[Copy: Rare Zoo (Advanced)]

[Task: Three Good Students (Advanced)]

[Task reward: 20000 points]

[Due to uncontrollable factors, the difficulty of the dungeon has escalated. The system deeply apologizes. Players who successfully complete the task and successfully pass the level will be given double reward compensation]

[This dungeon is a beginner level difficulty dungeon. If the new player completes the task, the task reward will be issued immediately]

[I wish players a happy game and a long life]

Uncontrollable factors?

A similar situation happened in Puppet Tourist Town. Su Yun was still sleeping at that time, and he thought he was dreaming.

It's still dark, and most players are taking a rest. The game doesn't care whether players can hear it after they fall asleep, and secretly upgrades the copy.

The existence of something in Puppet Tourist Town caused the difficulty to escalate before, but what about now?

And why?

Su Yun didn't think for too long. The man who was running with her in one hand slowed down his movements. A strange sound sounded, and Su Yun was placed in the park with a panda sign hanging outside.

The panda garden is now the same as the animal residences in other zoos. The door is closed and no light shines through the iron windows.

Man... no, a fluffy arm appeared in front of Su Yun's eyes. It was animal skin, different from the original human skin.

Under the moonlight, the other hand covered with long black hair held a layer of soft human skin that was clothed.

Su Yun was stunned.

Animal, human skin, this is not a monster that can turn into a human, but an animal covered in a layer of human skin. The one holding her looks like a gorilla, and its shape is not too different from that of a human.

As for where the human skin comes from, it seems that almost none of the zoo staff wear ordinary clothes. They all wear uniforms of the same shape. The answer is obvious, it should be the skin of a certain player.

The game copy will be permanently closed after all tasks are completed. They should not be the first batch of players.

It noticed the state of the cub in its hand and saw the cub's eyes staring at the human skin in its hand. It suddenly understood and disapproved: "You are just a cub. Even if you have fallen in love with a human skin, you still don't care." You can’t leave your tribe, you know? It’s dangerous out there! Humans will peel off your skin!”

After it carefully educated the panda cub, it yelled loudly into the panda's residence: "Your cub ran out. Whose cub is it? It was almost skinned by the hateful humans!"

Animals don’t seem to think there’s anything wrong with a panda cub taking a liking to human skin. In other words, they seem to think there’s nothing wrong with peeling off human skins and wearing them on themselves, just like humans peel off their skins and make them into clothes. Those on the body.

Weird nature.

Animals, skinning, and...all the staff in the zoo are looking for her, and the surveillance is likely to be seen by Chen Yu. It is only a matter of time before she is surrounded by all the staff in the rare zoo after being exposed.

Su Yun suddenly had a bold idea.

In this room, the animal was responded to by a restless chirp of a panda in the room. In Su Yun's ears, it seemed to be a large group of people talking. They were surprised that the cub was missing. After searching and checking, they finally determined that nothing was missing. A cub. Su Yun heard it right.

The animal that caught her had doubts about her identity. Its eyes were suddenly bloodshot. It raised the cub in its hand to its eyes, baring a sharp fang, a wide mouth and a look full of malice. His eyes seemed to see through Su Yun's disguise.

Su Yun's heart beat faster involuntarily, but she didn't move. She still remembered the introduction of the Leather Textile Technology Commendation prop. As long as she had any movement reaction that was inconsistent with that of a panda cub, the disguise would immediately become invalid, and the animals would be shocked because she had done so. She was a worker in a leather and textile factory and developed a hatred for her, thus launching an attack.

The panda cub didn't feel scared in its hands. Even though its fangs were almost close to the cub's cheek, its eyes were still ignorant and pure, like a cub that strayed into a rare zoo and didn't know what fear was. .


It was suspicious, sniffing and sniffing the scent of the cub, and finally calmed down its fierce expression, with the words "wild, no problem" clearly on its face.

The animal held the panda cub in one hand and walked towards the iron window. Then he lifted the panda cub with both hands and stuffed it into the window.

Although the cub has fluffy hair, the round body under the fur is solid meat. The narrow window frame cannot fit the panda cub in. Instead, it makes the cub groan in discomfort and struggle with resistance.

The animal stopped stuffing the cub and held the cub in one hand. It turned to push the door handle, as if it wanted to open the door, but there was no key, and the iron door was tightly closed. After it kicked, Under the action, he didn't move at all.

It irritably pulled the hair on the top of its head and muttered, "Although you are a precious cub, I don't want to take care of it." It was full of resistance.

He looked again at the direction he was looking at, and at the still ignorant cub. As if he was afraid that the cub would be hurt again, the animal finally gave in. One hand slipped around the back of the cub's Destiny's neck, and the other hand climbed up the tree outside the panda park. , quickly climbed up the tree using hands and feet.

The animal didn't speak anymore. It found a relatively comfortable position in the canopy, hugged the panda cub tightly with both hands, and patted the panda cub's back like a child, trying to coax it to sleep.

Su Yun struggled in the animal's arms that smelled a little fishy, ​​trying to get out of the arms and climb down the tree. She taught the animal to hold it tightly with both hands to prevent her from falling off the tree.

The animal is not sleeping. If it continues to move, any slight movement away from the cub will arouse the animal's suspicion and risk exposure. However, as the duration of the prop is gradually reduced, and the total duration of the copy is still more than six days, I always think sigh.

It seems that I need to find a suitable time to implement my bold plan just now.

And currently——

The panda cub surrendered and closed her eyes under the animal's coaxing action. Her breathing gradually became gentle and even, as if she had been coaxed to sleep. When the animal saw this, she let out a long sigh of relief.

Its gaze looked toward the place where the players were resting in the distance, with longing.

In room B6, Jiang Yi just took off his glasses and lay down. Zhang Xiaofan next to him opened his eyes. His eyes were clear, and he was obviously not sleeping. Under Jiang Yi's doubtful gaze, fear crept into Zhang Xiaofan's eyes.

He was shaking carefully, and without asking where Jiang Yi had gone, he said, "Is what that big sister said true? Is this really a horror game..."

Jiang Yi remained silent and did not refute.

Zhang Xiaofan's expression froze for a moment, and then he shrank his neck timidly, trembling his lips and asked: "Will...will you die?"

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