun and Ye Qing, thanked them, and said it was getting late, it was time to rest, as calmly as if nothing had happened. Did not happen.

After she finished speaking, she stopped looking at the man and entered the room. As soon as she closed the door, there was a sound of tinkering with the door lock, and then the sound of locking.

The man was frightened and furious. He rushed forward and knocked on the door wildly. He kept cursing and swearing, but the woman turned a deaf ear and did not open the door. It was as quiet as if there was no one in the room at all.

The noise of the branches and leaves of the trees outside the wall became louder, as if something was running on the trees, making the trees seem to be about to break.

Nighttime is very dangerous. This is what he has learned after watching horror movies for many years. Coupled with the woman's reaction, the man feels a sense of crisis.

He began to slow down his tone, coaxing the woman to open the door softly, bowing his head to admit his mistake, and promised that he would not do it again. He even told the woman that he sincerely acknowledged his mistakes and repented. He could kneel down and admit his mistakes, as long as the woman When you open the door, you can see his determination.

Besides, this is an unfamiliar place. As a woman, how can she do without a man? Husband and wife are birds of the same forest. They should support each other and take care of each other in order to survive in this strange and dangerous place.

This farce ended with the woman turning off the lights and taking a rest. Her response was to firmly refuse to open the door for the man and let him fend for himself outside the door, simply and neatly without any hesitation.

This was obviously inspired by Su Yun's words.

If a man dies in the copy, then he will die in reality. Why would a dead person threaten the life of her family?

The man angrily kicked the door several times, as if he wanted to violently break it open, but apart from making a noise, the door did not move at all, as if it was an illusion that it had been kicked open easily before.

He finally set his sights on Su Yun.

"It's all because of you, woman!" He said viciously, clenched his fist, and rushed towards Su Yun, hitting Su Yun's face with his fist.

Su Yun raised his eyebrows and was about to retaliate when a familiar scene appeared. The man screamed in pain and knelt down on the ground. Due to inertia, he leaned forward and saw a face that was about to bite Su Yun's shoes. Yun hurriedly got out of the way.

This time, he could see clearly that what hit the man's leg was a small stone, and the direction was exactly where Ye Qing was standing.

Ye Qing was holding his hands behind his back at the moment, with one hand hanging by his side, looking at the man with undisguised disgust.

At this time, the door of the room where Su Yun was located was opened from the inside. Han Xiaoxiao stood sleepily at the door, rubbing his eyes with one hand.

She was awakened by the noise outside the door.

Ye Qing calmed down and looked at the person who came slightly nervously. The latter took a look at the current situation, immediately looked away when he met the person's face, and then waved to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing walked forward obediently. The girl skillfully took out a tissue and wiped the dust on Ye Qing's fingertips. She whispered, "It's dirty. This kind of scum is not worth your touch."

What she said to Ye Qing was not Mandarin with an accent, but Sichuan dialect. It was very relaxed and casual unlike Su Yun's stiffness.

Ye Qing pursed her lips and remained silent without answering.

Han Xiaoxiao looked around, as if searching for the trash can, but to no avail, so she folded the wiped paper towel and put it into the pocket of her skirt on the other side. She looked at Ye Qing with a serious expression: "Good boy, let's move next time." Kick your feet and they will fly away."

Ye Qing was stunned and laughed: "Okay." His voice was soft, and he looked at the girl intently, as gentle as if he could squeeze water out of his mouth.

He always speaks Mandarin, unlike Han Xiaoxiao who speaks Mandarin with an accent. It seems that they are not from the same place, but the way they get along is that they treat other people as nothing, and they only see each other and the different outfits.

Su Yun is interested in niche clothing. She knows that she also likes Han ethnic clothing, but it is rare to see someone with a natural temperament like Ye Qing's.

The words of the staff may be deceptive, but the danger at night is indeed true in the dungeons Su Yun has experienced.

Ye Qing was not afraid, nor was he worried at all.

Is it because of the pseudo-god-level skills?

Su Yun's eyes lingered on the two of them, feeling a little strange in his heart.

The man in the suit knelt on the ground and couldn't stand up for a long time. The movement outside the wall and the pain in his legs made his face turn pale. Jiang Yi and others had no intention of helping him.

Frankly speaking, what this kind of person does is shameless enough. If you think about it in another person's shoes, they might want to die with the other person. As a victim, no matter what a woman does in the dungeon, they will not be soft-hearted towards this kind of man. thereby interfering.

Suddenly there was the sound of the iron gate of their walled building being opened in the distance, and then a flashlight swayed from weak to strong, and two people wearing work clothes walked out from around the corner.

Worry about whatever comes.

Their goal was clear and they were heading towards Su Yun.

The head staff member was a stranger, and behind him was the staff member who opened the door. The man had a bitter expression, as if he had been reprimanded. Faced with Su Yun's gaze, he squeezed out a complicated and forced smile.

"I heard from Xiao Zhao that the factory specially sent you here in order to discuss cooperation." The man looked a little flattering. "Xiao Zhao is new here and is not sensible. He arranged you here. I will re-arrange a guest room for you. Don't mind. .”

He glanced briefly at the people around him, but there was no look on Su Yunshi's face to please him, and he had no intention of re-arranging accommodation for other players.

Su Yun's coat was given to the woman. At this moment, the label was revealed. The man did not shine the light of the flashlight on Su Yun abruptly. Only through the moonlight and the light from the window, he could see that it was indeed leather and textile. Factory brand style.

The man breathed a sigh of relief and looked away, his eyes lingering on the two male players watching the show behind Su Yun, wondering.

The first staff member was slapped on the head by the man, staggered to his feet, and then began to apologize. Su Yun didn't say anything, and seemed to say unintentionally that she was sleeping well at the moment and didn't need to go to such trouble.

The man's expression was subtle. He squinted at Su Yun's label and said, "What are you talking about? You are a distinguished guest from the factory. How can you live here?"

Staff members have begun to question her identity.

It would be rude to ask any more questions.

Su Yun smiled and did not ask any more questions, "Then I'll trouble you."

Although she was an NPC in the factory, she was arranged to stay here. The staff looked clearly worried that the factory's order would be lost due to this move. From this, she could conclude that this room should be as she expected, and indeed there was something wrong with it.

(End of this chapter)

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