Jiang Yi was led by Chen Yu and bodyguards to the first negative floor, passed through the exhibition hall at the front of the negative first floor, and came to the laboratory compartment.

Chen Yu led the person to the cage covered with black cloth. Collection No. 6 inside heard the sound and pulled the forearm-thick iron chain outside the cage, making a unique sound when iron objects collide.

With the black cloth, iron cage, and forearm-sized iron chains, Jiang Yi originally thought there would be some ferocious beast in the cage, but he didn't expect that when he uncovered the black cloth, there was only a thin red-haired child with strange red eyes. , but his expression is innocent and simple, and he seems to be ignorant of the world at first glance. His thin and pale fingers are holding both ends of the iron cage, looking up at him, his eyes full of innocent curiosity.

Chen Yu told him that this was the raw material he wanted to make a perfect leather bag for, the so-called Collection No. 6.

Jiang Yi's expression changed. No matter how you look at it, this is still a child, a thin and small child.

Skinning people is not unusual in this game that even eats people, but this requires him to skin them with his own hands.

Chen Yu saw that the person was not moving, so he impatiently asked Jiang Yi if he could do it. Although this person made a deal with Su Yun pretending to be himself, he was indeed a master-level craftsman. Collection No. 6 was handed over. It was perfect to make it for him, but if this person didn't know what to do, she had no interest in keeping him.

Jiang Yi glanced at the red-haired child, pushed up his glasses to cover up the emotions in his eyes, and agreed. Chen Yu now had a good look on his face, and then motioned to the bodyguard.

The bodyguard opened the iron cage, took off the iron chain, and held the child in his hand with the iron chain. The child struggled and kicked uncomfortably, making unintelligible noises from his mouth, but faced with the strength of an adult, he could not stand it at all. To no avail.

Jiang Yi looked away.

That was a child after all.

The second floor below is a replica of a production workshop dedicated to making leather goods. The smell of blood inside is extremely strong mixed with the smell of animal offal. There are half-skinned animals on the table in the middle.

Chen Yu pinched his nose and stepped forward, frowning as he watched the skinning progress of the two men in white coats. With just one glance, his brows furrowed tightly and he stepped back a few steps in disgust.

She accused the two of them of being freeloaders after practicing for so long, and scolded them so much that they dared not say a word. In the end, Chen Yu pointed these two people out to Jiang Yi to help him.

As soon as he entered the negative second floor, the child stopped struggling. His eyes were attracted by everything around him, which seemed to be something he had never seen before. There was no fear in those red eyes, which were clean and clear from inside the room. After retracting his gaze, his gaze fell on Jiang Yi, looking at him unblinkingly, completely unaware that death was coming.

At the same time, Su Yun did not go to the villa. She maintained the form of a panda cub and told the animals on the tree that she was going to the villa to do bad things, just to make the director of the zoo unhappy, and at the same time, she could get the The key that opens the doors of all zoo areas, so that animals will no longer be trapped in the panic of being trafficked and killed at any time.

In order to keep safety risks to a minimum, she hopes that the animals can have a way to make some noise with other animals in the zoo area and attract the attention of staff, preferably just like in the morning.

The animals are in a bit of trouble. Although some staff are still under orders to look for people, the staff guarding the various areas of the zoo have not left. It is very troublesome to cause unrest. He may also be arrested on the spot. If he is caught, he will die.

He had never seen this wild panda cub. He didn't look very big, but he was quite courageous. He could do more trouble than him, and his key brain seemed to work pretty well.

After all, he picked up the panda cub. He was willing to take the risk to find the panda cub in trouble and at the same time help the cub. After agreeing, he began to doubt again that such a big panda cub would not be as reckless as the night before. He was caught without getting the results and almost lost his life, so he was extremely worried. Kindly teach the routines commonly used in the zoo.

Pretend to be omnipotent to fulfill the wishes of greedy humans. As long as humans make a wish, then the transaction is established, the game party witnesses, and the transaction takes effect, the skin will be yours.

There is a saying that goes, there is no free lunch in the world, but although those greedy humans understand it, they are unwilling to believe it. They believe in pie-in-the-sky things.

As long as there is greed, this method will be used accurately. It will be much easier for panda cubs to use the method given by the animal predecessors.

Of course, there are other more straightforward methods, but with a body like the cub that anyone can handle, the difficulty of this method does not apply to the cub.

The panda cub understood instantly, nodded obediently, and trotted away on all fours after it was done. The little panda cub was alert and knew how to avoid the occasional staff member. The animal was inexplicably relieved and turned to complete the task entrusted to the cub. Task.

Su Yun did not go to the villa immediately, but instead looked for Han Xiaoxiao and Ye Qing who were leaving.

She has a very clear understanding of her current abilities. The system has locked skills and weapons that she has not yet used. In addition, there are no handy things around that can be used to counterattack and protect herself. Jiang Yi's details aside, she can easily pick them up. There is a correspondingly demanding task of making a leather bag, so he will definitely not be a new player.

In addition, when facing the guns of several bodyguards with bare hands, if she simply ran over, she would receive the lunch directly.

Therefore, she needs helpful helpers who can cooperate with her interests.

Only when the interests are enough to make the other party excited, the partner will be relatively safe.

As for the current situation, Chen Yu is obsessed with making the perfect leather bag. Even if she does not watch the production process, she will still wait in the villa. Chen Yu is usually accompanied by at least one or two bodyguards. As long as he is lured away, it will alleviate the problem. The difficulty with which she accomplished the task.

At present, apart from the helpers, it depends on who is faster, she or Jiang Yi. Before Collection No. 6 can be made into a leather bag and handed over to Chen Yu, the best situation is that Collection No. 6 is still alive.

Very tight schedule.

After Su Yun made sure that the animals were no longer paying attention to him and that there were no other staff around, he turned off the props. A slender and beautiful figure appeared behind the tree and moved forward cautiously and quickly.

Han Xiaoxiao and the others should not have gone far enough to provide food. The most common way is to go to the employee accommodation area for easy questioning, and there may be an employee canteen.

While Su Yun was searching, he recalled the chat between Han Xiaoxiao and Ye Qing just now. The little girl seemed to need points to buy things in the mall, and with Ye Qing's good looks that made Chen Yu fall in love at first sight, maybe he could simply put the people in the villa together. Chen Yu leads away, as well as Ye Qing's seemingly extraordinary ability.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Han Xiaoxiao and Ye Qing walking towards the staff dormitory.

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