The panda cub was not where she had left it, so Chen Yu ordered the bodyguards to search for it while she waited.

Su Yun could clearly hear footsteps ringing around her, and her heartbeat was speeding up uncontrollably. She could even feel the bodyguard passing by the trash can, but the man didn't seem to have any intention of opening the trash can, and instead looked elsewhere.

For a while, the panda cub was not found in either room. Chen Yu asked the bodyguard to stop looking and said nonchalantly: "Maybe that little thing just followed you into the elevator."

After a pause, he said, "Let the little thing stay down there for one night, and let people look for it tomorrow. If you find it, you don't have to give it to me. Just ask them to make the cub into gloves for me." There was no added emotion in his voice. Disguised bad taste.

Below, perhaps another level in the basement, was clearly not a friendly place for critters.

Chen Yu yawned, "It took away my beauty sleep tonight, so I'm going to make up for it."

The bodyguard replied respectfully: "Yes, boss."

Then, two footsteps left one after another until a subtle sound of the elevator closing and starting was heard.

According to Chen Yu, it should be safe tonight.

But tonight... I guess there is only less than an hour or two left.

After waiting for a while and making sure that no one would return, Su Yun opened the trash can and climbed out.

The noise from the trash can alerted the child who was chained and locked in a cage. He looked steadily at the source of the sound through the black cloth in front of him.

Su Yun took off the disguise of the panda cub and had 46 hours, 23 minutes and 17 seconds left in the props. He stayed in the claustrophobic and narrow trash can, and the total time spent was only more than an hour.

Su Yun calmed down and then prepared to leave.

"Bang" sound.

In the square cage covered by black cloth, there was the sound of iron chains hitting the iron cage. Su Yun hesitated for a moment, turned on the laboratory light, then stepped forward and uncovered the cage covered with black cloth.

The iron cage is locked, and the child inside is holding both ends of the iron cage with both hands. The vomit in the cage has been cleaned. The child's red hair is wet, and even the clothes on his body are no exception. The red hair fits snugly. Behind his cheek, a pale and thin face was revealed, with his eyes fixed on Su Yun.

There was finally something else in his eyes, like curiosity.

He doesn't seem to be afraid of strangers who suddenly appear, or he has no fear. He is clean and simple, like a simple child who has not been exposed to the outside world or other knowledge. Even in the current situation, he has no malice.

Su Yun was a little strange. Facing a locked cage, she couldn't open it without a key. It seemed that if she had time, she would have to learn another lock-picking skill, which was very useful in the dungeon.

Su Yun's eyes stayed on the red hair, and he couldn't help but think of someone... slightly familiar.

The player encountered in Puppet Tourist Town, Yan An.

She looked at the child's facial features carefully, and she always felt that they seemed familiar. The portrait in her mind could not help but match the child in front of her. The more they compared it, the more similar they became, except for the scarlet eyes.

Su Yun was silent for a moment, and under the curious gaze of the child, he said softly: "Do you have a father named Yan An?"

The child blinked, his eyes a little more confused, and he seemed unable to listen to what Su Yun said. Of course, he didn't speak.

One of his hands left the iron cage, and his thin arm easily stretched out of the iron cage to reach Su Yun.

At this time, a system prompt sounded in my mind——

[Congratulations to the player for activating the mission: Collection No. 6 (Advanced)]

[Task introduction: unknown]

[Quest Reward: Unknown]

[Task duration: unknown]

[Unknown, unknown...]

[Warning, warning, system error, system error! ]    【A system error has been detected and is under maintenance, please wait patiently...】

Su Yun stood up and backed away. This was the first time she saw an error in the system. Although the sounds were all mechanical, they seemed to be slightly different.

She didn't know how long it would take for the system to be overhauled. There was not enough time at the moment. Su Yun had no intention of waiting for the system to be overhauled. She glanced at the child whose eyes followed her movements and turned to leave.

Su Yun turned off the lights in the laboratory. In the darkness, there was a red and blue light spot on the wall behind the iron cage.

That is……

Su Yun took a breath and monitored.

There was a surveillance camera installed behind the wall facing the iron cage. Based on Su Yun's previous field of vision, he did not notice the surveillance camera right behind the iron cage.

It's troublesome. She must leave here immediately before anyone comes to check and find her.

As for this "Collection No. 6"...

Su Yun finally left quickly, and we would talk about Collection No. 6 later.

Hoping that no one was checking the surveillance footage, Su Yun's heart was beating like a drum. When she got out of the elevator, she carefully used props to look like a panda cub. Such a body was small enough and not as eye-catching as the human form.

Fortunately, no one was waiting at the elevator entrance, and the bodyguard who had not entered the villa was standing in front of the villa, guarding the outside of the villa. The panda cub was nervous, but still ran and hid carefully. When the bodyguard seemed to be aware of it, the panda cub The cub had already somersaulted and rolled behind the pillars of the villa, then ran sideways to the corner of the villa.

The bodyguard who checked found nothing and returned to his previous position.

As soon as Su Yun left the villa, before he could cancel his panda cub status, the branches above his head shook, and the next moment, his body rose into the air.

Something grabbed her arms and lifted her up in an instant, so fast that she had no time to react.

Su Yun's heart skipped a beat.

[System prompt: Mental value -1, current mental value is 59 (lower than the qualified value, if the mental value drops to negative, the player will die, please pay attention)]

A voice appeared at the same time as the system prompt: "Hey! Cub! Your mother calls you home for dinner!"

Su Yun: "..."

It was the person who was watching the show in the tree and was called an animal by Chen Yu.

It was indeed a human appearance, a man in his twenties wearing casual clothes. The unfamiliar face was not anyone from this group of players that Su Yun had ever seen.

He regarded Su Yun as a panda cub, without any hostility, and his voice was even full of joy, as if he was glad that the little cub had not been skinned by the hateful humans, but had successfully escaped.

This "person" held Su Yun in one hand and shuttled between the branches very quickly, speaking seriously: "Cub, how can you leave the group without authorization? Didn't your mother tell you how dangerous it is outside?"

"You will be caught by humans and skinned! You will die!"

The panda cub grunted.

[System announcement, players please pay attention, players please pay attention! 】

[Due to uncontrollable factors, the copy is being upgraded...]

【update completed】

[Copy: Rare Zoo (Advanced)]

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