Jiang Yi was silent.

The psychological structure he had finally built was crumbling.

This child, no, this experimental subject is just a copy product. The cash converted from tens of thousands of points can help more children in impoverished mountainous areas. That can change the lives of many children. That is realistic. As for this experimental subject , he is just a copy NPC.

Jiang Yi took a deep breath, pushed up his glasses, and got ready to dissect the experiment.

Su Yun stood up. She had already made the final delay. If the animals did not escape from the zoo area and cause chaos, then she could only put her own life as the first consideration.

After all, there is no back door to the back kitchen, and the only window is closed. When the small window is open, it can only let the red-haired child pass through, and the doorway to the back kitchen is blocking the bodyguard, with a gun on his waist. Bright and clear.

When there was no guarantee that the protective cover could block bullets, it was impossible for her to dodge bullets at such a close distance.

The red-haired child was so obedient that he didn't need anything to hold him in place. Even when Jiang Yi took out his dagger, he looked ignorant, just like before, he had no idea what it meant.

In order to prevent the child from moving due to pain during the bloodletting, the bodyguard stepped forward to help and held down the child's legs. After doing this, he looked at Su Yun, and the meaning of the inquiry was very obvious.

Su Yun's face remained calm, and he followed suit. He held the child's arm with both hands and fixed it. As for the child's gaze, Su Yun remained silent and ignored it.

Jiang Yi's hands were still trembling a little, but he did not give up his plan to kill the red-haired child. He was holding a dagger and was about to do it when Su Yun heard several footsteps running in the woods near the kitchen. The voice immediately stopped Jiang Yi's movements.

The bodyguard who was on guard against Su Yun immediately took out his pistol and pointed it at Su Yun.

Jiang Yi frowned, "What are you doing?"

Su Yun calmly retracted the hand that blocked Jiang Yi's movement and said: "After all, this is not a special scalpel. Using a dagger for dissection will waste time. I want to say..."

After a pause, he looked at the neat kitchen knives on the knife holder in the kitchen, and continued without changing his expression: "Would using the knives here save more time? After all, there is not much time left, and there are many steps to follow. "

Her words were sincere and serious, which made the bodyguard and Jiang Yi suspicious. When the bodyguard hesitated to take back the gun, he suddenly saw a fist-sized stone smashing the window glass from the outside, and the glass shards fell to the floor. A monkey face with a strange smile appeared in the broken window frame, with two eyes rolling, peering into the house.

The animals escaped.

The bodyguard's expression condensed, and he immediately pointed his gun at the monkey's face, and fired without hesitation. The monkey quickly dodged when the bodyguard raised his gun, and the bullet was empty. Several monkey faces appeared on the broken window, and they were crowded together. He smiled weirdly at the people in the room.

There was also the sound of tiger roaring in the distance.

Su Yun panicked: "No, these animals seem to be here for destruction. Quick, get out of here! Let's find a safe place!" She picked up the red-haired child and ran out the door.

Regarding Su Yun's words, the bodyguard had no doubts and got out of the way, focusing on dealing with the monkeys that kept popping up from the window throwing stones and making trouble. Jiang Yi hesitated a little. Seeing Su Yun running out, he could only follow.

There was a lot of movement in the kitchen. Chen Yu, who was in the car, heard the sound and was opening the door. He saw Su Yun running out very quickly holding the still-living No. 6 collection. Chen Yu's face changed and he said angrily: "Su Yun! Where are you going with my experiment!"

Su Yun said: "There are animals making trouble in the kitchen. They are obviously coming for this child. We can't stay here anymore. You should leave as soon as possible!" She spoke very fast, and did not stop. She even sped up. She seemed to be in a panic. He couldn't tell the direction and ran straight ahead.

A strange feeling crept into Jiang Yi's heart and he didn't rush to identify it. Su Yun ran too fast, and he could only keep up. When Su Yun ran into the woods in a panic, Jiang Yi suddenly understood.

He followed Su Yun's steps closely, and while recalling the red-clothed devil, he drew out his dagger and said, "Stop!"

Facing the red-clothed fierce ghost who suddenly appeared in front of him, Su Yun took a breath and stopped.

Jiang Yi stepped forward, pushed up his glasses, and said firmly: "You really have a problem."

Su Yun looked at Jiang Yi with a calm expression, "What should I say?"

Jiang Yi said: "In a critical situation, the zoo director's vehicle was there, but you had no intention of getting in the vehicle. Instead, you seemed to be running towards the woods in a panic. Your destination was where the animals were."

"You're not afraid of them."

She has been playing role-playing too much recently, which makes her feel that this is a role-playing game. Su Yun smiled and said, "You are right."

She didn't look panicked and said calmly: "But now, I think you should go see your classmates."

Jiang Yi's heart tightened, "What do you mean?"

Su Yundao: "He seems to have gone to the zoo. The zoo is not safe at night."

She was wary of the movements of the red ghost and Jiang Yi, and said casually: "Of course, believe it or not."

If the situation is critical, you can exchange the protective cover that you can change at present, hold on for a while, and wait for the animal to arrive, which is enough time.

With 40,000 points and Zhang Xiaofan's safety, a child only made a choice. Jiang Yi immediately chose to run to find Zhang Xiaofan on his own and ordered the red ghost to snatch the No. 6 collection from Su Yun.

The red-clothed ghost's condition looks far worse than before. It seems that the dirty blood that keeps flowing from her broken arm has an impact on her, just like when a person keeps bleeding, causing excessive bleeding, she can move, but she can't move at all. The swiftness before.

One hundred points are also points. Su Yun turned around with the red-haired child in his arms and ran towards the zoo area with all his strength. The red-clothed ghost chased behind Su Yun and smiled strangely. She was not in a hurry and captured Su Yun immediately, enjoying the presence of her prey. The fear of her when she struggled desperately before death but could not change it.

Su Yun ran very fast without looking back. Just when the red-clothed ghost was about to take action, a figure flew towards the red-clothed ghost from the treetops.

Su Yun stopped and saw the man disguised as an ape rolling around with the red ghost. The red ghost roared miserably and inserted one hand into the ape's shoulder. The ape screamed in pain and bit the red ghost's neck. , the latter's already gray and pale complexion turned even paler, making him particularly conspicuous at night.

The ape must have released his kin. The apes sprang out from the treetops one after another and besieged the red-clothed ghost. The ape in human skin pulled away and came to Su Yun's side. It looked at Su Yun carefully and made sure that Su Yun was not injured. , and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yun asked about the progress of the ape's release of other animals. The ape did not hesitate and told Su Yun that he had released half of all the animals in the zoo in more than half an hour. He was worried about Su Yun's safety, so he let the released animals help her first. Originally, he had released half of the animals in the zoo. He planned to continue releasing the remaining animals, but happened to see Su Yun being chased by a red-clothed ghost, and came over without caring about completing the task.

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