Help!Boss, she started making reverse wishes again!

Chapter 2: Just 1, make a wish live!

Chapter 2 As long as one thousand, make a wish live!

Bai Qiuwu thought about it again and again, but still felt that she couldn't pay the money, so she simply decided to ignore it. She was the wishing god who controlled luck. Who could trick her?

Let’s deal with Wu Quercus first.

Then she decisively called the police when Pu Xi exclaimed, "You will be banned."

Doesn’t the lower realm say to call the police if anything happens?Bai Qiuwu didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

She was hit with such a big hole in her head by Wu Yue's fanatical fans, how could she not be blamed?

After she reported it to the police, Pu Xi looked at her with complicated eyes and said helplessly: "You will offend Wu Li and the company will be very angry."

Bai Qiuwu: "Oh."

It doesn't matter, just offend if you offend. How can a mortal change the world?
The police arrived very quickly, and Bai Qiuwu was taken away directly to take notes. Pu Xi was stopped outside, just as his cell phone rang.

Pu Xi glanced at the caller ID and found a deserted corner to pick up the call: "Brother."

"How's it going?"

The male voice opposite was calm and magnetic: "Is everything going well?"

Pu Xi looked confused: "It's not going well. She probably doesn't want to cooperate with us."

The person opposite heard this and said, "What's wrong? In her situation, no one should dare to help her, right?"

Generally speaking, when a small character like Bai Qiuwu, who has no strength or background, encounters such deliberate black material, he has no other choice but to admit defeat.

She became an outcast.

Anyone who helps her at this time is tantamount to going against Wu Yue. Bai Qiuwu is not worthy of being helped, so who would meddle in her own business?
They want to cooperate with Bai Qiuwu, and they just want to take the opportunity to dig up information to deal with the Zhi'an Entertainment Company behind her. They don't care about Bai Qiuwu's life or death at all.

Listening to his brother's question, Pu Xi was silent for a while, and then uttered two words: "Police."

Pu Yao on the other end of the phone: "?"

"Yes, she called the police." Pu Xi was helpless: "I can't even stop her."

Pu Yao: "..."

There was silence for a moment, and Pu Xi could feel his brother's speechlessness through the screen.

Mainly because according to their investigation, Bai Qiuwu was timid and afraid of getting into trouble. If something like this happened, there would be no other way out than being unjustly killed, so Pu Xi came to find her.

Who would have expected that she suddenly became frightened and actually dared to confront him head-on.

Yes, Pu Xi is an undercover agent sent by the opponent to cause trouble.

Zhi'an Entertainment is notorious in the industry for grabbing all resources and using any means necessary.

Some time ago, he acted boldly and stole several major projects from the entertainment company under Pu Yao's Starlight Group through underhanded tactics.

The money lost is not a big deal, it is mainly a matter of face.

Business wars in TV dramas involve intrigues and deceptions, and all the traps are taken care of. Business wars in reality often involve some unexpected tricks, such as pulling your power switch or grabbing your official seal.

When it was Starlight Group's turn, Pu Xi, a talented student from the journalism department who had just graduated, volunteered to join the company, saying that he would definitely be able to dig up dirty information.

If you want to follow Pu Yao's wishes, you can just suppress him directly, but Pu Xi is so active, so he decided to give his younger brother a chance to show off his talents.

This time I found Bai Qiuwu in Zhi'an Entertainment because she was weak and easy to bully, and there seemed to be problems with the contract.

If we can dig out some information, and cooperate with each other smoothly, and cooperate with each other internally and externally, it will be difficult for Zhi'an Entertainment Company to fly.

Everything was going smoothly, but Bai Qiuwu suddenly changed, as if he didn't need help at all.

Looking at this look, she is actually preparing herself? !
Pu Xi had never seen this situation before and decided to take another look.

Pu Yao was silent for a moment, and finally just said: "Pay attention to safety."

"Yeah, by the way, brother, I think Bai Qiuwu is really good-looking. How about we sign her up?"

"No." Pu Yao refused coldly: "What's the use of looking good? If it can't create value, it's worthless."

Pu Xi was left speechless by what his brother, the capitalist, said.

In fact, he felt in his heart that Bai Qiuwu was very stunning and quite worthy of his brother.Who makes his brother look so superior that ordinary people are not worthy of him?

But he didn't dare to say this directly.

It wasn't until the phone hung up that he complained angrily: "I deserve to be single since I was born. That's it. I'll never find a wife in this life."

But Bai Qiuwu seems to be just good-looking, and I haven't heard of any other uses.Pu Xi thought so, and then realized that Bai Qiuwu, who was useless, found last night's illegitimate meal in only half a day.

"Yes, that's her. I saw her face last night. You can also check the surveillance at the intersection. She and I should have been the only ones here during that time."

In the police station, Bai Qiuwu was convinced.

The person who was arrested was a teenage girl. She looked panicked at this time and was so frightened that she could not speak clearly.

She didn't know how Bai Qiuwu saw her. She clearly covered her face.

She was very passionate last night, but she regretted it after doing it, and now she is even more scared.

She attacked Bai Qiuwu on a whim, and exposed many flaws. The police quickly determined the fact of her murder.

Bai Qiuwu asked the police for a filing report, and then on his way back to the hospital, he logged onto the Weibo where the private message was exposed. He ignored the overwhelming abuse and directly posted a clarification on Weibo.

Just as the anti-fans were about to scold her for pretending to be miserable, Bai Qiuwu also posted the case report and injury assessment.

Netizens:?Ah this.

The stamped one doesn't look like a forgery, it seems like he's not pretending to be miserable but really miserable.

But it’s okay, I’ll still scold him from another angle.

So everyone began to attack her for being shameless, binding and entangled Wu Yue, otherwise she would not have been attacked, she deserved it, she had to suffer it herself.

The news spread so fast that Bai Qiuwu couldn't get back at all.

Pu Xi had been observing her from the side. When he saw this, he couldn't help but advise: "Sister Bai, you can't come back. How about you avoid it? Now even if you explain, you will be misunderstood and no one will listen."

Bai Qiuwu thought about it and thought, "Okay."

Pu Xi thought she had given up, and was just about to persuade her to look away, by the way, she might be able to help.

Then I saw Bai Qiuwu posting another Weibo message, the content of which was just a few words:

——Let me start a live broadcast to explain.

Pu Xi: "?"

Netizens: "??"

What is this operation? ? ?
It's a time like this. If you don't avoid the limelight, why don't you start a live broadcast to face the storm?Is it because there are not many people scolding you? !

Bai Qiuwu didn't realize there was anything wrong. He fiddled with his phone and opened the live broadcast room that the original owner had used before.

The barrage exploded almost as soon as it started airing.

[My mom, you really dare to start a live broadcast, it’s such a waste of money!Get out of the entertainment industry! 】

[Good-looking is really good-looking, bad is really bad. Let me see what nonsense you are going to tell. 】

[Don’t you want to explain?Tell me, why are you pestering my idol? 】

Bai Qiuwu glanced at her and said seriously: "I didn't seduce Wu Yue, he said he wanted to fall in love with me."

Pu Xi on the side heard this and quickly wanted to stop her, but it was too late. The barrage exploded the next moment.

【?You're crazy, can you look at yourself and see if my idol can fall in love with you? 】

Bai Qiuwu was not angry when he saw this, but nodded seriously: "It is indeed him who is chasing me."

Pu Xi: "..."

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Pu Xi grabbed Bai Qiuwu's hand and said sincerely, "Sister, let's change the topic."

Bai Qiuwu looked at the crazy barrage and nodded calmly: "Okay, let's talk about something else."

Pu Xi just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Bai Qiuwu say extremely seriously: "Do you have any wishes you want to fulfill?"

Pu Xi: "?"

Netizens: "?"

Bai Qiuwu thought for a while and added: "Now is the promotion period. As long as you give me a reward of one thousand, you can make a wish to me! As long as you are sincere, it can come true."

Everyone: "..."

Is this woman finally going crazy?

(End of this chapter)

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