The staff in the rare zoo are still in the stage of looking for Su Yun, and most of them are in the zoo area, so there is no one in the staff's accommodation area.

Su Yun spoke up in time when Ye Qing looked at her coldly, calling Han Xiaoxiao.

Han Xiao smiled when she saw the stranger. Her original relaxed and comfortable expression disappeared instantly. She subconsciously approached Ye Qing and looked at Su Yun. Their eyes only met for a moment and then quickly moved away. She looked at Ye Qing with doubtful eyes. Whisper quietly.

"Aqing, did you hear that? You're calling me?"

Han Xiaoxiao seriously doubted that she heard it wrong. She always felt that people like her were embarrassed when meeting people. She couldn't control her subconscious and avoided people. She seemed to be someone who was easy to bully. In a thriller game, she looked like cannon fodder with no strength. , how could someone call her as soon as she came, instead of Ye Qing next to her.

Although she had been approached by a lewd man with malicious intentions, it was a pretty young lady who stopped her. incredible.

Han Xiaoxiao's inner thoughts were written all over his face, and he didn't look like he was not easy to deal with before when he learned that "something" was following him.

Ye Qing whispered: "Yes, I heard it." He said and looked at Su Yun warily.

Han Xiaoxiao relaxed a little and looked at Su Yun, his eyes blinking, his face full of questioning.

Su Yun stepped forward with a gentle tone, stopped at a safe social distance for both of them, and then said softly and bluntly: "Miss Han, can you discuss a cooperation with me? I will pay you accordingly."

Han Xiaoxiao blinked, and Ye Qing said: "Cooperation?" Although he smiled, he looked a little cold.

He didn't believe Su Yun.

Su Yun nodded, "Yes, cooperation." Her eyes fell on Han Xiaoxiao, who seemed to be curious about the content of the cooperation.

Su Yun said calmly, "I need Miss Han's cooperation to bring out the children from the basement of Principal Chen Yu's villa."

Han Xiaoxiao digested the information and pointed at himself uncertainly, "Cooperate with me?"

She didn't ask about the child Su Yun was talking about. She was silent with a complicated expression and said, "Go to the principal's basement to rob someone?"

The little girl looked at the man next to her, then looked at Su Yun, wondering, "Are you sure?"

Su Yun smiled and nodded: "OK."

Han Xiaoxiao murmured, "I look so reliable..."

She looked at Su Yun again, "What is the reward?"

Su Yundao: "The points, and what I know about the completion of Sanhao Student's mission, if you have a clue about what the last rare animal is, you can ignore it."

Han Xiaoxiao was very honest and said continuously: "No, no, no, I only found two rare animals. If the lady knows what other animals are there and where they are, of course I want to know."

She smiled sheepishly, "So, how many points?"

Su Yundao: "How about five hundred points?"

Five hundred points, half of the points earned from Collection No. 6 mission.

However, if the mission of Collection No. 6 cannot be achieved, the consequences of failure to achieve it may cause other missions to directly end in failure.

Han Xiaoxiao did not answer immediately. Her eyes were staring straight in front of her, her expression was a little tangled, as if she was checking the system interface, but the points awarded by Su Yun did not reach a level that could make Han Xiaoxiao's heart move.

Su Yun smiled and added, "How about one thousand points?"

"But the premise is that I need you to help me successfully bring the child out of the basement." Han smiled and said, "Deal!" He agreed very simply.

Su Yun was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

[System prompt: Player Su Yun and player Han Xiaoxiao have reached a deal. Player Han Xiaoxiao needs to help player Su Yun successfully bring out the No. 6 collection from the basement of the villa, and player Su Yun will pay player Han Xiaoxiao one thousand points. As a reward for this transaction, when the transaction is completed, the system will transfer one thousand points from the player Su Yun's account to the player Han Xiaoxiao's account]

Although one thousand points is not a small amount, for the task of Collection No. 6, Su Yun will only receive a blind box reward of props in addition to one thousand points after completing the task.

Looking at the entire dungeon mission, these one thousand points are worth it.

It is best that nothing happens to Collection No. 6. The details of the mission are extremely confusing. Su Yun seems to have two options. One is to hide Collection No. 6 in a place where Chen Yu cannot find it. This is obviously impossible to complete. .

This is linked to the second, more subtle option, which is to destroy Collection No. 6 before Jiang Yi, so that Chen Yu cannot use Collection No. 6 to make bags.

Su Yun suddenly didn't want to follow the rules. Instead, she was a little curious. Is there anything special about the NPC that the game wanted to kill in such a roundabout way?

Although saving the child will make the task more difficult.

Han Xiaoxiao did not care about the specific details of the cooperation at all, but was happy that with one thousand points from the cooperation, she could buy the clothes she liked in the mall, and she was not worried about the difficulty of this cooperation at all.

Ye Qing looked at Han Xiaoxiao with a smile on his face, and watched the little girl cheering quietly towards him, like a child who got candy, focused and doting.

As for Su Yun: "..." He held his forehead.

Time waits for no one, let alone "competing on the same stage" with the players. She had to interrupt the two young lovers who could be immersed in their world at any time to tell them all about the plan.

As for Ye Qing's plan to "seduce" Chen Yu, Han Xiaoxiao didn't have any discomfort with it and just whispered: "Will it be troublesome?"

Su Yun said: "The bodyguard has a gun. If I can lure Chen Yu out, I can sneak into the basement and take the child out."

Han Xiaoxiao looked at Su Yun, hesitated to speak, and finally said: "Okay, young lady, you can call me if you need anything."

Su Yun was not polite. She was always honest with her collaborators and immediately informed the two of them that if she was exposed, she might face the difficult situation of the player Jiang Yi. She also made it clear that if there were any problems, they would not be able to reach Chen Yu until they got there. Even if you find it difficult and want to withdraw from the cooperation, feel free to ask for it.

Even though Han Xiaoxiao didn't ask, Su Yun knew everything and was sincere about this cooperation, which surprised Han Xiaoxiao.

The little girl raised three fingers and solemnly promised Su Yun: "Miss Mo Shi, you trust me so much, don't worry, I won't quit midway, and I won't do anything so immoral."

Her expression was too serious, and she even raised her hands to swear. Maybe she didn't know that her words had changed from a slightly accented baby Mandarin to an authentic Sichuan dialect.

Su Yun was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

She looks like a girl who is too straightforward and has no scheming thoughts.

She suddenly remembered last night. This man was afraid that she would feel uncomfortable with the man outside the door, so he moved a table to block the door. He said that maybe she had some bad intentions, but she was the one who fell asleep the fastest.

Looking at it this way, it seems quite arrogant.

Hmm...what's so cute about it.

Ye Qing coughed lightly to remind Han Xiaoxiao. The latter recovered from his impassioned speech. His face instantly turned red and he wanted to find a hole in the ground. As usual, he shrank next to Ye Qing and acted as a transparent person.

Along the way, I just looked at the road, with an expression on my face, as if I wished I could turn back time, and nothing happened. (End of chapter)

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