The number of animals escaping was quite high, so Chen Yu had to ask the bodyguards to summon all the staff in the park to lock the animals in the zoo first.

Starting from the white-browed gibbon route, heading to the left is the park that the ape has not had time to go to. In the ape's view, even if his wild cub is covered in human skin, it is still a cub, and he is used to grabbing it again. The wound on the back of the cub's neck caused him to grimace in pain and let out a strange cry. It was inconvenient to walk on the tree, so he had no choice but to give up and walk with the cub in a human way.

Along the way, Su Yun and Yuanhou avoided the staff rushing towards the staff dormitory. When they arrived at the park where the white-browed gibbons were kept, there were no staff around.

In the white-browed gibbon park, the gate of the park opened, and there was a gibbon hanging behind Zhang Xiaofan. Its long arms were supporting Zhang Xiaofan's shoulders in a weird posture, and its face was pressed against the side of Zhang Xiaofan's face, grinning.

Zhang Xiaofan didn't look afraid. He had a weird smile on his face that was just like a gibbon. He was holding a dagger that seemed to belong to Jiang Yi and stared at Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi was holding his stomach, his face slightly pale under the moonlight, looking at Zhang Xiaofan as if in disbelief.

This scene greatly stimulated the ape's idea of ​​watching a show. It patted Su Yun on the shoulder and said, "Look, cub, I just said it would be like this. This is how humans are."

There was a feeling of pride after guessing correctly in his words.

Su Yun's eyes were dark, and he remained silent without speaking or moving.

Jiang Yi said: "Zhang Xiaofan, what's wrong with you?"

He couldn't believe that Zhang Xiaofan, who had always been too timid and weak, could deceive him, get his dagger, and then give it to him as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Xiaofan's expression no longer resembles that of a human being. He looks like the animal behind him. He obviously looks like a replica monster in disguise.

It wasn't like there were monsters disguised as humans in the dungeon. How could he believe that this could be done by a person who was bullied in school and didn't dare to say anything?

"Zhang Xiaofan, please wake up and don't be bewitched by the copy monster!"

Zhang Xiaofan's smile froze, as if Jiang Yi's words had brought him back to his senses, and he looked at Jiang Yi with a panicked look on his face, "Class...Monitor? What's wrong with you, Monitor?"

The white-browed gibbon behind him jumped away, the weird smile on his face unchanged.

Zhang Xiaofan noticed the dagger in his hand and his eyes widened, "Ah, why do I have a knife! Could it be... could it be that I did it?"

Zhang Xiaofan looked horrified and walked towards Jiang Yi tremblingly, apologizing tremblingly, "Monitor, I don't know, monitor, I didn't mean it, how could I hurt you!"

Seeing this, Jiang Yi endured the pain and forced out a comforting smile, "It's okay, it's not your problem."

Zhang Xiaofan stepped forward with a moved expression, helped Jiang Yi, who was hunched over in pain, and said, "Squad leader, you are so... stupid."

As he spoke, he pushed and kicked Jiang Yi to the ground. Under Jiang Yi's shocked eyes, he inserted the dagger in his hand into Jiang Yi's heart. Jiang Yi struggled and turned away. , the dagger was inserted into Jiang Yi's right chest.

"You didn't think I would say that, did you? I'm sorry? Monitor?"

Zhang Xiaofan's smile was crazy and twisted. Jiang Yi recovered from the shock and said angrily: "Zhang Xiaofan!"                                                                                                                                                                    I take care of you in school, your mother is not in good health, I use my own living expenses to support you , how could you do this!"

Jiang Yi's face was red from being extremely angry. He spoke urgently and couldn't stop coughing.

Zhang Xiaofan's face sank, "It's so noisy, shut up!"

He stabbed the dagger in his hand angrily, causing Jiang Yigang's red face to turn pale again from the pain.

Zhang Xiaofan said: "What have I done to you? Why can you have such a good life? You can have rich and powerful parents, but I have to take care of that old man who can't even afford to eat. Why should I?" In this kind of life, why am I living like a dog in school, but you are surrounded by others? You dogs look down on others. Why don't you just be reincarnated and cast better than me? Why are you stepping on my head? Come on, die, die, die!"

Jiang Yi was heartbroken. When Zhang Xiaofan pulled out the dagger and was about to stab him again, he summoned the red-clothed ghost and lifted Zhang Xiaofan away. Jiang Yi stood up and took out the blood-restoring medicine from his system backpack.

Zhang Xiaofan was afraid of the sudden appearance of the red-clothed ghost, but what scared him even more was that after Jiang Yi took something that suddenly appeared, his wound stopped bleeding and healed in the next moment.

Obviously, he couldn't beat Jiang Yi, who was half a head taller and stronger than him. He was afraid of Jiang Yi's revenge.

Some miserable red-clothed ghosts returned to Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi looked at Zhang Xiaofan coldly and murmured the impossibility, and spit out: "White-eyed wolf."

He no longer paid attention to Zhang Xiaofan who was too close to the white-browed gibbon, and was about to leave with the red-clothed ghost.

Zhang Xiaofan was anxious. He looked at Gibbon who had been watching the show and said hurriedly: "You promised me to fulfill my wish. As long as I bring the person to you, you can make his life belong to me! He wants to Let’s go, move quickly!”

When Jiang Yi heard this, he paused and finally left the Gibbon Area without saying anything.

Zhang Xiaofan was so anxious that he was going crazy. The corner of Gibbon's mouth was still wearing a strange and weird smile, staring directly at Zhang Xiaofan, his eyes scanning Zhang Xiaofan's skin, and he was approaching Zhang Xiaofan step by step.

Zhang Xiaofan got goosebumps all over his body and was forced to take small steps back, but he still forced Gibbon to calmly urge Gibbon to fulfill his wish. Someone came over just now, but Gibbon didn't take action. You can't blame him, and you can't help but fulfill his wish.

Until he was forced into a corner with no way to retreat.

Su Yun didn't look any further. The so-called wish fulfillment, the animals had long said, was just a deception. There was no such thing as pie in the sky. Even when entering the dungeon, the points that could be exchanged for a lot of cash were obtained from extremely high prices. life risk.

Su Yun and the apes quickened their pace together. Before the staff subdued the animals that escaped first, they completely released the animals in other parks. When they returned to the white-browed gibbon park, they saw "Zhang Xiaofan" leaning against the animal shelter. By the window, hands were stroking his cheeks. The other locked gibbons were holding the window with one hand, staring straight at the "person" by the window, and chattering.

This is not Zhang Xiaofan, but the disguise of the gibbon that is eyeing Zhang Xiaofan.

Seeing the arrival of Su Yun and the ape, "Zhang Xiaofan" seemed very happy. He walked towards Su Yun. With the ape there, Su Yun was cautious and did not move. "Zhang Xiaofan" touched Su Yun's face and praised the cub's behavior from the bottom of his heart. He is smart and brave, the skin he chooses is beautiful, and he can get all the hidden keys.

It seems that not only the giant pandas in the panda park, but also the apes have passed Qi with other animals before. (End of chapter)

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