Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 1 Sky-high compensation at the beginning

Chapter 1 Sky-high compensation at the beginning
Family members, who knows?
I am a majestic wishing god. I was playing cards with the Lord of Hell, but suddenly I was dragged down to the mortal world by resentment. I was transformed into a vase in the entertainment industry and was blacklisted by the entire Internet? !
This is somewhat outrageous, right?


As soon as Bai Qiuwu was dragged down to earth, the door to the ward was pushed open by her manager, and a bunch of photos were thrown in her face.

"Bai Qiuwu, you showed up at Wu Li's villa dressed like this in the middle of the night, why are you going to seduce him? Do you want to be shameless?"

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago that you and Wu Yue are just speculating on CP? Why are you still pestering him?!"

"You don't really think you are worthy of Wu Yue, do you?"

"Now that the hot search cannot be withdrawn, Wu Yue Company will come to hold you accountable. Just wait for the company's punishment!"

Bai Qiuwu was obviously stunned for a moment.

Memories flooded into my mind.

It turned out that the person who dragged her down to earth was a female star!
The original owner is a somewhat recognizable little flower in the entertainment industry. Because he acted in an ancient puppet with the popular star Wu Li, he tied up the CP in order to increase the popularity of the TV series.

However, the company said it was speculating on CP, but privately, Wu Yue deceived her.

He said he was greedy for her body, fascinated by her beauty, and pestered her to fall in love secretly.

The original owner was stupid and vain and believed it to be true.

I really fell in love with him secretly.

Tonight, they had made an appointment to spend the night together and have a sweet first time together.

She dressed up beautifully and went to his home.

Who would have known that his illegitimate lover just happened to sneak into a camp near his house, so he took a photo of her, and out of jealousy, he hit her on the head with a rock.

On the way to the hospital, the original owner wanted to ask Wu Yue for help, but he coldly refused and even wisely protected her, asking her to bear everything.

Otherwise, his studio would never let her go.

The original owner was furious and resentful when he was about to die, so he dragged her, the unlucky god with the same name, down from the mortal world to take revenge.

"The impact is severe and the company has the right to demand compensation for losses. The technical department has already calculated the amount."

Cui Fei looked at her with disgust and gritted his teeth: "If you can't get this money out, just wait to be prosecuted and go to jail!"

After saying that, she threw the contract in her hand towards Bai Qiuwu's face, turned around and left.

Bai Qiuwu was still confused. He picked up the contract and looked at it, and then he was thrown back by the long series of Ling Ling's tactical tactics.

One hundred million...Mom, a total of 5000 million!

Can't afford to pay, can't afford to pay at all.

Bai Qiuwu sat up in shock when he was dying. He quickly chased Cui Fei and successfully caught up with her in the corridor of the hospital.

"Sister, don't leave. Is there any room for change in this matter?" Bai Qiuwu held Cui Fei's hand with a sincere expression, "Can we discuss it again?"

Cui Fei shook her off with a look of disgust: "This matter is non-negotiable!"

As she said that, she wanted to leave. An idea came to Bai Qiuwu's mind and he said loudly: "Then what is your wish? I will make it come true for you!"

Cui Fei paused and turned to look at her speechlessly: "What tricks are you trying to do again?"

Speaking of his skills, Bai Qiuwu got excited and tried his best to sell them: "Sister Cui, do you have any wishes that you want to realize? I will realize it for you. Please help me avoid the 5000 million!"

"I really don't have the money to pay liquidated damages. Sister, just do it."

Cui Fei looked at her with an idiot look on his face, and said in a cool tone: "Make a wish to you? Does it work?"

Bai Qiuwu nodded expectantly: "Yeah!"

Cui Fei rolled his eyes with a mocking look on his face: "I think you haven't woken up. Your head was smashed and you were stunned. Who do you think you are? I made a wish to you. You must be mentally ill!" Bai Qiuwu He touched his injured forehead and was speechless for a moment.

Cui Fei left with a mocking look on his face, calling out bad luck as he walked.

Bai Qiuwu's face was full of helplessness. She made a wish to the God. When she was in heaven, countless people begged her to make a wish, but she was rejected when she came to the human world.

She was extremely depressed and was about to go back to the ward when a young nurse next to her suddenly came over with a gossipy face: "Are you Bai Qiuwu?"

Bai Qiuwu nodded. The original owner was also a new star, so it was normal for him to be a little famous.

The nurse blinked curiously: "Can I really make a wish to you?"

Bai Qiuwu nodded again.

The nurse didn't take her seriously. She just thought she was joking and said half-jokingly: "Can I make a wish to be rich?"

Bai Qiuwu nodded: "Okay, your wish will come true."

The little nurse was amused by her serious expression, but didn't take it seriously. She covered her mouth and laughed: "You are so funny. By the way, someone came to see you. It seems to be your assistant."

As she said that, she pointed in a direction. Bai Qiuwu looked over and saw a fair and handsome boy asking something at the nurse's station.

The boy was tall and sunny. He looked to be in his early twenties. He was wearing a white shirt and looked a little shy.

He was holding a thermos bucket in his hand, and when he saw Bai Qiuwu's eyes lit up, he ran over quickly.

"Miss Bai, are you okay?"

Bai Qiuwu looked through his memory and found that this person was the original owner's new assistant, Pu Xi, who seemed to have just graduated.

"It's okay." She shook her head and turned back to the ward, not wanting to deal with it.

"It's okay, I'm worried about you!"

The boy seemed not to notice her coldness and followed her step by step: "Sister, you don't know, I was shocked when I saw the news in the morning!"

Bai Qiuwu paused slightly. The original owner was injured last night and was photographed by many people. It seemed that there was quite a big fuss.

But it hadn't been long since she came down, and she didn't know what the fuss was about.

After thinking about it, she asked Pu Xi: "What's the news outside?"

Pu Xi hesitated to speak, Bai Qiuwu frowned upon seeing this: "Just say it."

"Sister, you better read it yourself." Pu Xi took out his mobile phone, opened Weibo and handed it to Bai Qiuwu.

Then Bai Qiuwu was hit in the face by overwhelming hot searches.

On Weibo's hot searches, half of the top ten posts clearly have her name on them, and each one is followed by a red-hot person.

Bai Qiuwu clicked on a random article and found that they were all scolding her, and she was also blamed for what happened last night.

It probably means that she forcibly tied up Wu Yue to speculate on CP, and also stalked and harassed Wu Yue.

It is shameless to say that she went to see Wu Yue in disheveled clothes last night with the intention of seducing him.

There are tens of thousands of retweets and 10,000+ comments. At a glance, they are all ridiculing her, and everyone is telling her to get out of the entertainment industry. The momentum is huge.

...It seems that Cui Fei was being modest when she said that she had a lot of negative impact on the company.

However, she simply cannot afford this sky-high compensation!

She couldn't just come down to earth to go to jail, could she?That would be quite explosive in the entire fairy world.

(End of this chapter)

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