Han Xiaoxiao called the bride's mother, but found nothing unusual. In the end, Su Yun made a mistake.

After a while, the host's family came back. Unexpectedly, even after such a thing happened, there were still people willing to come to the wedding. The injured person simply went back to bandage his wounds and even invited a chef. , as soon as he arrived at Su Yuanlong's house, he rushed straight to the kitchen.

The wedding ceremony seemed to be not much different from an ordinary one, except for the room full of paper supplies and a slightly depressing and weird atmosphere. Under the singing of the town emcee, the bride and groom supported their bodies with things and were supported by others to worship the heaven and the earth. .

There were relatives present, and there was nothing unusual about the bride and groom. After the ceremony was held in a dull and depressing atmosphere, the two newlyweds were carried into the double coffin, sealed, and then carried up the mountain for burial.

After everything was completed, when the host family returned, tables and chairs were placed in the yard. The chef and helpers placed dishes that looked exquisite and delicious and exuded strange aromas, and then the host family greeted them to sit down.

Su Yun couldn't help but think of the body that was carried into the kitchen before, and immediately grabbed Han Xiaoxiao who was about to take a seat following the female staff, and whispered to Han Xiaoxiao that there was a high probability that some food was defective, and it was best not to try it. There are also snacks purchased before in the car. If Han Xiaoxiao needs them, she can bring them over.

Han Xiaoxiao listened to the snacks, her eyes were bright, and she agreed immediately. Su Yun smiled helplessly and handed all the food in the car to Han Xiaoxiao. Han Xiaoxiao hugged the snacks, her happiness was visible to the naked eye. She was sure that these things were all After giving it to her, she ran to share the snacks with her friends. Unfortunately, their attention was all on the food on the table and they rejected Han Xiaoxiao's kindness.

Su's father and Su's mother followed Su Yunlong and sat down. Su's father and Su's mother glanced at Su Yun and quickly looked away. She didn't seem as appetizing as the others.

The dungeon NPC seems to have no solution to the player's appetite, and the game side is full of malicious fun.

If you want to change, you have to understand the game and subvert it.

Su Yun was silent for a moment and opened the silk pulling skills page. Su's father and mother's double value had not dropped. She should have thought of it long ago. Once the double value reaches passing level, it will be difficult to drop again, let alone those who have already used the skill. .

What happened before made her forget about this for a moment.

Su Yun sighed and went back to the guest room upstairs to wash up and rest. Then the system beep sounded——

[Congratulations to the player for completing the mission: Wedding (Advanced)]

[Task reward: 1000, random props dropped, will be sent to the player account when the instance is settled, please pay attention to check]

[I wish players a long life and happy gaming]

In the middle of the night, Han Xiaoxiao knocked on Su Yun's door. When Su Yun opened the door and walked straight in, she looked at Su Yun with a very complicated expression and said first, "6."

Su Yun: "?" Confused.

Han Xiao smiled and said, "Did you not tell your parents about those players who kill NPCs?"

Su Yun nodded silently.

Han Xiao smiled: "What a coincidence, your parents think so too."

"They are indeed a family. They know more than you think, and they don't want to embarrass you. I thought this way you can leave them alone."

After Han Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she stepped up and patted Su Yun's shoulder like an old man sighing. She brought the words and left the rest to Su Yun himself. Then he changed the topic and mentioned that the bride and groom had been carried up the mountain and buried. After resting, she was leaving during the day. After that, she contacted Su Yun on her mobile phone to see how Su Yun’s parents arranged it so that she could settle her mother well. After saying that, she and Ye Qing walked together. Then went upstairs.

After checking the double values, Su Yun had already guessed such a result.

But it cannot be denied that she did kill someone. Su Yun thought.

The first thing she wanted to ensure was the safety of Su’s father and mother in the dungeon.

Previously, all the tasks in Puppet Tourism Town were completed, and the dungeon was closed. The dungeon was closed, which meant that no more players would enter the dungeon. However, Su Yun did not know whether the citizens of Puppet Tourism Town were still in the town or where they had gone after the closure. But if the dungeon continues , when it is determined that the dungeon NPC will fall into death, it is difficult to guarantee that Su’s father and Su’s mother will not encounter players who will kill the NPC wantonly later.

As expected, she still urgently needed points to make a wish.

In the previous battle, she had already consumed more than 10,000 points.

Su Yun chose to solve the immediate problem first, went to Su's father's and mother's room, and knocked on the door. After a long time, Su's mother opened the door. When she saw it was Su Yun, she temporarily lost control of her expression. She couldn't help but look at Su. Seeing that there seemed to be no problem with Yun's previously injured waist and abdomen, he lowered his face and tried to close the door.

Su Yun immediately stopped Su's mother's movements and told Su's father what Su's mother could tell concisely and clearly about the game players, including those who would kill the townspeople. Being more vigilant would reduce the risk. This is a dungeon after all. Within the scope, there is a high probability that you will not be able to get out during the duration of the copy.

In order to earn points to make a wish, she needs to enter another dungeon. At the same time, it is unclear whether she can appear in the dungeon again after clearing the dungeon.

To put it bluntly, she cannot guarantee that she will always be with Su's parents and Su's mother to ensure their safety, and she may even be the main cause of the danger.

After Su Yun finished speaking, he returned to the room. Although he was feeling anxious, he felt a little more relaxed.

However, the three people of Yao and Jiang died here, and it would be a matter of time before the earl found out. No matter what Su’s father and mother Su’s wishes were, she would not be able to let them continue to stay here. The hotel would no longer be able to stay, and the earl would live in the hotel. .

It is best to move to a relatively safe place and have Han Xiaoxiao take care of you, which can minimize the risk.

Su Yun had an idea, turned on his phone, found Su Yang's phone number that he had added earlier to facilitate the settlement of wages, and dialed.

The call was quickly connected, and Su Yang's weak voice came over because he had stayed up for several long nights. Su Yun got straight to the point and asked Su Yang to find a hotel that was not too far from the town but relatively secluded and suitable for living. He lied that he wanted to live a quiet life without being disturbed. He could rent or buy the place, and the price was easy to negotiate. As long as Su Yang could introduce it, Su Yang's reward would naturally not be missing.

This feeling of wealth made Su Yang remain silent on the other end of the phone for a long time before agreeing.

Within half an hour, Su Yang sent Su Yun the address of the house that met Su Yun's requirements. Su Yun paid Su Yang as agreed, and at the same time informed Han Xiaoxiao and Su's father and mother of the good news about the place. , let a few people consider it.

Han Xiaoxiao replied quickly, saying that her mother agreed, but Su's father and mother had not yet responded, and Su Yun did not push them, waiting for them to think carefully.

Although, she actually did not give Su's father and Su's mother the option to refuse during the period when the earl still existed in the copy.

As long as Su's father and mother are safe, nothing else matters.

Early the next morning, Su Yun finished washing and stood at the door of Su's father and Su's mother's room. When Su's father and Su's mother opened the door, they were startled when they saw someone standing there. The two of them looked a little uncomfortable, but they couldn't help but look carefully. Check Su Yun carefully in case there are any injuries on this person.

Su Yun asked how they had thought about last night's problem. Su's parents hesitated to speak, and finally sighed and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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