The wedding will continue. Chen Jue's body was moved to the kitchen by Su Yuanlong and Zhang Lijuan, while the dead townspeople will be sent back to their respective homes by the living townspeople and the master's family who have finished their work. Su's father and mother Su Also helping.

For a time, the only people left in Su Yuanlong's house were the people brought by the woman and Su Yun. The bloody smell outside the house lingered for a long time. As a last resort, Su Yun came to the main hall.

You need to pass through the main hall before you can go upstairs and return to the guest room. You can take a temporary rest before the main family members finish their work.

The lobby has been properly decorated, and paper items are placed all over the lobby. The air is filled with the unique smell of paper items, mixed with the smell of fireworks after burning paper money. There is a double coffin placed in the middle of the lobby, with paper figures. They stood neatly next to the coffin. Although some of them were actually made by themselves, in this environment, the smiles of the paper figures looked a little weird and permeable.

Han Xiaoxiao seemed to be less restrained than before after opening up her chatterbox. She talked about the period after Su Yun left: the host hired a makeup artist, and after they decorated the lobby, they stayed in the room. In addition to doing my own makeup, I also have to help the makeup artist put on the bride's makeup and put on a clean wedding dress. Changing clothes is done by the bride's mother. They are waiting on the third floor and will not let her go until the wedding is underway. Go downstairs.

While waiting for the wedding, several bridesmaids went to the bathroom together, leaving her alone in the room. This caused her friend to greet her "friendly", but this person has always been big-hearted, and there may be some Ye Qing was present and nothing happened.

The group of people went upstairs. After all, there was the groom's body lying in a room not far from the main hall. Several bridesmaids almost ran upstairs, including the bride's mother.

Only Su Yun, Ye Qinghan and Xiaoxiao walked upstairs.

When they were going upstairs, the lights in the lobby flickered, and the sound of the lock turning was heard from the door of the room where the groom's body was parked. Then, there was a heart-breaking squeaking sound as the door was slowly opened.

Su Yun, who was walking at the end, paused and his heart beat faster.

Once the player triggers the death condition brought by the NPC, if he is lucky enough to avoid being attacked, will the death condition be triggered again later, so that the NPC can attack the player? Or, as long as the situation permits, NPCs will attack players.

The three of them went upstairs. When Han Xiaoxiao left, Su Yun added Han Xiaoxiao's usual contact information. He returned to the room and closed the door. He sat on the small stool beside the table to rest, paying attention to the movement at the door.

Almost at the same time that Han Xiaoxiao and Ye Qing went upstairs, thick, red-black blood began to slowly seep from the crack in the door in front of Su Yun. The smell of blood was mixed with a smell that was like the smell of rotten meat. stench.

Su Yun frowned and raised his hand to cover his nose.

A piece of green-grey human skin was pressed against the crack in the door, and a gray-white eyeball with bleeding eyes rolled around, finally locking on Su Yun, and a weird laughter came out from the crack in the door, "Cousin, have you seen me? ?”

Even though he was well prepared, when Su Yun faced something that he couldn't accept, his heartbeat could not help but speed up for a moment, and then he began to calm down.

This appears to be the latter.

Su Yun thought about it, took out the mobile phone in his bag, and calmly dialed Han Xiaoxiao's mobile phone number that he had left before. While adding the contact information, he specifically asked Han Xiaoxiao to unmute his mobile phone so that he could contact Han Xiaoxiao if there was anything in the copy. Xiaoxiao didn't have any objections. The connection prompt sounded on the phone, and a faint cheerful ringing came from the corridor on the third floor.

The phone was connected, and Han Xiaoxiao's voice came from the phone. Su Yun stared at the crack in the door lightly. Su Jinbao was smiling strangely at her. He pressed his cheek to the ground and struggled to squeeze in through the crack in the door. Qing Hui The facial flesh squeezed in through the crack in the door. It was completely beyond the thickness and softness that human facial flesh can achieve, as if it had been detached from the facial bones.

Su Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "Please let the bridegroom's mother-in-law come to meet him, yes, at the door of my room."

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the thick blood that slowly seeped to Su Yun's feet also stopped flowing in an instant. Su Yun breathed out softly and smiled gently at Qinghui's soft flesh who squeezed into the crack of the door, "Cousin, it's time for you to rest in peace."

Su Jinbao's eyes were filled with hatred, and he began to bang on the door vigorously, while his blood continued to flow.

Su Yun stood up and moved away in disgust to prevent the blood from getting on his shoes. Within two minutes, the woman's mother's voice sounded faintly on the third floor, and Su Jinbao happened to open the door at this time.

Su Yun took out the Tang Dao from the backpack interface. Although the Tang Dao was not cleaned, when he took it out from the system backpack, there was no trace of blood on the blade, and the blade glowed coldly under the light.

Su Yun spoke in a gentle tone: "Cousin, tonight is your special day, I advise you to rest in peace."

Su Jinbao's eyes were bleeding. His makeup was washed away by the bleeding water from the wound on his head, revealing his face that was already somewhat rotten and deteriorated under the makeup. He refused to give up and pounced on Su Yun with a ferocious expression.

Su Yun frowned and ducked away.

Downstairs, Han Xiaoxiao was taking the women's members downstairs, including the bride's mother.

Su Yun looked at Su Jinbao, who had sped up his movements and was obviously panicked after hearing the sound. He didn't know what the bride's mother and Su Jinbao's parents would think if they saw Su Jinbao who was so lively and seemed to have no problem with his consciousness.

After all, the close relatives of these two people cried a lot after the death of their children. They seemed to have no idea that the bride and groom would "survive" in this way, but for their close relatives, they might react like Han Xiaoxiao's obviously very happy reaction before .

The footsteps were getting closer, and Su Yun could hear Han Xiaoxiao saying that the door to his room was open. Su Jinbao looked at Su Yun with resentful eyes, cursed secretly, and told Su Yun that he would come back, saying He immediately left from the window, and the blood on the ground disappeared.

When Han Xiaoxiao and others arrived, Su Yun was putting away the knife and looking down from the window. After Su Jinbao landed, he ran towards the lobby with a strange posture, probably going back to hold up his body and pretending that nothing happened.

When Han Xiaoxiao stepped forward to check, there was no one in the backyard. She blinked in confusion, "Hey, where is the groom?"

Su Yun looked away and said sincerely: "Rest in peace."

Rest in peace in every sense of the word. Since this underworld wedding is held in this way, it is estimated that the body will not be burned again, but the body will be purchased and buried directly in the coffin. After the wedding tonight, the game will treat these two people. People have limitations, and he has no chance to do anything to himself again.

You can't escape from the coffin after being buried, right?

Don't tell seems possible.

Regardless of this, Su Yun felt that she was sometimes too kind-hearted. When buying paper-making supplies, she considerately bought a three-story bungalow for Su Jinbao to live in, thus granting his wish.

(End of this chapter)

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